Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, June 6, 2006

Agenda Item - 4


Text Box:                                                                                                                    City of Burbank
Park, Recreation and
Community Services Department




DATE: June 6, 2006
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager
FROM: Eric Hansen, Park, Recreation and Community Services Director

ACCEPTANCE AND AppropriatION OF sponsorship Funds for teens in action anti-tobacco video




The purpose of this report is to request City Council accept and appropriate funds totaling $12,500 to the Teens in Action Media Communication Team account, for expenditures associated with the production of a teen related anti-tobacco video.




Under the direction from the Mayor�s Youth Task Force, the Teens in Action Media Communications Team was formed in 2003. Assigned tasks for the team included the production of a video series developed by teens, for teens, concerning topics of interest to teens. Previous topics include �Teens In Action Presents��Discrimination�, �Sex, What You Don�t Know Can Hurt You�, �The Truth About Drugs and Alcohol�, �What You Might Not Know About Depression and Suicide�, and �Date Rape�What�s Love Got to Do With It�. Shows air on the local cable Burbank TV6, are utilized in teen focus groups, and are available for check out at Burbank libraries.


As an educational tool for the classroom, teacher guidelines were developed for each show. Teacher Packs consisting of a video and guidelines, were provided to Burbank middle schools and high schools, public and private. The Burbank Unified School District approved use of the shows and guidelines in their high school health curriculum beginning in September 2005.


The latest Teens in Action Media Communication Team video deals with issues related to teen tobacco usage. To support a project aimed at reducing tobacco use among our youth, staff secured sponsorship from the Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center in the amount of $2,500, provision of physician resources for information and interview purposes, and access to the hospital for filming. An additional $10,000 was received from the Burbank Unified School District which they were awarded through a competitive grant from the California Department of Education, Healthy Schools Office, funded through Proposition 99, the Tobacco Tax Initiative of 1988. One of the projects included in the grant work-plan was the creation of a teen smoking issue video that would be written and produced by Burbank teens, shown to all students in 9th grade health classes and on the local public access television station.  Production of the video entitled �Tobacco�Slow Motion Suicide� commenced in December of 2005 and was completed in May of 2006.




To date the City of Burbank has received $2,500 from the Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center, and $10,000 in funding secured by the Burbank Unified School District from a grant. It is requested that the total amount of $12,500 be allocated to recover costs associated with the latest Teens in Action Media Team video dealing with tobacco issues.  Associated costs include contractual services and supply costs related to filming, editing, graphics, reproduction of shows and preparation of the Teacher Packs.




The current amount of $12,500 has been deposited in miscellaneous revenue account:  001.PR000.45000.0000.000000.  Staff is requesting that this amount be formally accepted and appropriated into the Media Communication expenditure account: 001.PR31F.62135.1005.000000, for expenditures associated with materials, supplies and production of the Teen Tobacco Video.  




Staff recommends that City Council accept donated funds in the amount of $12,500, and adopt the proposed resolution appropriating $12,500 to the Teens in Action Media Communication Team expenditure account.



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