Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Agenda Item - 8






DATE: October 3, 2006
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager

Susan M. Georgino, Community Development Director

via Greg Herrmann, Chief Assistant Community Development Director

by Jason Price, Assistant Planner






Staff requests that the City Council adopt the proposed resolution authorizing the acceptance of a Caltrans Bicycle Transportation Account Grant in the amount of $480,900, with a local match requirement of $48,090, for the construction of the Victory Boulevard Class II and Class III Bikeway.  Staff will request authorization to draw down from the city�s share of Transportation Development Act (TDA) Article 3 funds to meet the local match portion of this project in a separate budget action at a later date.




In December 2003, City Council adopted the City of Burbank Bicycle Master Plan to develop and enhance the City�s non-motorized transportation system.  The plan identified  a number of Top Priority Projects for further study and funding opportunities that, when completed, would form a network of routes connecting existing regional bikeways, population and employment centers, recreational facilities, and school sites.  In March 2004, Caltrans reviewed the Master Plan and found it in compliance with Streets and Highways Code requirements and thus eligible for funding opportunities through the Caltrans Bicycle Transportation Account (BTA).  This funding source allocates $5.0 Million annually for bicycle projects throughout the state that are part of a Caltrans-approved Master Plan.  In November 2005 staff submitted Project #7 from the Master Plan, which calls for implementation of Class II bicycle lanes along Victory Boulevard between Clybourn Avenue and Burbank Blvd. Class II bike lanes would also be considered along the Burbank Boulevard Bridge. These lanes would be installed contingent on Caltrans approval and further examination of right-of-way widths between Victory Boulevard and San Fernando Blvd.  The project would also establish Class III bike route segments on Front Street from Burbank Boulevard to the Metrolink Station, from the Burbank Bridge to Third Street, and on Reese Place and Doan Drive between Victory Boulevard and Chandler Blvd. The project would provide a more bicycle-friendly route across the city and into Downtown and the Metrolink Station by designating a route over the railroad tracks and Intestate 5, facilities that currently act as a barrier to bicycle travel.  The project would also provide a connection to the Chandler Bike Path via Reese Place and Doan Drive from Victory Boulevard.




Staff proposes to implement the Victory Boulevard Bikeway as a combination class II and class III bikeway.  Class II bike lanes are composed of signage as well as in-road striped lanes. Class III bike routes are composed of just signage and are generally located on residential streets or streets with low traffic volumes.  This project would add striped bicycle lanes on Victory Boulevard between Clybourn Avenue and Burbank Boulevard. Bicycle lanes would also be considered along the Burbank Boulevard Bridge pending Caltrans approval and a closer examination of street widths on the overpass. After a preliminary review, staff has determined that enough right-of-way may be available to accommodate bike lanes with minor reductions in lane width. As an alternative, a Class III route could be implemented if Caltrans does not approve the use of the right-of-way. On Victory Boulevard, the center turn lane and outside travel lane would be narrowed and shifted to accommodate the bike lanes.  


Along Burbank Boulevard east of San Fernando, a Class III bike route would complete the connections to the Third Street bike lanes. A Class III route would also connect the Metrolink Station via Front Street. Lastly, a connection to the Chandler Bike Path would be made by a Class III route along Reese Place and Doan Drive between Victory Boulevard and Chandler Boulevard.   


There are two traffic signals that will be upgraded as part of the project. The first is at Victory Boulevard and Reese Place and the second is at Reese Place/Doan Drive and Burbank Boulevard. Both traffic signals will be equipped with bicycle detection, adding to the bicycle detection network in the city. 


Local and Regional Connectivity

The Victory Boulevard Bikeway further implements the overall bicycle network outlined in the Bicycle Master Plan, which carries the objective of encouraging more bicycle travel for commute and utilitarian trips by implementing a citywide bicycle network that is continuous, closes gaps in the network, bridges barriers to bicycle travel, and serves important destinations.  To this end, the Victory Boulevard bikeway increases connectivity between the Metrolink station and Downtown with the western portion of the city separated by Interstate 5 and the railroad tracks.  It also provides an important and direct east-west bicycle corridor allowing bicyclist to travel across the city to adjacent bike routes planned in Los Angeles. Finally, the Victory Boulevard bikeway would serve the Downtown Metrolink Station, an important regional transit facility with long and short term bike parking.


Transportation Commission

Staff presented the proposed project to the Transportation Commission on August 21, 2006, where they expressed support for accepting the grant to improve access across the freeway and railroad and improve overall bicycle connectivity.


Environmental Process

This project was determined to be categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(c) because this project proposes only minor alterations of existing city streets.




The estimated project cost of the Victory Boulevard Class II and Class III Bikeway including design, striping of bicycle lanes, Class II and III signage, and sandblasting and striping of travel lanes in selected locations is $480,900.  Of this amount, $432,810 is funded through the Caltrans BTA grant.  This grant would be fronted through Transportation Impact Fee (Fund 127) revenues and reimbursed through the grant.  If approved, these funds would be moved from the unappropriated fund 127.ND000.30004.0000.000000 to the project account 127.CD33A.70002.0000.17200. 


The 10% local match of $48,090 would be funded from Transportation Development Act (TDA) Article 3 Funds.  These funds are administered by the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) and are distributed to local agencies based on population.  Funds from this source may be used for bicycle and pedestrian facilities. In a separate budget action, staff will request authorization to draw down TDA funds to meet the local match portion of this project.




The Victory Boulevard Class II and Class III Bikeway would further expand the City of Burbank�s developing bicycle network and provide additional connectivity between major destinations. The project would further the overall goal of the Bicycle Master Plan to expand bicycling for the purposes of commuter and utilitarian trips.  The project would provide a bicycle-friendly connection across the Interstate 5 and UP/ SCRRA Metrolink tracks, a major barrier to bicycle travel, and connect the Metrolink Station and Downtown with the western half of the city.  The project would also connect the Victory Boulevard lanes to the Chandler Bike Path, as well as the Third Street bike lanes.  The project would not impact parking along Victory Boulevard as the additional width for bicycle lanes would be provided through narrowing of vehicle travel lanes.




Staff recommends that Council adopt the proposed resolution authorizing acceptance of the Caltrans BTA Grant Funds, directing staff to enter into a Bicycle Transportation Account Project Agreement between the City and Caltrans to construct the proposed project, and amend the Fiscal Year 2006/2007 Budget.




Exhibit A:  Regional Project Map

Exhibit B:  Local Project Map

Exhibit B:  Caltrans �Local Agreement � State Agreement� for the Hollywood Way Class II Bikeway and Grade Separation Modification Bicycle Transportation Account Project