Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, September 12, 2006Agenda Item - 4 |
The purpose of this report is to request City Council to accept the $10,500 Grant awarded to Burbank Public Library for the purpose of upgrading public access computers originally awarded to the Library by the Gates Library Initiative.
On January 11, 2000 City Council passed a resolution ratifying the Library Services Department Gates Library Initiative Grant and acceptance of the award of $20,663 for the purpose of expanding public access to computers, the Internet, and digital information to the Burbank Community at the Burbank Public Library.
The Gates Library Initiative grant provided for the following:
In 2002 and 2003, the Library received the software upgrades provided for in the Grant for these computers
In February 2006 the California State Library applied to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for the Public Access Computer Hardware Upgrade (PAC HUG) program for libraries serving populations less than 300,000 (2002 data). In March 2006 the California State Library was awarded the Grant and they notified participating libraries throughout the State of the upgrade program for the original Gates computers. Burbank Public Library was awarded $10,500 for this purpose.
These new Grant funds can only be used for �eligible expenditures� which include the following:
These new Grant funds cannot be used either to replace or upgrade staff computers or other infrastructure, networking or peripheral equipment (e.g., furnishings, network cabling, electrical wiring, switches, firewalls, or printers).
These funds must be expended by December 31, .2008.
The proposed budget amendment authorizes the Financial Services Director to appropriate $10,500 from Intergovernmental Revenue Account number 001.LB000.48010.0000 (miscellaneous Grant Revenue) to Library Services Resource Materials - Technology Resources Account number 001.LB01A.62425.1002.
There is no fiscal impact by accepting this grant.
Staff recommends that Council approve the following: A Resolution of the Council of the City of Burbank amending the fiscal Year 2006-2007 budget by accepting the Grant awarded to the Burbank Public Library from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Public Access Computer Hardware Upgrade Grant (PAC HUG) of $10,500.00 and appropriating these monies for the upgrading of public access computers.