Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Agenda Item - 6


                        C I T Y O F B U R B A N K
                   Financial Services Department
                            M e m o r a n d u m



DATE: August 22, 2006
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager

Bob Torrez, Financial Services Director

By:  Cindy Bloom, Administrative Analyst






The purpose of this report is to request Council approval to carry over $86.5 million of continuing appropriations from Fiscal Year (FY) 2005-06 to FY 2006-07 for the City, the Redevelopment Agency, the Housing Authority, Parking Authority, and the Youth Endowment Services Fund.




At the end of each fiscal year, departments review their budgeted appropriations and submit requests to Financial Services � Budget in mid-June for approval of manual carryovers of unencumbered funds.  Budget in mid-June. In parallel to the manual carryover process, departments also submit requests to the Purchasing Section of Financial Services to keep requested purchase orders (encumbered funds) open with the funds carried forward to the next fiscal year. This report addresses those appropriations which have not been encumbered by the departments for goods or services and are considered necessary.


A summary document was put together based on the Request for Carryover Forms submitted by each department.  Staff compiled a list of requests and began the process of determining funds availability, as well as the legitimacy of the request.  A final list was developed, and distributed to the departments for final review and follow-up.  The Executives then reviewed the final list and determined what carryover requests would be submitted to the Council and Redevelopment Agency for consideration.  Keeping in mind the budgetary constraints, the Executives are satisfied that the requested carryover dollars are necessary.


The most common reasons for manual carryover requests are for:  Ongoing capital projects, delayed program implementation, continuing operations (including projects and studies such as the Domestic Violence Task Force, Starlight Bowl, Burbank Athletic Federation, etc.), and restricted dollars for a specific purpose (for example, grants awarded by the City, such as middle school grants; dollars received by the City such as Public Library Funds, Local Law Enforcement Block Grants and Drug Asset Forfeiture Funds; or, donations appropriated for a specific purpose that may cross fiscal years).




A summary carryover list (Exhibit A) designates each General Fund request by department, account number and name, amount requested, and a justification. This is followed by a summary of all other funds with continuing appropriation requests.  This report will highlight some key appropriation requests for the General Fund, and summarize amounts requested for the other funds.




City Attorney

         Outstanding work area evaluation invoices by the Safety Office ($5,312)


City Clerk

         2007 General Election ($111,981)


City Council

         Domestic Violence Task Force ($21,886)

         Travel to the League of California Cities conference ($3,394)


City Manager

         Training ($11,586)

         Private contractors for audio/visual services ($23,385)

         Web streaming updates, maintenance and possible expansion ($3,825)


Community Development Department

         Council-directed projects (Phase II of View Protection, updates of Land Use, Mobility and Housing Elements) ($49,204)

         Pilot Land Use Verification and Entitlement Program ($46,000)

         Phase II of the Business Tax Amnesty Program (to-date this program has generated over $100,000 in revenues) ($5,133)

         Digitizing permanent records ($22,070)


Fire Department

         Fire Safety trailer maintenance ($3,028)

         Various grant funds for HazMat backfill training, homeland security, and equipment ($609,289)

         Pandemic training/education ($38,707)

         Disaster Services CERT and other related training ($43,864)


Information Technology

         Membership fees crosses fiscal years ($3,421)

         Training for transition planning ($54,607))

         Technology Emergency Revolving Fund ($340,000)


Library Services

         To cover Literacy Clerical Worker�s salary (funded by Literacy Grant) ($35,634)

         Sister City exchange students ($10,515)

         Public Library Fund funding (supplements library resource materials) ($144,974)

         Library resource materials ($1,130)

         Upgrades, peripherals, and e-resources for public access computers ($34,612)



         Compensated absence account (to ensure future liabilities are covered) ($800,000)

         Military pool salary holding account ($36,920)

         SERP salary holding account ($7,091)

         Airport contingency reserve account for litigation ($118,757)

         Safety shoes ($5,985)

         BCEA training account ($12,000)

         Mayor�s Youth Task Force holding account ($110,800)


Park, Recreation and Community


         Wildwood Canyon restoration ($85,610)

         Urban reforestation ($77,185)

         Military Banner program ($19,234)

         Starlight Bowl (including completing disabled seating) ($67,265)

         Teens in Action website project ($9,500)

         Mayor�s Youth Task Force grant writing services, police/youth activities, BUSD middle school and high school counseling programs, Teens in Action video productions, reimbursements to Middle School Grant Program ($256,309)

         Peacebuilders (ongoing youth program) ($104,507)

         Youth Resource Guide and Resource Card, marketing of Mayor�s Youth Task Force programs and website development, and scholarship funding ($55,443)

         PAY Grant program ($24,544)

         Wireless connections at the Skate and Gross Parks for daycamp programs ($3,772)

         National Night Out and family nights, as well as other special program events ($12,772)

         Aquatics program ($861)

         Recreation guide ($6,177)

         Creative Arts Center and gallery supplies for Art Experiences Camp ($7,266)

         Rose Parade Float ($54,240)

         Holiday decorations ($7,858)

         Burbank Athletic Federation ($286,703)

         Automated lighting control project ) ($96,000)

         Schafer and ballfield fencing projects ($7,757)

         McCambridge dugout #1 project ($8,000)

         Food purchases for short and long term emergency needs (due to refrigeration and freezer space, cannot buy enough in bulk) ($23,563)

         Furniture and equipment purchases for recreation program ($4,268)

         Joslyn Foundation donation appropriations ($63,036)

         City-owned bronze sculpture cleaning, restoring and waxing ($10,029)

         Art in Public Places, child care and disabled services publications and resource guides ($6,157)



         Interagency Communications Interoperability system ($32,000)

         Homeland Security Grants, and Urban Area Strategic Initiative Grants ($521,958)

         DNA analysis for Santos murder investigation ($7,000)

         Donation appropriations and inmate welfare funds from jail phone profit ($37,619)

         Safety vest equipment ($4,994)

         Animal Shelter medical program ($22,462)

         Helicopter Reserve accounts ($20,497)


Public Works

         Engineering design for various Council-approved infrastructure projects ($77,656)

         Engineering permits for Geographic Information System software for Micropaver system using the Street Paving Condition Index (PCI) ($34,976)

         Traffic engineering and design for as-built traffic signal records drawings in electronic format ($32,350)

         Replace worn traffic loops ($5,520)

         Frederic Street speed humps project ($3,000)

         Sidewalk grinding, curb and gutter repairs to eliminate standing water that could promote West Nile virus ($36,689)

         Weed abatement along Burbank Western Channel ($49,547)

         Sediment and debris basin removal studies and permits (required per State and Federal laws) ($27,100)


The following is a summary of all funds that are being requested to be carried over to FY 2006-07 from FY 2005-06:




FROM FY 2005-06 TO FY 2006




At year-end, all unencumbered appropriations revert to available fund balance and can be appropriated for other purposes.  As the Council is aware through the FY 2006-07 budget adoption process, staff continues to be mindful of Burbank�s budget challenges.  As of the writing of this report, the carryover amount is only estimate as the balances may slightly change as financial activities in the accounts continue until the fiscal year is officially closed.  Staff will be presenting the first quarter financial report in November which will include a year-end summary of Fiscal Year 2005-06.


This year�s requested carryover amounts are in line with last year�s requests.  The General Fund�s requested carryover amount this year is $4,926,532 while last year�s was $5,359,280.  Citywide, the requested amount for this year is $86,490,684 compared to $91,455,718 last year.  These carryovers do not affect the FY 2006-07 adopted budget since they are not new appropriations, and they do not affect the FY 2006-07 projected year-end fund balance.




Staff recommends that the City Council, the Redevelopment Agency, Parking Authority, Housing Authority and Youth Endowment Services Board adopt the proposed resolutions for continuing appropriations.



Exhibit A � Carryover List Detail



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