Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Agenda Item - 1


                        Burbank Water and Power




DATE: July 11, 2006
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager
FROM: Ronald E. Davis, General Manager, BWP
SUBJECT: Water and Electric Operations Update for June 2006




Water Quality

Financial and Operations Update

  • The deferred revenues in the Water Cost Adjustment Charge (WCAC) account had a balance of $1,458,964 as of May 31, 2006.

  •  Fiscal Year-To-Date 2005-06 Water Fund Financial Results as of May 31, 2006:


( ) = Unfavorable

* Includes Power Plant Sales, Commercial and Industrial Reclaimed Sales

(A)       Deferring WCAC revenues reduced potable water revenues by $453k FYTD.  

(B)       The actual YTD recycled water sales are lower due to MPP operations.    

(C)       The BOU has experienced reduced operating capacity due to carbon screen failures, water production problems associated with a persistently low water table, and well maintenance. The lower BOU operating capacity increased the need to purchase water from the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) which resulted in higher than planned costs. The BOU has operated at an average operating capacity FYTD of 58%, compared to a budget of 75%.

(D)       Reconciliation of Deposit Accounts.


Fiscal Year 2005-06 Water Fund Financial Reserve balances as of May 31, 2006 are summarized in the following table:




BOU Water Production

  • BOU production was at 79% of plant capacity for May. This is an average flow rate (24/7) of 7,139 gallons per minute (gpm). The carbon change out in the Liquid Phase Granulated Activated Carbon filters is largely complete and all Vapor Phase Granulated Activated Carbon (VPGAC) filters were available for service.   Production for June may be even higher.  All water wells were available for service and the water table is still slightly higher than the last few years.  This is a change in what has been a persistent low water problem in the aquifer. Water levels are being monitored but it�s not clear at this time if the higher production rates from the wells will be sustained for an indefinite period. The Well Field Performance Attainment Study is proceeding to determine the causes of long term well capacity problems in meeting the 9,000 gpm design.  The upcoming VPGAC screen project will significantly improve the mechanical reliability of the plant to process and treat water at the full nameplate capacity.     

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

  • The EPA has granted conceptual approval of the design for the reconfigured VPGAC filter screen.  The EPA issued VPGAC discharge requirements in mid-February. Calgon has been requested to submit an updated cost estimate for the design and construction of the project. Calgon�s response is expected in the next month.  A contract will then be completed with Calgon Corporation who will prepare a detailed final design for the EPA to review and approve. The EPA�s approval is the controlling feature in proceeding with the project. Construction is projected to take three months.  It will begin after the EPA approves the final design and after the materials are ordered and received. Some long lead materials have already been purchased. Construction will likely take place during the Fall, and into Winter. The Treatment Plant will experience reduced operating capacity during project construction. Consequently, there will be an increased need for purchased water from the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) during construction.

Capital Projects

  • Construction continued on the installation of 1,320 lf of 12-inch potable water main in Hollywood Way between Thornton and Winona. The old water main is in service and customers will be connected to the new main prior to the abandonment of the old main.

  • An abandoned 6-inch potable water main in Ontario Street has been converted to recycled water service to serve the Media Studios North.  The main will be flushed and pressure tested before being placed into service.

  • The new (replacement) booster pumping station for the upper zone of Country Club Dr. has been completed and placed into service.

  • Painting of the interior of the water storage tanks at DeBell #1 (recycled) and Wildwood #1 (domestic) is in progress.

  • MWD began dewatering the San Fernando Tunnel on March 2, 2006. Dewatering of the tunnel was completed on May 4, 2006.  More than 30 million gallons of water was pumped from it.  The tunnel is scheduled for inspection on June 8, 2006 and the actual condition will determined then.  The plan and schedule for the Pacoima B-6 connection project will be modified at that time.

Legislative Update

  • Refer to the attached legislative reports.



Electric Reliability


There were three 4 kV feeder outages in May. These outages interrupted service to 844 customers for a total of 320 minutes.

  • On May 11, at 6:07 a.m., a truck hit a guy wire with three circuits on it at Cypress and Moss. The accident caused damage to the overhead conductors, disrupting service to Burbank 4 kV Feeder B-25.  142 customers (124 commercial and 18 residential) lost power for 88 minutes due to this incident.

  • The above mentioned incident also caused an outage at Burbank 4 kV Feeder B-21 because it shares a pole with circuits Burbank-25 and Town-2.  The B-21 power outage lasted 73 minutes and affected 88 customers (all commercial and no residential).  The Town 4 kV Feeder T-2 power outage lasted 159 minutes and affected 614 customers (28 commercial and 586 residential).

Despite the power outage in May, BWP�s overall reliability continues to be strong. As of May 31, 2006, the system-wide average is 0.3443 outages per year, compared to an industry average of 1.2 outages per year. As of May 31, 2006, the average service availability is 99.995%, exceeding the City goal of 99.99%. The average outage length is 69.74 minutes, compared with the industry average of 80 minutes.


The following table shows the system-wide reliability statistics for Fiscal Year 2005-06 through May 31, 2006, as compared to the same time period for Fiscal Year 2004-05:


Reliability Measure

Fiscal Year 2004-05

Fiscal Year 2005-06

(through May 31, 2006)

Average Outages Per Year



Average Outage Duration

76.66 minutes

69.71 minutes

Average Service Availability




Financial and Operations Update

  • Fiscal Year-To-Date 2005-2006 Power Financial Results as of May 31, 2006:


( ) = Unfavorable

(A)           New transmission revenue related to MPP scheduling services. YTD impact is $1,000k.

(B)           Power Supply variance is primarily due to cost of natural gas, spot energy and replacement power associated with MPP COD delay and planned outages.

(C)           Other Income included a BPA settlement of $591k, and supplemental crude oil refund of $130k. Actual interest income is higher than budget due to higher interest rates. Budget assumes interest rate of 2.5% APR. Actual interest rates are between 4%-5%. Estimated FYTD impact of higher interest income is $900k.


Fiscal Year 2005-06 Power Fund Financial Reserve balances as of May 31, 2006 are summarized in the following table:




Local Generation Operations Update


Unit Status

  • Olive 1 is in hot-standby and available for normal service.

  • Olive 2 is in hot-standby.  Anticipated RATA testing the week of June 4th.

  • Lake One is available for normal service.

  • The micro-turbine project is complete. This unit generates 300 kilowatts per hour on the average. 

  • MPP is in service.

May 2006 Unit Data




Operating Hours


NOx, lbs.






















Magnolia Operations Update


Workforce Safety Statistics:

  • No loss time accidents for May, zero year-to-date.

  • No reportable accidents for May, zero year-to-date.

  • Performance Information:

  • Availability:  17.77% for May, 55.5% year-to-date.

  • Range of Available Generation Capacity:  186-290 MW

  • Fired Factored Hours:  132.2 Hours

Actions Taken by Operating Agent:

  • Unit was re-started on May 17, 2006 following a three month shutdown.

  • RATA testing was performed on May 18, 2006 and the preliminary results indicate that the unit meets the requirements for annual testing.

  • On May 19, 2006, the �A� gas compressor motor failed and is currently being repaired.

  • On May 22, 2006, the �B� gas compressor developed an oil leak causing a trip of the combustion turbine.  The unit was re-started and an over-speed trip test of the steam turbine was conducted.

  • On May 22, 2006, the steam turbine turning gear failure occurred.

  • On June 8, 2006, MPP was returned to service and is operating at nominal full capacity.

Renewable Energy Procurement Update


Work continues in conjunction with the SCPPA project team on various renewable energy projects. All project specific information needs to remain confidential until a project agreement is brought to Council for approval.  This is to protect the business interests of the proponents and to ensure that the terms and conditions associated with their proposals don�t fall into the hands of competitors. 


During the month of May there were again numerous meetings and conference calls with project proponents.  We remain optimistic that we will have at least one purchased power agreement ready for approval shortly, with deliveries expected this summer.  The plan is to use that contract as the template for another purchased power agreement from the same developer for an additional project. Deliveries from this second project are currently expected to begin in mid-2008.


The solar energy developer is still working on providing additional costing information for the project based on flat pricing as opposed to the escalating proposal previously presented.  A follow-up meeting that was scheduled with the developer for mid-May was cancelled in order to give him more time to work on the analysis.  It is expected that a meeting will be held in June. 




BWP engineering staff continues to work with Siemens New Energy to implement the New Energy Scheduling software that is being used for Magnolia. The OATI Web Trader is operational.


The Test Section was able to get the updated firmware and they started installing the 2300 CPU cards into the Remote Terminal Units (RTUs).


The Factory Acceptance Testing was done in Houston during May.  The test was completed satisfactorily.


The SCADA Master Station is being configured by Telvent in Houston and should be ready for shipment to BWP in the first part of June.




Engineering developed a fiber optic service proposal for Warner Brothers to connect Warner Building 157 at 4000 Warner Boulevard to 2101 W. Olive Avenue.


Engineering developed a fiber optic service proposal for FotoKem to connect their main facility at 2801 W. Alameda Ave. to 2950 Hollywood Way.


Engineering personnel released, and BWP field personnel completed, a fiber optic job to connect a temporary link from the following substation multiplexer fiber connections:

  1. Burbank #14 to McCambridge

  2. Burbank #1 to Lincoln Station

  3. Olive GIS to Naomi Station

  4. Olive GIS to Warner Station

Engineering personnel released, and BWP field personnel completed, a fiber optic job for Warner Brothers to connect Warner Building 157 at 4000 Warner Boulevard to Pinnacle #2 at 3300 W. Olive Avenue.


Engineering personnel released, and BWP field personnel completed, a fiber optic job for OnFiber to connect NBC Studios at 3000 W. Alameda Avenue to BWP�s Hollywood Way Substation.


Engineering personnel released, and BWP field personnel completed, a fiber optic job to connect and re-route a link for the relays associated with the Lincoln-Capon 69 kV line.


Engineering personnel released, and BWP field personnel completed, a fiber optic job to relocate a major fiber hub that was located in the basement of the MPP Service and Control Building to a new room on the first floor. This project required coordination with all of BWP�s fiber customers, cutting and re-routing ten (10) fiber cables, and the completion of 1400 fiber splices.


Engineering personnel completed a fiber optic job to connect a temporary link from BWP�s Olive GIS Station to the Lincoln Substation relay house.


Engineering personnel completed a fiber optic job to connect a temporary link from the Olive Station to the Western Station in Glendale.


BWP Facility Improvements


BWP Administration Building - Phase III Interior Remodel


Plans and construction drawings received approval from CDD, Fire, Police, and BWP�s Electrical, Water and Telecom sections.  Project specifications are being reviewed by Purchasing to begin the bid process for a contractor.


Employee Entrance Project


This project involves the installation of a new proximity card operated, turnstile equipped entrance/exit for employees off of the Magnolia parking lot. The contractor, H&H Construction, is 90% complete. The remaining tasks include the installation of the turnstile and ADA gate, painting of the block wall, and landscaping. BWP crews will install the lighting, security camera, intercom, and the proximity card reader to activate the turnstile.


Magnolia Covered Parking


This project involves modifying the existing area east of the Magnolia employee covered parking lot to create additional covered employee parking spaces. A new ingress/egress opening will be made in the existing wall, the structure will be pressure washed and painted, new lighting will be installed, a chain link fence will be added, and the area will be paved and striped. BWP staff completed the relocation of all the equipment and material that was stored in the designated area. The remediation contractor removed all of the lead paint. BWP painters began pressure washing the structure in preparation for painting. New lighting has been ordered and will be installed by BWP electricians. The remaining tasks involve paving the area, installing chain link fencing, and saw cutting the new opening in the block wall.


Magnolia Security Wall


This project involves constructing a new 320 foot long security wall along the southerly side of the Magnolia covered parking lot, east of the Magnolia gate. The wall will be identical in height to the wall on the west side of the gate and will correct security concerns identified during the construction of MPP.   Preliminary construction drawings and specifications were reviewed by BWP staff and are ready to be finalized. A determination remains as to whether this work will be done in-house or sent out for competitive bids.


BWP Service Center and Warehouse Project


BWP staff has been working with the SGS Group, a consultant hired to perform the programming and space needs assessment study for a new Service Center and Warehouse to be constructed on BWP�s campus. A Professional Services Agreement was drafted and approved for architectural services to be provided by the Kennard Design Group (KDG). SGS presented the final version of the space allocation and needs assessment documents. A kick-off meeting was held with KDG and their project team, and a site walk was conducted.


Electrical Distribution


69,000-Volt Transmission System


At the Golden State Distributing Station, field crews upgraded the 69 kV bus differential relays for the 69 kV sectionalizing breaker.  Final testing was completed and in mid-May the breaker was closed. BWP crews have extensively cleaned, maintained and tested the 12.47 kV portion which will forestall future outages due to equipment failure.


At the Lincoln Switching Station, field crews replaced four out of the five 69 kV breakers, and expect to replace the fifth breaker in June.


Contruct a new Olive-Valley #2 Line - The consultant, ORSA, has completed the design for pads and underground power conduits for the extension of the ring bus at the Valley Switching Station. Bock Company has completed the work inside the substation and in the direction of Ralph Foy Park. BWP Engineering completed work on the design to extend power conduits stubbed at Victory Blvd. through the park toward Ontario St. and near Victory Blvd. and Fairview St., to complete the underground getaway of this line. Bock will continue to work on street conduit work related to this line until its completion which is estimated to be by July 14, 2006. The preliminary design of ground grid and equipment pads was completed and issued for comments.


34,500-Volt Subtransmission System


Between the Olive Switching Station and the Burbank Substation, field crews upgraded the underground cable to increase the capacity of the Burbank-Olive #2 line and upgraded the relay protection. The remaining underground cable work including termination, cable support, cable enclosure and protection work started on June 2, 2006.  It is estimated to be completed by June 9, 2006 before final testing is scheduled on the line. The line is estimated to be energized by June 16, 2006 along with the A-5 transformer bank at the Olive Switching Station.


34,500-Volt Distribution System


At the Winona Distributing Station, field crews upgraded relay and control switches for the Winona Industrial Circuit in preparation for reconfiguring the line.


Field crews completed the Warner Ranch Industrial Circuit.


12,470-Volt Distribution System


Under engineering direction, field crews converted the 4 kV Feeder A-7 to 12 kV service from the new Hollywood Way Station (HW-7).  As a part of this effort, four customer stations were rebuilt to 12 kV. 


Under engineering direction, field crews are rebuilding the A-96, A-97, and A-8 overhead lines so that they can be energized from the Hollywood Way Station this fall.


Progress continues on rebuilding deteriorated pole lines and single pole replacements.





Pole replacements engineered



Pole replacements completed




In May, crews continued working on the pole line rebuilds in the A-96 and A-97 Feeder areas. Crews are framing the poles and replacing conductors to prepare for the 12 kV conversion.  Crews are also working on the pole line rebuild on Ontario St. south of Wyoming Ave.


4,160-Volt Distribution System


At the McCambridge Station, field crews replaced the main batteries. BWP crews replaced approximately 500 circuit feet of old and ready to fail underground cable at 4.16 kV circuit Flower-4.  This cable was approximately 50 years old.  The new cable went into service in mid-May.


Secondary Voltage System and Electric Metering





Customer Service requests



Change-outs or new service by Line Crews or Test Shop



Remote meter route saturation



Change-outs for disconnects by FSR-III�s







Customer Transformer Stations


New business, and a strong residential real estate market, has created a demand for new customer stations.





New customer stations engineered



New customer stations completed




Engineering has completed the design for the Bob Hope Airport Remote Lot A.  The new padmount transformer service, and the existing FAA Tower service, will be fed underground from Winona Avenue via a new padmount switch.  The design includes a new underground source of feed for streetlighting on Hollywood Way.  After construction completion, the existing power poles will be removed.





Pad-mount transformers replaced due to deterioration



Customer stations rebuilt to 12 kV






BWP has worked with the City Attorney�s Office, the Public Works Department, and the Community Development Department in forming Underground Utility District 1 (UUD1) to underground all overhead lines (power and communications) along Olive Ave. from the I-5 Bridge to Victory Blvd., and along Lake St. from Olive Ave. to Magnolia Blvd. BWP has been successfully working with SBC, Charter Communications, and other affected communication companies as well as the affected customers. On May 30, 2006, the City Council passed a Resolution of Intention.  A public hearing is set for June 20, 2006, as well as a resolution authorizing the City to establish the UUD1.


BWP removed all energized overhead lines immediately behind the former Buena Vista Library building.


BWP engineering issued a job to replace approximately 1,420 circuit feet of 35 kV Paper Lead Insulated Cable (PILC) at the Burbank-Flower line. This was scheduled to be completed by June 15, 2006 and is on schedule. 


BWP Engineering is working on two projects related to Caltrans. One project involves the Alameda, Hollywood Way and Pass Ave. bridge widening on the SR-134, and a new on-ramp at Hollywood Way. The second project involves the I-5 freeway, Empire Exchange, and San Fernando Realignment. Staff is working with consultants and Caltrans on design work that requires relocation of existing underground and overhead facilities.


Streetlighting System


In response to customer requests, field crews installed one light in April (15 since July).


Engineering is preparing drawings for the undergrounding of the streetlight system on Olive Ave. and South San Fernando:

  • Engineering is reviewing the bids submitted for Bid Schedule 1200, the first annual contract to construct a new underground streetlight conduit system and related substructure improvements city-wide. The lowest bidder proposal is scheduled to be presented to the BWP Board on July 6, 2006.

  • Engineering is working on a BWP Streetlighting Master Plan.

  • Construction of the new underground streetlight system for the Burbank Village Walk was completed in May.  As a result, the length of two series circuits was reduced.

Engineering continues working with the Redevelopment Agency on the South San Fernando Blvd. street improvement project, and with the Public Works Traffic Signal Division on other street/traffic improvement projects, especially the Empire Avenue Streetscape Project. The San Fernando Intelligent Transportation System Project is under construction.  In May, construction was started on the Olive/Alameda Intersection Widening Project.




All systems are working. 


The police MDT radio crashed and was repaired.  The first of the new radios (XTS 2500) arrived but the balance are backordered.  The plan to replace the remaining City radios beginning in June will be pushed back at least one month.


Phones and Miscellaneous


All systems are working. 


Staff is looking at a new phone switch for MPP.


Customer Service


The power of the City of Burbank�s bill inserts has once again been proven.  In May, we ran a bill insert highlighting BWP�s Home Energy Analyzer service.  This free online service allows Burbank residents to quickly discover ways in which they can reduce energy and water usage at their homes.  As a result of the insert, 139 visits to the Home Energy Analyzer site were logged during May, up from 46 the previous month. 


Legislative Update:


Refer to the attached legislative reports.









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