Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, September 19, 2006Agenda Item - 3 |
Council directed staff to investigate the installation of speed humps on California Street north of Burbank Boulevard. Staff determined that two residential streets currently meet requirements for the installation of speed humps: California Street between Burbank Boulevard and Wyoming Avenue, and Lincoln Street between Magnolia Boulevard and Chandler Boulevard. Staff requests Council to authorize an appropriation of $5,300 from the General Fund for the installation of six speed humps on these two residential streets.
The City of Burbank currently has about 85 street segments with speed humps that have been installed over a period of about ten years. By the late 1990s a significant number of speed humps were installed each year, and beginning in Fiscal Year 1998-99, Public Works budgeted $25,000 annually to install them. By Fiscal Year 2002-03, the annual number of requests for speed humps had dwindled to a level that an annual budget item was no longer required so this item was removed from the Public Works budget. The few speed humps that were approved after 2003 could be funded individually without specifically allocating funds for the program at the beginning of the fiscal year.
Since 2002, two street segments have been added to the collection of streets with speed humps in Burbank. After 2002, staff started a process to request funding for speed humps after several streets were approved for the devices or every six months. This process allowed timely installation of the speed humps with minimal Council action.
Currently, two streets are eligible for speed humps. A completed speed hump request was received in mid-June 2006 from residents of Lincoln Street between Magnolia Boulevard and Chandler Boulevard. The street operating characteristics of 448 daily vehicles and a critical speed of 35 MPH fulfilled the adopted criteria. A completed request received in July 2006 from residents of California Street between Burbank Boulevard and Wyoming Avenue, with 400 daily vehicles and a critical speed of 31 MPH also fulfilled our criteria. Petitions on two other streets were initially filed, but were not pursued.
Two street segments currently fulfill adopted criteria for speed humps. A total of $5,300 is needed to install three speed humps on each street under an existing contract with Tyner Paving, Inc. The funding will allow for the installation of the speed humps, appropriate signs, and required pavement markings.
This project is categorically exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to Section 15301(c) of the State CEQA Guidelines.
Public Works has not budgeted funds this fiscal year to install speed humps. Staff requests an appropriation of $5,300 from account number 001.ND000.30004.0000.00000, unappropriated General Fund balance, to account number 001.PW22A.70002.0000.17157 (Citywide Speed Hump Project) to install the devices.
Appropriate $5,300 from the unappropriated General Fund balance to install speed humps on two streets.
Attachment: Attachment 1 � Burbank Speed Humps