Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, October 16, 2006Agenda Item - 2 |
In conjunction with the adoption of the 2005/06 budget, the City Council approved funding in the amount of $35,000 for the purpose of hiring a consultant to identify needed improvements to athletic facilities at John Burroughs High School and Burbank High School. Specifically, the consultant was asked to look at replacing the track and football fields at both high schools utilizing artificial surfaces for these heavily used facilities. The scope of work for the consultant also included an analysis of the Memorial Stadium facility and a cost comparison based on rehabilitation of the existing stadium versus costs for a new facility. As identified in the attached Discussion Paper document (see Exhibit I/Item 1), the consultant was also asked to meet with the various Stakeholders that utilize the existing facilities at Burroughs and Burbank and to determine, from these users, the amenities needed including the following: storage, locker rooms, concession, and restroom facilities.
By way of background, it should also be noted that the Memorial Field at Burroughs High School has tremendous historical significance to this community. Dedicated on May 31, 1946, the athletic field at Burroughs serves as a memorial honoring 21 students and two teachers from John Burroughs Junior High School who lost their lives in World War II. Their names are included on a bronze dedication plaque currently at the Memorial Field site. Pertinent newspaper articles and correspondence related to the history of Memorial Field are attached as Exhibit II. Obviously, any efforts to improve Memorial Field would need to preserve its historical significance.
Likewise, the Council and the School Board should be aware that efforts to address the modernization and upgrade of the Burbank Unified School District�s (BUSD) athletic fields pre-date the current discussion and consideration. Master planning of athletic facilities was initiated in 2001 by the District, but with insufficient funding to move forward and priority given to the modernization of other school facilities, these efforts did not move forward (see Exhibit III). During his term as Mayor, Council Member Jef Vander Borght asked the Council to revisit this issue, resulting in a funding appropriation of $35,000 to complete a study of the needed improvements.
Following the Council�s action to fund the analysis of the high school fields, an Oversight Committee was formed consisting of the following membership:
It was determined that the Oversight Committee would serve as the recommending body to the entire Council and School Board. With substantial input from the Steering Committee and Stakeholder groups, it was anticipated that the Oversight Committee would make recommendations to the appropriate funding authority on matters of budget, scope of work, funding sources, fundraising efforts, program priorities, construction timelines, and potential project phasing.
The Steering Committee, referenced above, is composed of the following membership:
This body was given the task to prepare and prioritize the facility needs requests identified by the Stakeholders Groups.
The Stakeholders Groups invited to participate included:
These groups were asked to provide information related to their use needs and, through interviews with the consultant, to help determine the design of the athletic facilities.
For purposes of quick reference, a chronology is attached as Exhibit I (cover sheet). It summarizes the various meetings and activities that have taken place leading up to the discussion which is anticipated at the October 16 Joint Meeting of the Council and the School Board.
The Oversight Committee met twice with the selected consultant, CMX Sports Engineers, and their sub consultants. The initial meeting allowed for a dialog to determine the scope of the study and the second, to allow the consultants to report back with their findings and recommendations. In addition to discussions specific to the improvement of the athletic facilities, the Oversight Committee also explored various funding sources including:
Additionally, there was considerable discussion by the members of the Oversight Committee related to the need to properly fund adequate maintenance efforts as well as replacement costs if there is direction and consensus to move forward with the improvements. In anticipation of these issues, BUSD has developed a plan to address the necessary maintenance of the athletic facilities at both high schools as well as to set aside appropriate funding for the future replacement of the track and field synthetic materials. Exhibit IV, related to the District�s maintenance efforts and funding of replacement cost commitment, is attached for review and discussion.
The Oversight Committee also discussed the possibility of increased community use of the high school athletic fields with the conversion of these facilities to synthetic materials. While the BUSD is committed to the continued joint use of these facilities that the community has historically enjoyed and benefited from, there is also the reality of the actual facility needs of the various high school teams and activities. Under the leadership of Dr. Greg Bowman, BUSD Superintendent, both high school principals have been asked to work with their respective staffs to identify a quantifiable number of days and times that their facilities could be available for use by other stakeholders in the community. This will likely be a topic of discussion at Monday�s Joint Meeting.
The Oversight Committee, along with many members of the Steering Committee, had the opportunity to meet with representatives of CMX and their sub consultants to receive an overview of their report including their findings, cost estimates, construction timelines and recommendations. A copy of their final report is attached as Exhibit V. For ease of reference and to better understand the scope of work recommended, as well as the related community benefits, staff has prepared a chart which highlights and summarizes the proposed improvements (see Exhibit VI).
The Planning/Program Report prepared by CMX Sports Engineers, in conjunction with sub consultants Gonzalez/Goodale Architects and Paige Design, provides conceptual plans and cost estimates to improve the tracks and fields at both John Burroughs and Burbank High Schools. As planned, these facilities would be converted to all-weather synthetic materials, allowing for year round use and no �down time� for purposes of annual re-seeding. The synthetic track surface would allow for safe school and community use even during times of inclement weather. Additionally, the report addresses the need for and cost of a new restroom facility at Burbank High School to accommodate users of these athletic facilities. The actual location of the restroom facility is still being determined with input from District staff.
The consultant�s report also provides an analysis of the existing Memorial Stadium at John Burroughs High School and addresses costs related to the rehabilitation of the existing structure ($2,371,076)[1] versus construction of a new stadium facility ($6,982,612). Given the age, deterioration, and accessibility issues associated with the existing stadium facility, the consultant strongly recommends that a new facility be constructed. This would allow for enhanced usability of the stadium structure which would be built with current standards compliant with ADA requirements. It would also provide for storage making the numerous existing on-site portable storage units unnecessary. Finally, a new stadium design would allow for improved aesthetics where the campus interfaces with the community on Verdugo Avenue.
It should be noted that a new stadium facility built to modern building codes would reduce the existing seating from about 7,000 to about 4,100 permanent seats due to exiting and ADA seat requirements. The consultants have, however, identified a location to add 500 seats on the visitor side of the field and the possibility of rental bleachers in the end zones as needed. This will be an issue that the District will need to address and weigh in on.
A few unaddressed issues and concerns were identified at the meeting with the consultants. The Planning report does not address the need for new lighting at Burroughs or Burbank. Given the scope of the work at both high schools, City and District staff are recommending additional funding for the replacement of the field lights at Memorial Field and the installation of field lights at Burbank. It is anticipated that adequate lighting of the Burbank field will increase the safe use of the track and field facilities by the school and the community and will make Burbank�s field available for community soccer use.
Following the joint meeting of the Oversight and the Steering Committee on September 28, 2006, the members of the Oversight Committee met on October 2 to discuss funding options, maintenance concerns, joint use opportunities and to formulate a recommendation for consideration by the entire Council and School Board.
The discussion of increased community use of the District�s facilities by the Oversight Committee and the need for more soccer facilities also led to consideration of improvements to the Jordan Middle School lower athletic field. The improvements considered and discussed included field lights for the lower field only, increased off street parking adjacent to the lower field near the District�s maintenance yard, and vehicular access to the off street parking from Shelton Street. These improvements are being recommended for Council and School Board consideration with great sensitivity towards improving existing parking and traffic impacts for those residents living adjacent to the Jordan Middle School campus.
Fiscal Impact
The cost estimates related to the proposed improvements to John Burroughs High School, Burbank High School and Jordan Middle School are summarized in Exhibit VII and total approximately $15.7 million. Through discussions of the Oversight Committee, it has been determined that the BUSD does not have funding available to move forward with these improvements and continue to have other capital funding obligations related to modernization of other District facilities. District staff, however, has committed to funding the on-going maintenance of these improvements and to annually setting aside funding for replacements costs related to these improvements. This funding plan is outlined in Exhibit IV.
At the direction of the two Council Members serving on the Oversight Committee, City staff has completed some preliminary work related to a funding plan. It goes without saying that other capital priorities exist for the community and are competing for a limited pool of resources. However, staff recognizes that the identified athletic facilities are important assets from which the entire community benefits and is confident that through a combination of Redevelopment Agency funds, as appropriate findings can be made, and other capital resources, these proposed improvements can be funded. If so directed by the Council, staff will return with a funding plan for Council�s consideration.
The members of the Oversight Committee recognize that the Planning/Programming Report prepared by CMX Sports Engineers is only the first phase of a very large, complex project and that many issues, such as funding and joint use, need further discussion and exploration. However, given the age of these facilities, their heavy year-round use and their value to the entire community, it is the unanimous recommendation of the members of the Oversight Committee to proceed with the next phase of planning for all of the improvements identified in Exhibit VI. Likewise, it is their recommendation to proceed with a funding plan, including a targeted amount to be raised through community fundraising efforts. A timely decision and direction is needed if we are to position our planning efforts to begin field improvements in Spring of 2008.
While there will need to be a significant contribution of funds by the City to move forward with this project, given the other facility needs of the District and their limited and restricted capital funding, it is important to recognize the value of these improvements to the entire community. The high level of cooperation that exists between the City and the District, which has historically allowed for a positive joint use relationship, ensures that these improvements will increase the use of Burroughs High School, Burbank High School and Jordan Middle School�s athletic facilities by the District and the community at-large.
Respectfully submitted, Mary J. Alvord City Manager
H:\My Documents\Athletic Facilities Improvements Report.doc/kb
Exhibits Table of Contents
Exhibit I � Chronology Items
1. Discussion Paper 2. BUSD Athletic Field, Track and Stadium Committee Structure Concept 3. Oversight Committee Meeting Agenda 4. Steering Committee Meeting Agenda 5. Attendance List for Steering Committee Meeting 6. Attendance List for High School Sports Fields Committee Meeting
Exhibit II - Historical Information
1. Newspaper Articles 2. Burr-Briefs May 29,1946 Memorial Edition 3. January 2004 Letter to the Burbank Leader from Mary Jane Topping with Photos and Dedication Program
Exhibit III � November 26, 2001 Memo from BUSD Superintendent David Aponik Summarizing Athletic Facilities Master Plan Task Force Meeting
Exhibit IV � BUSD Maintenance/Replacement Funding Plan
Exhibit V � CMX Sports Planning/Programming Report
Exhibit VI � Summary of Program Highlights for Burbank and Burroughs High Schools
Exhibit VII � Summary of Cost Improvements