Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, May 30, 2006Agenda Item - 4 |
The purpose of this report is to update the Council on the current status of the parking and transitional issues associated with the sale of NBC�s approximately nine acre �Catalina� parcel. The report also constitutes the annual review of the NBC Planned Development (PD) 96-1 and Development Agreement (DA).
Since the Catalina site is providing 454 required parking spaces for the NBC main lot, staff sent NBC and M. David Paul representatives a letter requesting them to submit a plan of how they will provide parking for the main NBC lot while demolition is occurring on the Catalina site. NBC has discussed several alternatives for staff and on May 15, they submitted a Compliance Review form outlining their proposed two-phased approach.
The first phase involves re-striping three existing parking lots (labels B, C, and D) and two ancillary parking areas (labels E and F) on the NBC site. NBC states that with this re-striping, they will add 128 spaces to the existing 1,690 spaces on the main lot. Their proposal is being reviewed, but NBC states that the parking layout meets city codes for back-up space and other requirements. NBC is permitted to have 45% compact spaces because their DA was approved when compact spaces were permitted. When re-striping of this first phase is complete, NBC will still be short 165 spaces given the development which exists on the main lot. This number, 1,983 spaces, was derived from the original master plan. NBC states they will have 165 spaces available to them on the Catalina parcel until phase two is complete.
The second phase of the parking plan proposed by NBC involves grading an existing landscaped open space area to create new spaces. These spaces would be integrated with an existing lot in the northeast corner of the main lot (label G) and all spaces would be re-striped for greater efficiency. The area to be graded is part of a Los Angeles Department of Water and Power easement and NBC is currently seeking their approval to use the space for parking. NBC, therefore, has not officially submitted a Compliance Review form or request for this second phase. When they do submit this request, staff will review it in accordance with the master plan approval and with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines. NBC states that they will gain 182 parking spaces with this second phase re-striping and expansion parking, bringing their total parking spaces to 2,000. This is more than the 1,983 parking spaces required. By providing all required parking on the main lot, NBC will be able to provide more convenient audience parking, which has been problematic in the past.
M. David Paul has stated their intent to construct in accordance with the master plan for the Catalina Parcel. They are required to submit a Compliance Review form which has not been submitted at this time. When they do submit this form, staff will review it for compliance with the DA and conditions of approval and will also review it under the CEQA guidelines.
At this time, NBC is in compliance with their Development Agreement. They are maintaining the required number of parking spaces on their main lot and on the Catalina Parcel.
Staff recommends that Council note and file this report. Staff will keep the City Council informed of new developments on the property.