Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, October 24, 2006Agenda Item - 1 |
The purpose of this report is to present the recommendations of the Charter Review Committee for City Council review. Staff is also requesting that the Council accept the Committee�s recommendation to place a proposed Charter on the April 2007 ballot as one measure for the voters� consideration and approve an Ordinance of the Council of the City of Burbank ordering a Special Election to be held in conjunction with the General Municipal Election on April 10, 2007, for the purpose of submitting a proposed new Charter to the electors.
On March 22, 2005, the Council directed staff to convene a Charter Review Committee charged with the task of completing a comprehensive review of the Burbank City Charter and making a recommendation to the Council for Charter amendments. The Council also directed staff to retain a Charter Review consultant to assist the Committee with its work and to budget sufficient funds in the upcoming fiscal years to cover the cost of the Consultant and other Committee expenses, including supplies, clerical support, and public outreach costs. Staff retained Dr. Raphael Sonenshein to assist the Committee. His previous Charter Review experience includes the cities of Los Angeles, Pasadena, Glendale, and Culver City. On August 30, 2005, the City Council appointed 15 members to the Charter Review Committee and appointed Carolyn Jackson as Chair.
The Committee held two business meetings on November 14, 2005 and December 5, 2005 to elect a Vice Chair, determine its list of topics to review, and set its calendar. From January through September 2006, the Committee held 14 regular meetings at the Fire Training Center to review research, receive informational presentations, take public testimony, discuss a wide variety of Charter-related topics, and come to agreement on preliminary recommendations for Charter changes.
All of the regular meetings were open to the public and held in accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act, including the posting of agendas 72 hours in advance of the meetings at the following locations: City Hall, City Clerk�s Office, Police/Fire Headquarters, Burbank Water and Power, three public libraries, and the Joslyn Adult Center. Each meeting included a period for oral communications. In an effort to make all the information provided to the Committee available for review by the public, staff created a Charter Review website with a direct link from the City�s main webpage. Committee agendas and all research and reports produced by staff and provided to the Committee were posted on the Charter Review website, usually 72 hours before the meetings. The website also included additional information such as links to the current City Charter, a link to the list of the Committee members, and staff e-mail and telephone contact information.
As a supplement to its regular meetings, the Committee also held three Public Hearings on May 22, 2006 at the Buena Vista Library and June 3 and 5, 2006 at the Fire Training Center. The purpose of the Hearings was to present the Committee�s preliminary recommendations to the public and receive public input. In addition to posting the Public Hearing agendas in accordance with the Brown Act and placing information about the Hearings on the Charter Review website, staff conducted the following outreach activities to encourage public participation:
The three Public Hearings were also recorded, televised, and replayed on Burbank TV6 24 times between June 6 and 18, 2006. Approximately 29 people attended and six people spoke at the May 22 hearing. Approximately six people attended and three people spoke at the June 3 hearing. Approximately six people attended and three people spoke at the June 5 hearing.
Following the Public Hearings, the Committee requested that the City Attorney�s Office draft a revised Charter that incorporated the Committee�s preliminary recommendations, reorganized the Charter into a more user-friendly format, and modernized the Charter�s language. The Committee reviewed and amended this revised Charter on August 22 and 28, 2006 and provided additional comments to staff. Dr. Sonenshein produced a draft of the Committee�s final report to the Council detailing the Committee�s recommendations. The Committee reviewed and revised the draft report on September 11 and 25, 2006.
On September 25, 2006, the Committee took a final vote and unanimously accepted the proposed Charter. The Committee also unanimously decided to submit its final report to the Council with the recommendation that the Council place the proposed Charter on the April 2007 ballot as one measure for the voters� consideration.
The Council�s consideration of the Committee�s report, scheduled for October 24, 2006, has been noticed and will be conducted as a Public Hearing so as to allow the public the maximum ability to provide input to the Council. In addition to posting the Council agenda in accordance with the Brown Act and placing information about the Council�s Public Hearing on the Charter Review website, staff conducted the following outreach activities to encourage public participation:
The Committee�s Report to City Council is included as attachment 1. The Report provides detailed information regarding the Committee�s proposed Charter, how the Committee received and reviewed research data, the process the Committee used to come to its decisions, the topics the Committee reviewed and for which it ultimately decided not to propose changes, and the reasons for each of the Committee�s decisions.
Below is a brief summary of the main provisions included in the Committee�s proposed Charter. Each of these provisions is discussed in detail in the Committee�s report.
In addition to the decisions set forth in the Report to Council and the provisions contained in the proposed Charter, the Committee also recommends that the Council place the proposed Charter on the April 2007 ballot as one measure for the voters� consideration.
Fiscal Impact
Proposed Charter Ballot Measure
The estimated cost to place the proposed Charter on the April 2007 ballot is approximately $41,000. This includes printing and Spanish translation of the proposed Charter, arguments and rebuttals, and the impartial analysis. This estimated does not include the additional cost of postage to mail out a larger sample ballot. While staff does not yet have an exact estimate of the increase in postage, the postage cost to mail a 15 page sample ballot is approximately $10,000. The inclusion of the proposed Charter will increase the sample ballot to approximately 50 pages, which may significantly increase the cost of postage. An additional $50,000 was included in the City Clerk�s FY 2006-2007 budget to cover the costs associated with placing the proposed Charter on the ballot.
Additionally, staff anticipates that the City may experience undetermined fiscal impacts resulting from the proposed Charter if adopted by the Burbank voters. There may be positive future fiscal impacts resulting from a more efficient governance structure as a result of a new Charter. In the short term, there may be additional costs related to the printing and distribution of a new Charter, which are expected to be minimal.
Charter Review Committee Process
The City Council appropriated $40,000 in FY 2005-2006 and $30,000 in FY 2006-2007 to cover the cost of the Charter Review Committee for a total of $70,000. To date, approximately $64,080 has been spent or encumbered (several payments are pending) as follows:
Staff recommends that the City Council accept the recommendation of the Charter Review Committee to place the Committee�s proposed new Charter on the April 2007 ballot as one measure for the voters� consideration.
Staff further recommends that the City Council adopt �An Ordinance of the Council of the City of Burbank ordering a Special Election to be held in conjunction with the General Municipal Election on April 10, 2007, for the purpose of submitting a proposed new Charter to the electors.�
1 � Charter Review Committee Report to City Council