Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, June 20, 2006Agenda Item - 6 |
To obtain Council approval to apply for the California Integrated Waste Management Board Used Oil Recycling Block Grants for Fiscal Years 2006/2007 through 2011/2012.
In 1992, the State of California enacted the California Oil Recycling Enhancement Act, which provides used oil recycling block grant funds to cities that establish and maintain a local used oil and oil filter collection program to encourage their recycling and/or proper disposal. To receive oil block grant funds, the City must have a certified oil collection center. The Burbank Recycle Center was certified by the State of California on November 9, 1993, the first year that State-certification was offered.
The California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB), administrator of the program, requires an approved resolution from the applicant's governing body authorizing submittal of the application and identifying the title of the individual authorized to execute any agreements, contracts, and requests for payment. A resolution is required for FY 2006/2007 to apply for the Block Grant Twelve (UBG 12). The CIWMB must receive the Used Oil Recycling Block Grant Twelfth Cycle 2000/2003 application by June 1, 2006, and a signed resolution must be received as soon as possible. The CIWMB has requested that cities provide a resolution that authorizes application submittals for five fiscal years. Each year, the City would attach a copy of the approved resolution, Cycles 12-16.
The Burbank Recycle Center has been collecting used motor oil for recycling since 1982. When the new Center was constructed in 1992, a 1,000-gallon underground used oil tank was installed and approved by CAL-OSHA and the Burbank Fire Department. Last year, approximately 18,000 gallons of used motor oil and 10.65 tons of oil filters were collected for recycling. This waste diversion contributes to the City's waste reduction goals for state law AB 939 (which requires cities to divert 50 percent of their waste stream), and fulfills the required program set forth in the City's Source Reduction and Recycling and Household Hazardous Waste elements.
Industrial Waste Utilization (IWU), the City�s hazardous waste contractor, removes the oil from the underground tank at the Recycle Center and. Costs for this service are paid from the used oil recycling block grant funds.
The Burbank Recycle Center is exempt from the "hazardous waste facility permit requirements" because it abides by the State's Health and Safety Code, Article 13, Section 15250.11. By Code definition, the Burbank Recycle Center is a collection facility and not a used oil recycling center.
According to the CIWMB, Burbank is eligible for approximately $27,000 for FY 2006/2007 for collecting used oil and oil filters, provided the City meets CIWMB requirements (hours of operation, notification to the public of its used oil collection/recycling program, advertising, public education, etc.).
The CIWMB also requires preapproval of used oil recycling block grant funds before the City can be reimbursed for any used oil program enhancements such as signage, advertising, promotion or improvements to the Center's used oil collection area.
State funding for the City's used oil collection/recycling program benefits the Recycle Center and the City's waste reduction efforts by:
Grant fund amounts for FY 2006/2007 have not yet been determined, but are expected to be approximately $27,000 for the next fiscal year. Funding is based upon a city's population. The approved resolution will allow the City of Burbank to apply for used oil funds.
Staff recommends that the Council adopt the proposed resolution.