Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Agenda Item - 6


                                               CITY OF BURBANK
                                   PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT



DATE: November 7, 2006
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager

Bonnie Teaford, Public Works Director

by:  Bob Van Hazelen, Assistant Public Works Director - Fleet & Building





Staff is requesting Council approval for Change Order Number 2 for Bid Schedule No. 1197, Public Works Underground Tank Retrofit Project.




On February 7, 2006, Council approved contract documents and awarded the construction contract to West Star Environmental, Inc. for Bid Schedule No. 1197, Public Works Underground Tank Retrofit Project for $739,446. Staff�s report to Council included a recommendation to award the contract not only for the base bid amount, but also for additional work item options totaling $169,532.00. Council approved awarding the base bid and the work item options; however, the work item options were omitted from the resulting Resolution No. 27,165, which stated only the base bid amount of $739,446.00 (not the base bid plus options total of $908,978.00). On August 29, 2006, Council approved Change Order No. 1, adding $144,755.62 and 41 work days to the contract for previously identified potential additional work items and for additional items discovered that required correction. Change Order No. 1 increased the contract amount to $884,201.62.  




As the project has progressed on the remaining fuel tank sites, deficiencies in the existing underground piping and other fuel related systems has been identified.  To correct these deficiencies, it is necessary to add further work items (Table 1) to the contract. Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $134,007.88 will increase the total contract price to $1,018,209.50. In addition, the change order will extend the date of completion to January 19, 2007, as an additional 65 work days will be required to complete the necessary items.


Table 1

Additional Work Items




Install positive shut down / fail safe circuits at Fire Stations #12, 13, 14,15, the Golf Maintenance Yard, and the Recycle Center


Saw cut, demo, excavate and install new electrical conduit to the monitor from the tanks at Fire Station #12 and site B at PW Yard


Purchase & install fiberglass top hats and sump reducers at PW Yard


Install overspill alarm system at BWP, pesticide tank, & waste oil tanks at PW Yard.  Replace spill bucket rings and install overspill buckets and drop tubes on oil tanks at PW Yard


Troubleshoot electrical problem at Fire Station #15, install in-line leak detector at Golf Yard.  Repair, drain sump and reset alarm system due to the overfilling of gasoline at Fire Station #13


Replace underground air lines to the hydraulic pumps at PW Yard


Re-pipe all fuel, oil and waste herbicide tank vent pipes with new double wall vent piping at PW Yard.


Time and material to troubleshoot leaks on the pesticide tank at the PW Yard.  Install new leak detector at Fire Station #12, and perform annular testing to both waste oil tanks at PW Yard.


Stand by time for contractor while waiting for fuel tanks to be topped off at PW Yard.


Remove underground waste oil tank at Recycle Center, backfill and replace concrete, and contingency for clean-up of contaminated soil


Credit for over-payment for work to remove piping out to diesel island.









The original contract amount is $739,446.00. Change Order No. 1 increased the contract amount to $884,201.62. This change order request will increase the contract amount to $1,018,209.50. This amount includes a $30,000 contingency for remedial action and clean up of contaminated soil associated with the removal of the Recycle Center oil tank if contaminated soil is found.  Sufficient funds are available in the appropriated budget for Change Order No. 2 in account numbers 534.PW33A.15032.0000.16572 and 532.PW34A.15032.0000.14916 (Underground Tank Retrofit Project).




Staff recommends that the Council adopt the proposed resolution approving Change Order No. 2 for Bid Schedule No. 1197, Underground Tank Retrofit Project.


Attachment: Change and Extra Work Order No. 2




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