Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, November 7, 2006Agenda Item - 10 |
Water Quality
Financial and Operations Update
Fiscal Year 2006-07 Water Fund Financial Reserve balances as of September 30, 2006 are summarized in the following table:
BOU Water Production
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
San Fernando Basin Groundwater Credits
Capital Projects
Legislative Update
Electric Reliability
There was one 4 kV feeder outage in September. This outage interrupted service to 391 customers for a total of three minutes.
Despite the power outage in September, BWP�s overall reliability continues to be strong. As of September 30, 2006, the system-wide average is 0.0986 outages per year, compared to an industry average of 1.2 outages per year. As of September 2006, the average service availability is 99.9940%, exceeding the City goal of 99.99%. The average outage length is 86.16 minutes, compared with the industry average of 80 minutes. The following table shows the system-wide reliability statistics for Fiscal Year 2006-07 through September 2006, as compared to the same time period for Fiscal Year 2005-06:
Financial and Operations Update
( ) = Unfavorable (A) Higher than planned purchased power costs correspond with higher than planned sales. (B) To date no Aid-in-Construction, Work for Others or misc. revenues have been recorded.
Fiscal Year 2006-07 Power Fund Financial Reserve balances as of September 30, 2006 are summarized in the following table:
Local Generation Operations Update
Unit Status
September 2006 Unit Data
Magnolia Operations Update
Workforce Safety Statistics:
Performance Information:
Actions Taken by Operating Agent:
Renewable Energy Procurement Update for September 2006
During the month of September, several negotiating sessions were held with a wind developer for a project located in Utah. Considerable time was spent determining a mechanism and pricing that would enable contract holders to buy the project from the developer some time in the future. Crafting language that gives buyers surety regarding the future price, and is consistent with IRS regulations has proved to be challenging. During September, the developer indicated that an order was placed for wind turbines. At our insistence, the developer has agreed to meet the requirements of the National Energy Policy Act rather then just complying with the local County�s permitting process. It is hoped that a definitive agreement can be worked out in the next several months.
Work continued on a potential solar development. The cost of energy from this source is very expensive so considerable time and effort has gone into participant efforts to understand the cost structure and explore ways of reducing it. The developer is reviewing a counter-proposal by the participants and a follow-up meeting is being scheduled for early October.
As contemplated last month, SCPPA issued a new RFP for renewable energy during August. Responses were due at the end of September and will be reported when available.
BWP engineering staff continues to work with Siemens New Energy to implement the New Energy Scheduling software that is being used for Magnolia.
The SCADA Web server is operational. The application to allow authorized personnel to view SCADA screens has been installed in many BWP PC�s and is in use. The IT Department has installed the application in additional PC�s.
Engineering developed a fiber optic service proposal for Film Leaders to connect 2607 W. Magnolia Blvd. to Warner Brothers Building 157.
Engineering developed a fiber optic service proposal for the City of Glendale to connect Disney KABC to Glendale Airway Electrical Station.
Engineering personnel released a fiber optic job to splice traffic fiber strands for the Public Works Department.
Engineering personnel released a fiber optic job for SohoNet to connect the Magnolia Co-Locate Room to FotoKem at 2801 W. Alameda Ave.
Engineering personnel released a fiber optic job for SohoNet to connect the Magnolia Co-Locate Room to Universal Studios at 3801 Barham Blvd.
Engineering personnel released a fiber optic job for Warner Brothers to connect Warner Ranch to Pinnacle #2 at 3300 W. Olive Ave.
Engineering personnel released, and BWP Field personnel completed, a fiber optic job for Costco to repair fire damaged fiber optic backbone cable. . BWP field personnel completed a fiber optic job to re-configure the entire SONET multiplexer ring.
BWP field personnel completed a fiber optic job to disconnect fiber links for Technicolor at 250 E. Olive Ave. to 2255 Ontario St.
BWP field personnel completed a fiber optic job to disconnect fiber links for Team Disney to Disney at 620 Paula in Glendale.
BWP Facility Improvements
BWP Administration Building - Phase III Interior Remodel
The project appeared in newspaper advertisements on Wednesday, August 23, 2006, and Saturday, August 26, 2006, and was officially posted at Purchasing. On Wednesday, September 13, 2006, a mandatory pre-bid job walk was conducted at the Administration Building. The project generated substantial interest with thirty-three (33) contractors in attendance. The bid opening is scheduled for Tuesday, October 3, 2006.
BWP Service Center and Warehouse Project
BWP staff has been working with the SGS Group, a consultant hired to perform the programming and space needs assessment study for a proposed new Service Center and Warehouse to be constructed on BWP�s campus. As the result of an RFP, staff completed the review of past and current projects submitted by three candidates for architectural services. A decision was reached to hire Kennard Design Group (KDG) of Los Angeles. Professional Services Agreements were drafted for both SGS Group and KDG and presented to the BWP Board for approval. PSA�s are in place and purchase orders have been issued to both consultants. SGS submitted the final program for space allocation and needs assessment. A kick-off meeting was held with SGS and Kennard Design Group�s project team. All requested documents (MPP Service and Control Building as-builds, Electric Shop Building as-builds, sub-structure drawings, topographical site survey, etc.) were provided to SGS and KDG. Arroyo Geotechnical completed the geotechnical investigation for BWP�s yard improvements and submitted their report. BWP received authorization from the City Council at its September 19, 2006 meeting to solicit design-build proposals. BWP and SGS drafted a Statement of Qualifications (SOQ), which is under review by the City Attorney�s Office and Purchasing. This will be used to select the Design/Build Team. Construction is scheduled to begin in June of 2007 with an anticipated completion of July 1, 2008.
Security Wall Construction
This project involves constructing a new 320 foot long security wall along the southerly side of the Magnolia covered parking lot, east of the Magnolia gate. The wall will be identical in height to the wall on the west side of the gate and will correct security concerns identified during the construction of MPP. Preliminary construction drawings and specifications were developed by Bibb Engineering. BWP drafted a contract with McLean & Schultz Architects to finalize the documents and provide contract administration for the project. The contract will be presented to the BWP Board at the October 5, 2006 Board meeting.
Auxiliary Warehouse
The Float Shed has been disassembled and removed. The remaining concrete support piers and foundations will be demolished by the contractor. The canvas was rolled up and stored for BTORA use. The cargo containers were relocated. New welding circuits and electrical outlets were established. Soil borings were completed for the geotechnical analysis and report. The BWP Board approved an award of contract to Gonzales Construction for the new Auxiliary Warehouse. Purchasing sent an award letter to Gonzales Construction on June 9, 2006. Gonzales submitted all required documents, including bonding and insurance, back to Purchasing on June 26, 2006. A purchase order was issued on July 14, 2006. A thirty-day design period and approval process (Butler Buildings currently has 80 projects in queue) brought us to August 14, 2006. It will take eight to ten-weeks to fabricate and ship (October 23, 2006). Erection of the building will take three to four weeks (November 23, 2006), and fire sprinklers another week (December 1, 2006). BWP personnel will install the electrical, lighting, bathrooms and kitchen. Based on this revised schedule, BTORA will remain in the former fleet building until mid-January of 2007.
Communication Shop Relocation
McLean & Schultz submitted 90% completed construction drawings for review by BWP. Documents need to be finalized and technical specifications developed to begin the competitive bid process. BWP drafted a contract with McLean & Schultz Architects to finalize the documents and provide contract administration for the project. The contract will be presented to the BWP Board at its October 5, 2006 meeting. Tenant improvement work is planned to begin in February of 2007, with completion at the end of May 2007. Communication Shop staff can then be relocated which will allow for construction of the new Service Center and Warehouse.
Electrical Distribution
Construct a new Olive-Valley #2 Line. The consultant, ORSA, has completed the design for pads and underground power conduits for the extension of the ring bus at the Valley Switching Station. Bock Company has completed the duct work inside the substation and in the direction of Ralph Foy Park. They also completed all duct work required on Victory Blvd. up to Fairview, except for the underground conduits to the new riser pole. The final design for ground grid and equipment pads was completed and issued for construction. Construction work for the control and communication conduits is in progress. Pouring the equipment pads, and related civil work, is also in progress and expected to be completed by the end of January 2007. Steel fabrication is also underway and will be galvanized before being delivered on-site in January 2007 for installation.
34,500-Volt Subtransmission System
Field crews upgraded the underground cable, and upgraded the relay protection between the Olive Switching Station and the Burbank Substation to increase the capacity of the Burbank-Olive #2 line. The remaining underground cable work including termination, cable support, cable enclosure, and protection work was started on June 2, 2006 and completed by June 9, 2006. The line was energized by June 16, 2006 along with the A-5 transformer bank at the Olive Switching Station. ABB finished the remaining small bus upgrade related to the A-4 transformer bank at the Olive Switching Station as well as all related drawing as-builds. A Notice of Completion for ABB�s contract in the amount of $3,911,988 was recorded at the L.A. County Offices on August 14, 2006, and a ten-percent retention will be released after September 14, 2006. All work related to undergrounding the 34,500-volt cable is completed until construction starts on the Replacement Burbank Station Project.
Replacement Burbank Station Project.
On June 27, 2006 the City Council approved the Request for Proposal (RFP) for Replacement Burbank Station under RFP NO. 1216. After completing all technical specifications, preliminary drawings and terms and conditions, the RFP went out on August 9, 2006. A pre-bid conference was held on August 30, 2006. The last date to submit proposals is October 10, 2006. Evaluation of the proposals will be done between October 11, 2006 and November 9, 2006. The oral presentations will be scheduled for the week of November 13, 2006, and the awarding of the contract is expected to happen on December 19, 2006.
34,500-Volt Distribution System
At the Winona Distributing Station, field crews upgraded relay and control switches for the Winona Industrial Circuit in preparation for reconfiguring the line.
Compliance with NBC Master Plan - Planned Development 96-1
BWP staff provided comments to the Community Development Department regarding the compliance with Planned Development 96-1, expanding the parking under LADWP�s 230 kV high voltage lines near NBC and the method of service for M. David Paul Development on the Catalina property. Providing electric service for this development will involve an extension of the 34,500-volt line (ducts and cable) from Willow St. along Fredrick St. to Alameda Ave., and along Alameda Ave. from Fredrick St. to Naomi St. It also involves adding a new 34,500-volt line position at Naomi Station as well as a small amount of work at Capon Switching Station. On the Catalina site, two padmount switches and four padmount transformers will be required to transform power to utilization voltage for the parking structure and both office buildings. Under the current BWP Rules and Regulations, M. David Paul will pay 100 percent of the cost of the work directly related to its service as aid-in-construction charges, and will also reimburse BWP its prorated share of system improvements in the amount of $30 million completed since July 2001. The M. David Paul service will not have a negative fiscal impact on BWP customers nor impact reliability of service to existing customers.
12,470-Volt Distribution System
The engineering and construction work to rebuild the 4 kV feeder areas A-8, A-96, and A-97 is in progress. This will ultimately convert the area to 12 kV service from the new Hollywood Way Station (HW-4 and HW-6). As a part of this effort, customer stations will be rebuilt to 12 kV. Alameda Feeders A-8, A-96 and A-97 will be physically removed from the Alameda Distributing Station after the conversion is complete. This fits in with BWP�s plan to transfer load to a new state-of-the-art substation like the Hollywood Way Station and will eliminate the 50 year old plus substations like Alameda. This work is also required as a part of the Caltrans SR-134 project. Two work orders were issued in September to reconductor 37 spans of feeder conductors in preparation of the 12 kV conversion.
Progress continues on rebuilding deteriorated pole lines and single pole replacements.
Keystone and Golden State Distributing Stations were included in the under-frequency load shedding scheme to provide better capability to automatically shed load and balance load with generation. This addition will help to stabilize and restore the system much faster in the event of the loss of a big generation source such as the tie with LADWP or MPP.
4,160-Volt Distribution System- Impacts of heat wave and follow up action plan
After the July 2006 heat wave, the Energy Control Center (ECC) initially reported 32 distribution circuits showing overloads. BWP Electrical Engineering carefully reviewed the loading of those circuits and identified 11 distribution circuits where corrective measures are required to prevent future outages. It was determined there is a need to upgrade and replace underground cable with a larger size cable, and to replace overhead conductors with a larger size that will increase capacity in neighborhoods where the circuit loads went beyond the emergency rating of the conductors. This may have possibly shortened the life of the conductors. In order to maintain reliability of service and proper voltage, these upgrades must be completed before next summer. Those circuits include Victory-13, Victory-14, Victory-1, Victory-3, Victory-7, Town-19, Town-4, Winona -11 and Flower-3.
In September, a job order was issued to reconductor 124 spans of Victory-13 and Victory-14 feeders and primary conductors. The job order to reconductor Victory-1 and Victory-7 will be issued by October 31, 2006, with the remaining to be issued in the Winter of 2007. Replacement of underground cable is in progress for Victory-13 and Victory-14 and will be completed in October 2006. Replacement of the underground cable for Town-19 is expected to be completed by November 30, 2006. The cable replacement for Winona-11 and Flower-3 is expected to be completed by December 31, 2006. Although necessary, this work will have an impact on the budget and resources. It will have a financial impact of $1.7 million ($1.1 million for labor/overhead and $600,000 for cable and other materials). It will also add approximately 10,800 man-hours of field crew work out of which 10,000 man-hours will be the overhead line construction crews. These additional man-hours have a major impact on other planned projects such as pole line rebuilds, 12 kV conversion jobs, and other customer service related work. Staff is reviewing options for the best possible solution. A shortage of resources is not a unique problem for BWP, and the neighboring utilities have the same challenge.
Although our substations are well maintained and loading has been light in the past, some substation loads exceeded the N-1 contingency rating of the substation power transformers during the heat wave. Most of our substations are 50 plus years old, with some as old as 66 years. The age of the transformers is a concern to staff specifically if we lose one of the substation power transformers. If that were to happen the remaining two would have to carry the load and would become overloaded. Loss of a station power transformer may have a more serious impact on customer reliability then losing one distribution circuit. It could have a cascading impact and cause the whole substation to go down. Staff is analyzing the loading on the substation power transformers and is considering an Assessment and Potential Risk study to prevent sudden failure of any power transformer during the peak time. Staff is in discussions with two potential firms and will make the decision after having a chance to determine how accurately the study can predict the remaining life of the transformers.
Secondary Voltage System and Electric Metering
Remote read meters installed in September:
Engineering is working with AT&T on providing services to 127 fiber optic nodes for Project Lightspeed. Engineering is also impacted by a large volume of excavation permits for this project.
Customer Transformer Stations
Since July, Engineering responded to 33 various requests for review and comments from the Community Development Dept.
New business and a strong residential real estate market have created a demand for new customer stations.
Engineering has completed the design for the padmount transformer service for a condominium building at 1601 Scott Rd. and padmount transformer temporary power for the Marriott Hotel. BWP Engineering continues working with the Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Airport and its consultant KSG on improving the reliability and back-up of its existing service for the main terminal building located at Empire Ave. The airport will pay all BWP aid-in-construction charges currently applicable under the Rules and Regulations. The permanent power design for the Marriott Hotel is almost complete.
In September, Engineering issued another 12 kV rebuild of a customer station.
BWP has worked with the City Attorney�s Office, the Public Works Dept., and the Community Development Dept. in forming Underground Utility District 1 (UUD1) to underground all overhead lines (power and communications) along Olive Ave. from the I-5 Bridge to Victory Blvd., and along Lake St. from Olive Ave. to Magnolia Blvd. BWP has been successfully working with SBC, Charter Communications, and other affected communication companies as well as the affected customers. On May 30, 2006, the City Council passed a Resolution of Intention. After a public hearing on June 20, 2006, the City Council voted and approved to establish the first Underground Utility District within the City of Burbank. BWP Engineering proceeded with the final design of the conduit system and went out to solicit bids on July 18, 2006. The pre-bid meeting was held on August 9, 2006. Nine companies attended the pre-bid meeting but only two submitted bids on the day of the bid opening, September 5, 2006. Both bids were greater than the engineer�s estimate. Most of the major contractors such as Bock Co, W.A. Rasic, Irish Construction and Doty Bros. did not submit bids. On September 15, 2006, BWP requested the City Manager reject both bids with the intention to solicit new bids. The City Manager accepted our request and rejected both bids. The submitted bids have been re-analyzed and discussed with the Public Works Dept. A few changes have been made including allowing more time for completion, working hours, and the amount of paving required. Three major contracting companies, Pouk and Steinle Inc, PAR Electrical, and Contra Costa Electric, have shown an interest.
BWP Engineering is working on two projects related to Caltrans. One project involves the Alameda, Hollywood Way and Pass Ave. bridge widening on the SR-134, and a new on-ramp at Hollywood Way. The second project involves the I-5 freeway, Empire Exchange, and San Fernando Realignment. Staff is working with consultants and Caltrans on design work that requires relocation of existing underground and overhead facilities.
BWP Engineering is working with the consulting firm of Black and Veatch to place all projects on MS Projects. This is tentatively scheduled to be completed during Fiscal Year 2006/07, and will help with the assessment of resources and improve the planning process.
In anticipation of the new work order and asset management system, BWP has assigned engineering and field personnel to work with Black and Veatch on construction standards, bills of material, compatible units, and developing tools for quicker and better cost estimates for in-house pole line rebuilds and 12 kV conversion jobs. That concept will be extended to other areas of construction such as underground, customer station installation, streetlight, and substation work.
Streetlighting System
In response to customer requests in September, field crews installed one streetlight standard and nine lights on power poles in alleys.
The first annual contract to construct a new underground streetlight conduit system and related substructure improvements City-wide (Bid Schedule 1200) was awarded to Dynaelectric. The first project will be undergrounding the streetlight system on Olive Ave. Engineering issued to the Operation complete project packages for undergrounding the streetlight system on Olive Ave. and on South San Fernando Blvd.
Engineering is working on a BWP Streetlighting Master Plan.
Engineering continues working with Public Works and the Traffic Signal Division on other street/traffic improvement projects. Construction is almost complete on the Olive/Alameda Intersection Widening Project, and is in progress on the Empire Ave. Streetscape Project and South San Fernando Streetscape Project. The San Fernando Intelligent Transportation System Project is complete.
The bulk of the new handheld radios arrived at the end of September. This was two weeks earlier than the last estimate. Staff will begin programming and engraving them. The rollout is proceeding on time.
The revised radio schedule is as follows:
Motorola installed new upgrades on the system. This is an ongoing part of the ICIS network. The radio system is working well, but battery life has become an issue. Staff is working on finding better batteries.
The airport is very close to signing the contract with Burbank to be part of our cell. This is expected to be completed before the end of the year.
Phones and Miscellaneous
All systems are working.
BWP Customer Service is installing a new Interactive Voice Response (IVR), and while it is not a part of Fund 535, Communications staff is helping with the support.
Customer Service:
Burbank Water and Power celebrated Public Power Week by hosting an Energy Expo on Saturday, October 7.
With close to 1,000 attendees, the event was a huge success. During the three-hour event, the public enjoyed exhibits, displays and activities for the kids, received compact fluorescent lights, and took tours of the Magnolia Power Plant and BWP�s solar installation.
Some specifics:
A hearty thanks go to our 47 volunteers from John Burroughs and Burbank High Schools, the Jocelyn Center, Leadership Burbank, and the Luther Burbank Middle School Spirit Squad! Special recognition and thanks go to Mark Reyna, BWP Customer Programs Assistant, who took the lead in coordinating and planning this major event.
Legislative Update:
Refer to the attached legislative reports.