Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, May 16, 2006Agenda Item - 2 |
The purpose of this report is to request Council authorization for the City Manager to enter into a $133,626 Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with Rincon to perform environmental analysis of Project No.2006-70 Conditional Use Permit and Development Review for a 12 story office building with ground floor retail and a parking structure.
On January 14, 2005, the City received a Planned Development application from Cusumano Real Estate Group for a mixed use (residential and retail) project at 160 East Olive Avenue. That application was amended in July 2005 and a Request for Proposal (RFP) was sent to eight firms who conduct environmental analysis and prepare documents in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
Five proposals were received and these were reviewed for the firm�s experience with the type of project proposed, the thoroughness of the proposal, and the quality of any subconsultants proposed. Ultimately staff chose Rincon to prepare the appropriate documents and their subconsultant was Kaku Associates who would prepare the Traffic Study and Reese-Chambers Systems Consultants, Inc who would perform the health risk analysis. The project applicant was notified about the estimated cost and the applicant asked to place the application on hold while they determined if they wanted to proceed with the project proposal.
On April 7, 2006, Cusumano Real Estate Group withdrew that application and submitted a new application for a Conditional Use Permit and Development Review to construct a 12 story office building at the same site. The project includes ground floor retail space and a parking structure. The project is in the South San Fernando Redevelopment Area and is located on Olive Avenue between Lake Street and the 5 Freeway.
Staff preliminarily reviewed the project applications under CEQA and determined that a consultant would still be required to analyze any environmental impacts of the proposed project. Staff is recommending that Rincon prepare the environmental documents for this revised project based on the firm�s experience and that of their subconsultants. Rincon is a highly respected firm in the area of environmental analysis and is familiar with Burbank and the surrounding areas. Staff is confident that a revised request for proposals process would not have produced a more qualified firm for the revised project.
The project will follow CEQA guidelines as well as Burbank standards for environmental review. At least two community meetings and two public hearings will be held over the course of the environmental review of this project.
No costs will be incurred by the City by entering into a PSA with Rincon. The applicant will be required to deposit $146,988.60 to the City before the PSA is signed by the City Manager. The City of Burbank�s fee resolution requires that applicants pay the cost of the environmental review plus 10% (PSA amount of $133,626 plus 10% is $146,988.60). If costs are at any time to exceed these amounts, the applicant will again be required to pay the full amount to the City (plus 10%) before work will continue on the environmental document.
Staff recommends that the City Council adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Professional Services Agreement with Rincon to perform environmental analysis for Project No. 2006-70 Conditional Use Permit and Development Review.