Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, June 6, 2006Agenda Item - 6 |
This report will finalize the study of a Chandler Boulevard one-way pair operation between Mariposa Street and Pass Avenue.
Council directed staff to investigate the potential for modifying the existing traffic operation on Chandler Boulevard from two bi-directional streets to a one-way pair operation between Mariposa Street and Pass Avenue. The study began in November 2005, and it included the collection and analysis of current traffic demand and accident data, as well as a determination of the change in travel characteristics with a one-way pair. A public input component of the study was intended to gauge the disposition of residents and other users of Chandler Boulevard towards the one-way operation.
The technical data showed that users of Hollywood Way, Buena Vista Street, and Chandler Boulevard at the two major intersections would benefit from reduced travel delay because of improved traffic signal operation. Residents adjacent to Chandler Boulevard would have a longer average travel distance and some would likely divert to other routes. Traffic accidents, traffic volume, and travel speed on Chandler Boulevard would not likely change significantly.
The public input component of the study was not fully carried out. However, resident opinion on the one-way pair operation was predominantly negative. Staff tested public sentiment at a Friends of Chandler Bikeway meeting and found less than 20 percent approval for the proposal. Similarly, unsolicited E-mail and written correspondence were primarily against the proposal.
The technical data suggest that safety will not be significantly improved with a one-way pair operation of Chandler Boulevard. Travel efficiency will be improved for users of the main streets, but local residents will travel further. The data do not show an overwhelming improvement on Chandler Boulevard with the one-way pair operation. Public sentiment is against the proposal. Staff suggests termination of the Chandler Boulevard study.
This operations study has had no fiscal impact.
Staff recommends no further action on a one-way pair operation on Chandler Boulevard.