Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, August 22, 2006Agenda Item - 7 |
The purpose of this report is to obtain final City Council direction on the Fiscal Year (FY) 2006-2007 Work Program and to allow the Council to continue its discussion of its FY 2006-2007 City Council Goals.
Background & analysis
Work Program
The Work Program is a management tool used to identify, prioritize, and monitor the City�s projects and programs on an annual basis. Generally, the Work Program reflects the work items identified by each department and requested by the Council over the last several years, at the Council�s Goal Setting Workshop, and during the annual budget study sessions.
The Council began its review of the FY 2006-2007 Work Program on July 11, 2006 and received reports from the City�s departments according to the following schedule:
As a result of these presentations and other recent Council actions, a few changes have been made to the Work Program (the revised Work Program is attachment 1). Changes were made to items A4 and B36 regarding the updates of the Land Use and Mobility Elements of the General Plan to reflect recent Council direction regarding these projects. Item D15 regarding investigating options to increase maintenance at park restrooms was also added.
During the August 15, 2006 Council meeting, Council Member Gordon submitted several comments and suggested changes for the Work Program in writing to City staff. Per his request, staff is distributing those comments to the Council as attachment 2 to this report.
Typically, the Council provides general input on the Work Program throughout the several weeks of department presentations and, in the past, has not deemed it necessary to provide final direction on the Work Program. As there have been several questions raised by individual Council members regarding the Work Program this year, staff is requesting that the Council come to consensus on any final direction for changes, additions, or deletions to the Work Program.
Council Goals
The Council held its annual Goal Setting Workshop for FY 2006-2007 on May 6, 2006. The Council Members� individual goals as discussed at the workshop are included with this report as attachment 3. During the workshop, members of the Council requested that staff bring back the Council goals for further discussion so that the Council can work together to combine these individual goals into a consensus list.
The Council began this discussion at the August 15, 2006 Council meeting and came to consensus on two broad thematic goal areas: 1) traffic congestion and 2) sustainability. The purpose of this report is to allow the Council to continue its discussion of its FY 2006-2007 Council Goals and to provide staff with any additional direction. As requested by Mayor Campbell, staff is providing attachment 4, which represents staff�s attempt to group the Council�s individual goals into broad themes.
Staff recommends that the Council come to consensus on any final direction for changes, additions, or deletions to the Work Program. Staff also recommends that the Council provide any additional direction regarding combining the Council Members� individual goals into a consensus list of Council goals.
Attachments Attachment 1 � Revised FY 2006-2007 Work Program as of August 16, 2006 Attachment 2 � Council Member Gordon�s written comments regarding the Work Program Attachment 3 � FY 2006-2007 Individual Council Member Goals Attachment 4 � Staff�s attempt to combine individual Council Member goals into broad themes