Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Agenda Item - 5




DATE: October 10, 2006
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager

Susan M. Georgino, Community Development Director

Ruth Davidson-Guerra, Assistant CDD for Redevelopment and Housing

By: Gail Stewart, Downtown Burbank Manager


Property-Based Business Improvement District (PBID) �

Magnolia Park Board Selection




The purpose of this agenda item is for the City Council to appoint the first Property-based, Business Improvement District Board for the Magnolia Park Business Improvement District from qualified applicants.




In August 2006, staff was authorized to open the ballots as the final step to establish and form a Property-based, Business Improvement District. Over 50% of the ballots supported a Magnolia Park P-BID to carry out the Management Plan programs and improvements. The Management Plan which, was developed and presented to the City Council in February 2006, includes a parking program, increased maintenance services, promotions, advertising, events, business recruitment, and advocacy to promote business interests and allow the business community to speak with one voice. The Plan also includes the boundary (Exhibit A), the budget, the assessment formula; and the governance of the organization. The Property�based Business Improvement District will fund a variety of improvements in partnership with the Magnolia Park property owners.


The P-BID has a five year plan, which is the maximum length that a P-BID may be established before a P-BID needs to be renewed. Each January, the P-BID will receive approximately $250,000 in assessments from Magnolia Park property owners excluding residential and nonprofit property owners.


On  June 20, 2006, the City Council announced applications were being accepted for the P-BID Board.




When the P-BID was approved, the City Council also approved the proposed composition of the P-BID Board. The P-BID Management Plan states that the Board of Directors of the organization will be comprised of an eleven-member board representing property owners, business owners, and residents in the Magnolia Park area, as well as representatives from the City. Letters were sent to all property owners, the Steering Committee, and the Community Advisory Committee offering them an opportunity to apply for the P-BID Board. The City Clerk�s Office also sent a press release to all local papers including The Burbank Leader and Daily News. The deadline for submitting applications was September 15, 2006, to the City Clerk�s office. Staff received 13 applications, and has reviewed them to make sure they meet the minimum requirements. The various applications are attached and collectively marked as Exhibit B. Staff has also listed the applicants below by category set forth in the P-BID Management Plan.  Please note that the applicant position for the business owner can be chosen from the property owner list and the business owner list.


      Property Owner (and Business Owner) � Six positions       

  • Alan  Arzoian (Handy Market)

  • George Harwood (Johnson Properties)

  • Candice Jepson (Dubbing Brothers)  

  • Bradley Korb (Re/Max in Action)

  • Ira Lippman (Peggy Wood�s Pet Emporium)

  • Paul Long (Kappa Studios, Inc)

  • Raul Porto (Porto�s Bakery)

  • Anthony Scuticchio (Monte Carlo)

  • Sandra Spero (American Direct Mail)

Business Owner Only (Can be chosen from list above as well) � One position

  • Timothy Davis, Jr. (SCIA Enterprises)

  • Anita McLendon (Burbank Community Federal Credit Union)

Resident - 2 Positions

  • Laurie Krattiger

  • Nancy Winogradow

City Representative - 2 Positions

  • City Manager

  • Community Development Director



The City Council is being asked to appoint the P-BID Board from a list of qualified applicants as mandated from the P-BID Management Plan. No fiscal impact will be generated by this action.   




As part of the City�s efforts to improve and add new programs to Magnolia Park, a Property-based, Business Improvement District was approved after a petition and vote of the majority of property owners. The P-BID will provide for a dedicated funding source to provide new programs and improvements.  


Once the Board is selected, staff will promptly schedule a meeting to set up By-laws, brief the Board on various programs and activities, and enter into a contract with the City to administer funds levied by the City on the District. It is anticipated that staff will return with the contract in December 2006.




It is recommended that the City Council appoint the eleven members to the Magnolia Park P-BID Board.




A         P-BID Boundary Map

B          Board Applications




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