Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, September 19, 2006Agenda Item - 4 |
The purpose of this report is to obtain approval of contract documents and award a construction contract for Bid Schedule No. 1215 � McCambridge Park Sports Field Lighting System Project.
In November 2004, a comprehensive sports field lighting assessment was completed by Musco Lighting. The visual inspection of the sports lighting equipment provided Musco engineers sufficient information to make certain recommendations, however separate assessments were needed on the electrical systems and the structural integrity of the equipment. Musco identified eleven sports fields that needed replacement and/or upgrade of their lighting systems. The fields are located in the various City parks; including McCambridge, Izay, Foy, Gross, Brace, Pacific and Valley.
In March 2005, the structural engineering firm of Brandow & Johnson Associates completed an initial assessment on the integrity of the equipment at all of the sports fields. Based on their evaluation, the existing poles are structurally sound and able to withstand a load equal to, or less than the current weight and size of the fixtures.
The project will bring about proper light levels, aiming angles, uniformity of light readings in both the infields and outfields, as well as comply with the proper guidelines for sports and recreational area lighting standards, as recommended by the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (�IESNA�). Additionally, these improvements will create a centralized lighting controlled system that will enable staff to monitor and regulate the system from a remote location.
Staff evaluated the sports field lighting project and determined that it would be most efficient to phase this project. After further discussions with Musco, staff has prioritized the sites. At this time, McCambridge Park sports fields are considered the highest priority due to the heavy use of the fields.
It is staff�s intent to continue budgeting on an annual basis to upgrade the remaining lighting systems at our other ball field facilities on a prioritized basis.
Bid Schedule No. 1215 was advertised in the Burbank Leader on July 12, 2006 and July 15, 2006. Seven copies of the bid were taken out, and four (4) bids were received at the bid opening on August 8, 2006. The bids ranged from $141,700 to $173,000. The successful low bid is the contracting firm of T & D Electric.
The electrical engineering firm of Dalan Engineering, Inc. estimated the lighting upgrade for McCambridge Park sport fields 1 & 2 at $146,720. The lowest bid is below the original estimate by $5,020 or 3%.
The project has been determined to be Categorically Exempt pursuant to Section 15301 of the California Environmental Quality Act, pertaining to replacement of existing facilities.
Funding for this project is available in account numbers 370.PR21A.70003.0000.15730 and 001.PR32F.70003.0000.14325.
Staff recommends City Council adopt a resolution approving the contract documents and award a construction contract to the lowest responsible bidder T & D Election for Bid Schedule No. 1215 - McCambridge Park Sports Field Lighting System Project.