Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, July 25, 2006Agenda Item - 7 |
To approve a resolution to appropriate $24,550.00 from the General Fund projected undesignated fund balance to purchase and install speed control devices on Tujunga Avenue between Sunset Canyon Drive and Via Montana as directed by Council.BACKGROUND
On June 6, 2006, Council directed staff to modify existing traffic controls on Tujunga Avenue between Sunset Canyon Drive and Via Montana. The required modifications included:
The stop controls were installed at both intersections during the week of June 12, 2006. The delineators and speed awareness signs will cost approximately $24,550.00 to purchase and install. The devices will be acquired as soon as feasible after funds are available for the purchase. Installation will be completed by City staff at no charge to the project.
The two stop controls were installed with available materials using current budget for these items; however, purchase of the delineators and speed awareness signs require funding beyond the capability of existing Public Works budgets.
It is proposed to install delineators from just east of Gibson Court to about 1138 Tujunga Avenue. This portion of Tujunga Avenue includes the most curving sections of the street where speed control is an issue. The proposed street section, which is about 1800 feet long, is illustrated in Attachment 1. The delineators proposed for installation east of Gibson Court are recommended because Tujunga Avenue east of Gibson Court has a crest vertical curve and a horizontal curve that tend to hide the delineators below Gibson Court to westbound drivers. The delineators include the upright delineator post, delineator bases, epoxy resin and applicator. The delineators are 3 feet high, made from high impact material, and hinged at the delineator base. The delineators are bright yellow with several bands of high visibility reflective tape to improve nighttime visibility. They can be repeatedly run over by a vehicle without damage.
The westbound speed awareness sign will be installed about 500 feet east of Gibson Court, and the eastbound sign will be installed about 500 feet east of Sunset Canyon Drive. The proposed signs are self contained and solar powered. They provide dynamic information to the driver on the vehicle speed by using an internal radar detector. The sign legend states �YOUR SPEED IS ____� and it can be used in conjunction with a speed limit sign (already installed on Tujunga Avenue) for emphasis. The signs conform to California Vehicle Code sections 21466 and 21466.5 for brightness and legibility, and they comply with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). These signs have been successfully used in Glendale and Fontana.
This project is Categorically Exempt as defined in CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(c).
The treatment for Tujunga Avenue will require about 250 delineators and bases at a cost of $25.00 per unit, and we plan to purchase an additional 50 delineators without bases for replacement at a cost of $18.00 per unit, for a total delineator cost of $7,150.00. The epoxy and applicator will cost an additional $1,000.00. The speed awareness signs cost about $8,200.00 per sign and post, for a total sign cost of $16,400.
Public Works is requesting an appropriation of $24,550.00 from the general fund projected undesignated fund balance, 001.ND000.30004.0000.000000 to account 001. PW22A.70002.0000.17045.
Staff recommends that Council adopt the proposed resolution approving the appropriation of funds in the amount of $24,550.00 for the purchase and installation of speed awareness signs and delineators on Tujunga Avenue.
Attachment 1: Location of speed control devices