Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Agenda Item - 8


                                               CITY OF BURBANK
                                    PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT



DATE: May 16, 2006
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager

Bonnie Teaford, Interim Public Works Director

By:  Ken Johnson, Traffic Engineer





To propose an ordinance to amend Chapter 29 of the Burbank Municipal Code for the regulation of valet parking in the City of Burbank.




The City of Burbank currently regulates valet parking operations within the City through an encroachment permit process.  This current process is cumbersome and does not provide adequate monitoring and control of the valet operations, and the current process does not have uniform rules for valet parking.  Staff developed a proposed valet parking ordinance with input from existing operations in nearby communities, yet based on valet needs in Burbank and on the methodology of current regulations in the City.


The proposed valet parking ordinance is intended to foster increased opportunities for convenient parking while safeguarding public health, safety, and welfare from potential nuisances caused by unregulated valet parking operations.  Potential issues include increased congestion, unsafe travel patterns, on-street vehicle storage, and unsafe loading/unloading of passengers.  The ordinance considers the potential issues in the language and content of the regulations.


Staff has seen an increased interest in curbside valet parking as more commercial and restaurant type businesses choose to operate in Burbank.  The attached proposed ordinance addresses valet parking operations throughout the City, but particularly within the downtown area.  A draft ordinance was presented to the Downtown Parking Management Committee (DPMC) at three different meetings to discuss specific needs of the downtown area.  Downtown Burbank has unique parking conditions resulting from parking imbalances and high traffic demand that requires the coordinated management of valet parking.  On February 16, 2006, DPMC approved and recommended this ordinance go to Council for approval.  The Traffic and Transportation Committee also reviewed and approved the proposed valet parking ordinance.




The valet parking ordinance is designed to manage and enforce valet parking services in Burbank.  It accommodates valet parking needs of the entire City, but it specifically responds to the requirements of Downtown Burbank.  Staff constructed the ordinance to focus on the safety of valet operations and to respond to issues with circulation and traffic patterns.  Valet parking operations in two other cities (Pasadena and Santa Monica) were explored to understand the complexities and traffic issues associated with valet parking, so that all potential issues would be addressed in the Burbank ordinance.


Staff proposes an ordinance that enables a business to establish a valet parking system tailored to the needs of the business and the area served, but it must also serve the valet needs of surrounding businesses.  The ordinance defines requirements for the operations, such as valet stand identification and method of operation.  Staff will review proposed travel routes, the vehicle storage location, operation times, operator capabilities, and curbside valet location to insure compliance with the ordinance and applicable laws.  The intent of the ordinance is to enable City oversight of the valet operations, but it allows a competent operator to determine the specific operational parameters (within limits) of the valet operation. 


Temporary valet parking permits are also available to residents or businesses that may have a party or other gathering, but slightly different conditions would apply. The operator will not need a designated off-street parking area for vehicle storage. The operator can use surrounding streets with the approval of the majority of those affected property owners. 


CEQA Requirement


Environmental review determined that this project is categorically exempt according to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(c).




A fee is proposed for valet parking operations which are anticipated to cover the majority of management, processing, and regulation of the valet systems.  The proposed valet parking fees are included in the fee ordinance, and recommended service fees are shown in Attachment 2.




Staff recommends Council approval of the proposed citywide valet ordinance by amending Chapter 29 of the Burbank Municipal Code.





Attachment 1 � Proposed Valet Service Fees



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