Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, June 27, 2006Agenda Item - 9 |
The purpose of this report is to request the City Council to select two Council Members to participate on a new Infrastructure Council Subcommittee to develop recommendations that address the City�s infrastructure deficit.
As part of the recent Fiscal Year (FY) 2006-07 budget process, a presentation was given by the Public Works Director outlining the various infrastructure needs of the City (see attachment A). With an aging infrastructure, a considerable amount of projects were identified, including street improvements, sidewalk improvements, bridge maintenance improvements, traffic infrastructure improvements, debris basin cleaning and various municipal building/facility improvements. Currently, the overall cost estimate to complete all the City�s infrastructure needs is in the range of $192 to $207 million.
Due to the magnitude of improvements and funding required, Council directed staff to form a subcommittee to analyze and prioritize the City�s infrastructure requirements in addition to exploring the full range of potential funding options.
Aside from two Council Members serving on the subcommittee, staff recommends the following city staff to participate on the subcommittee:
The subcommittee will initially meet at the beginning of the fiscal year. It will then be the responsibility of the subcommittee to decide on the frequency of the meetings. However, given the level of infrastructure needs, staff foresees these subcommittee meetings occurring on a regular basis. It will be the subcommittee�s job to assess infrastructure priorities as well as discuss all viable funding options. Ultimately, recommendations will be brought back to the full Council prior to the 2007-08 budget process in order for recommendations to be included as part of budget deliberations.
Staff recommends that the City Council select two Council Members to serve on the new Infrastructure Council Subcommittee.
Attachment A - Infrastructure Deficit Funding Options Discussion Memorandum (May 30, 2006)