Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, June 6, 2006Agenda Item - 5 |
Staff, supported by a recommendation from the Mayor�s Youth Task Force, is requesting City Council authorization to provide funding for youth counseling programs on Burbank Unified School District campuses. If approved, the Family Services Agency of Burbank will receive up to $175,000 from the Youth Services Holding Account to fund the continuance of programming at three middle school campuses and two high school campuses, and, the expansion of high school services to include the Monterey High School campus.
During the Fiscal Year 2002-2003 budget process, the City Council directed staff to set aside $500,000 to establish a Non-Departmental Holding Account (Youth Services) to be utilized for teen services and programming. Additional allocations of funding to the holding account were approved by City Council on February 15, 2005, in the amount of $250,000 and on February 14, 2006, in the amount of $250,000. With direction from the City Council, the Burbank Unified School District (BUSD) Board of Education, the Mayor�s Youth Task Force, the Youth Board and the Teens in Action teams, staff continues to implement programs addressing youth issues and reflecting solutions developed by Burbank youth. There is currently $250,550 in the Youth Services Holding Account.
Programs which have received funding from the Youth Services Holding Account have included the Teens in Action Media Communications Team, Teens in Action Police Youth Relations Team, Bliss Unlimited, the Middle School Grant Program, the Middle School Counseling, the High School Counseling Program, and creation of a Mayor�s Youth Task Force Grant Resources Account.
One of the overwhelming needs expressed by youth in our community throughout the 2001 Youth Survey and Youth Solution Summit process was for more accessible and affordable counseling opportunities. Issues identified by Burbank teens and the Mayor�s Youth Task Force included self-esteem, anger management, alienation, substance abuse, dating and family relationships, and family communication. To develop a strategic plan of action for initiating a youth counseling program, the Mayor�s Youth Task Force created the Youth Counseling Subcommittee which included representatives from the Boys and Girls Club, YMCA, City of Burbank, City Council and Burbank Unified School District.
Due to funding restraints and logistics, BUSD�s Luther Burbank, John Muir and Jordan middle schools were selected for initial focus. The Family Service Agency of Burbank was selected as the service provider and the Middle School Counseling Program commenced in spring 2004 at the three campuses. The total appropriated funding to date for the middle school program is $175,000.
Following the successful model of the Middle School Counseling Program, the Mayor�s Youth Task Force recommended and City Council approved funding in the amount of $50,000 on July 12, 2005 to provide services to high school students. The primary focus was on 9th grade students at BUSD�s Burbank and John Burroughs high schools. At its February 21, 2006 meeting, City Council approved an additional $25,000 to the High School Counseling Program in response to an expressed need to expand resources to 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students at the two high school campuses. The total appropriated funding to date for the high school program on two campuses is $75,000.
The Mayor�s Youth Task Force meets regularly to review and discuss updates of current programs and receive presentations for consideration for different programs that may meet the needs of the youth of Burbank. The focus has been on intervention and education for secondary students.
The Family Service Agency of Burbank is the service provider working in cooperation with the Burbank Unified School District and the City of Burbank to provide free and accessible counseling to students on five school campuses. The Mayor�s Youth Task Force desires to continue and enhance the on-campus counseling programs at the three middle schools and two high schools; and, to initiate a counseling program that will service students on the campus of Monterey High School.
Middle School Counseling Council appropriated $50,000 for the initiation of Phase I of the Middle School Counseling Program at its January 13, 2004 meeting. On September 28, 2004, an additional $50,000 was appropriated to continue the program into the 2004/2005 school year. Phase I involved a program design and a provision of services on a referral basis for individual or group counseling. The additional funding allowed for the hiring of more counselors with a total direct impact on approximately 110 youth. Indirectly, the program positively impacts family, friends, classmates, school personnel, and the community.
At its July 12, 2005 meeting, City Council approved an appropriation of $75,000 to continue the middle school counseling program on the three middle schools for the 2005/2006 school year. With the cooperation of the Burbank Unified School District, Phase II of the program introduced a family/self-referral component during the school year.
Approximately 160 middle school youth receive weekly therapeutic services in individual or group settings. Additionally, a weekly Psycho-educational group service component allows up to 25 students to participate in non-therapeutic interventions based on topics requests identified by current student need or the Mayor�s Youth Task Force.
At its May 17, 2006 meeting, the Mayor�s Youth Task Force recommended to request an appropriation of $75,000 from the holding account to continue counseling services as proposed by the Family Service Agency of Burbank on the three BUSD middle schools for the 2006/2007 school year, September 1, 2006 through August 31, 2007. (Attachment I)
High School Counseling Following the successful model of the Middle School Counseling Program, on July 12, 2005 the Mayor�s Youth Task Force recommended and City Council approved an appropriation of $50,000 to expand individual and group counseling services to include high school students with a focus on 9th grade students. An additional $25,000 was appropriated on February 21, 2006 to expand services to meet the counseling needs for the 10th, 11th, and 12th grade classes. The Family Service Agency of Burbank is the service provider working in cooperation with the Burbank Unified School District and the City of Burbank.
Approximately 95 high school students are directly impacted by the weekly therapeutic services they receive. As with the middle school, these services also indirectly impact families, friends, classmates, school personnel, and the greater Burbank community. Counseling services are conducted on Burbank and John Burroughs high school campuses and are currently funding for the 2005/2006 school year, September 1, 2005 through August 31, 2006.
At its May 17, 2006 meeting, the Mayor�s Youth Task Force recommended to request an appropriation of $75,000 from the holding account to continue counseling services as proposed by the Family Service Agency of Burbank on Burbank and John Burroughs high school campuses for the 2006/2007 school year, September 1, 2006 through August 31, 2007. (Attachment II)
Monterey High School Following the successful programs at the three middle schools and the two high schools, the Mayor�s Youth Task Force is recommending offering counseling services on the campus of Monterey High School. Approximately 200 students are enrolled at Monterey High School. Based on its population of at-risk students, the percentage of students needing services is higher than at the other two high schools. The Monterey High School program would commence on September 1, 2006 and end August 31, 2007. If approved, the high school population in Burbank will be served on four campuses: Burbank, John Burroughs, Monterey high schools and the Community Day School. The latter is not funded through the Youth Services Holding Account.
At its May 17, 2006 meeting, the Mayor�s Youth Task Force recommended to request an appropriation of $25,000 from the holding account to implement counseling services at Monterey High School as proposed by the Family Service Agency of Burbank. (Attachment III)
Trained and licensed professionals are employed by the Family Service Agency of Burbank to conduct its counseling programs. Since initiation of the program, it has been reported that students and parents are establishing stronger comfort levels to access counseling services. School personnel work cooperatively with Family Services Agency personnel to provide access to students and space on their campuses. The Family Service Agency of Burbank estimates that by August 31, 2006 over 500 students will be directly impacted by their services through the current middle school and high school programs. With the goal to broaden outreach efforts in the existing programs and to expand the services to Monterey High School, it is anticipated that over 700 students will be directly impacted during the 2006/2007 school year. This does not reflect the indirect impacts to families, friends, the school community, and the community at large. The total amount recommended for funding the Middle School, Burbank and John Burroughs high schools, and Monterey High School Program is $175,000. The Family Service Agency is also dedicated to seeking and identifying additional funding sources to expand services which may include additional groups, individual, family, and other services to best meet the needs of Burbank students.
There will be no fiscal impact. During the Fiscal Year 2002-2003 budget process, City Council directed staff to establish a holding account for the development and implementation of youth oriented projects. There is currently $250,550 available in the General Fund Non-Departmental Holding Account (Youth Services) 001.ND000.62970. 0000.
It is the recommendation of staff and the Mayor�s Youth Task Force that the City Council approve funding in the amount of $175,000 from the Non-Departmental Holding Account (001.ND000.62970.0000) and appropriate $75,000 to the Middle School Counseling Program (001.PR31F.62135.1003); and $100,000 to the High School Counseling Program (001.PR31F.62135.1004), of which $25,000 will be used to implement a counseling service program at Monterey High School.