Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, May 9, 2006

Agenda Item - 7


                                               CITY OF BURBANK
                                        CITY MANAGER�S OFFICE




DATE: May 9, 2006
TO: Mayor and City Council Members
FROM: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager

Recommendation to name the Buena Vista Child Care Facility and Family Resource Center in Honor of Mary Alice O�Connor




Staff is requesting Council approval of a proposed resolution renaming the Buena Vista Child Care Facility and Family Resource Center as the Mary Alice O�Connor Family Center in honor of Mary Alice O�Connor. 




In early April 2006, Burbank resident Janet Killian contacted City staff to request that the City consider naming a municipal facility in honor of long time Burbank resident Mary Alice O�Connor.  During discussions between Ms. Killian and City staff, the Buena Vista Child Care Facility and Family Resource Center was identified as a facility that may be appropriate for renaming in Mrs. O�Connor�s honor.  At the April 11, 2006 Council meeting, Council Member Ramos also requested that the Council consider naming a municipal facility in honor of Mrs. O�Connor. 


The process for the nomination and approval of naming public facilities is set forth in the Naming of Public Facilities Ordinance, Burbank Municipal Code (BMC) Sections 2-1801 through 2-1804 (attachment A).  Under section 2-1805, the Council may dispense with the usual public facility naming procedures and establish any alternate process deemed appropriate, such as direct consideration and approval of a Naming of Public Facilities Application by the City Council, as proposed in this report.




The criteria for naming a public facility for an individual as stated in the ordinance are as follows:


(1) The individual has made a significant contribution to Burbank, the State of California, the United States, or the world, in any area including, but not limited to health, education, civic involvement, housing, public service, employment, or the arts; and

(2) Such contribution has contributed to the general well-being of society.


It is the opinion of City staff that Mrs. O�Connor meets these criteria and is eligible for public facility naming consideration.  Her contributions and service to the City include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Member of Burbank Board of Education for 10 years

  • Founding member of Burbank Historical Society and Friends of the Burbank Library

  • Founding member and 50 plus year board member of Family Service Agency of Burbank

  • Member of advisory board for Burbank Community YMCA

  • Leader of effort to reopen the Starlight Bowl in the early 1980s

  • One of first members of the Burbank Civic Pride Committee

  • Member of Board of Trustees of Burbank Community Hospital

Mrs. O�Connor�s contributions to the City are outlined in more detail in the Naming of a Public Facilities Application submitted by Ms. Killian, which is attached for your review (attachment B).


Fiscal Impact


There is no fiscal impact associated with adoption of the proposed resolution renaming the Buena Vista Child Care Facility and Family Resource Center as the Mary Alice O�Connor Family Center in honor of Mrs. O�Connor. 




The Naming of a Public Facilities Application submitted by Ms. Killian was received and reviewed by the City Manager�s Office.  Based on Mrs. O�Connor�s lifetime of community service and volunteerism, staff strongly recommends that the City Council adopt the proposed resolution renaming the Buena Vista Child Care Facility and Family Resources Center as the Mary Alice O�Connor Family Center in honor of Mary Alice O�Connor. 





Attachment A � BMC Sections 2-1801 through 2-1805

Attachment B � Naming of Public Facilities Application


Attachment A




Sec. 2-1801. Purpose.

It is the purpose of this ordinance to establish policies and procedures for identifying those public facilities within the City of Burbank which would be appropriate for dedication, naming or renaming in honor of individuals who have made significant contributions to society.

[Added by Ord. No. 3306, eff. 9/25/92.]


Sec. 2-1802. Facility Name Requests.

(a) A request or proposal for the dedication, naming or renaming of a City facility may be made initiated by the City Council or any City board or commission by notifying the City Clerk of such proposal.


(b) Any resident of the City may initiate requests or proposals for the dedication, naming or renaming of a City facility by completing an application/nominating form, filing such form in the City Clerk's Office, and paying a fee as established in the Burbank Fee Resolution. The application/nominating forms shall be available in the City Clerk's Office.


(c) Nominations will only be accepted between the period of January 1st and March 31 of any year. A date-stamped form must be secured from the City Clerk during the nomination period and returned no later than 5:00 p.m. on March 31 of that year.


(d) The time frame stated in (c) above is not applicable to the naming of new facilities completed and/or dedicated during the second, third and fourth quarter of each calendar year or to requests or proposals initiated by the City Council or any City board or commission.


(e) Those facilities which may be considered as a subject for dedication, naming or renaming under this ordinance are any public structure, building, park, park feature, reservoir, overpass, street, wall, mural, plant, lawn, garden, plaque, statue or historical document (such as a collection of biographies). Facilities ineligible for consideration under this ordinance include City Hall, veterans' memorials, facilities under the jurisdiction of another governing body and streets.11

[Added by Ord. No. 3306, eff. 9/25/92.]



11State law reference: For the procedures governing the naming of streets, please see Sections 26-1001 through 26-1004 of the Burbank Municipal Code.


Sec. 2-1803. Board and Council Procedures.

(a) The City Clerk shall submit all nominations concerning facilities under the administration of the Park and Recreation Department to the Parks and Recreation Director who shall set the application for consideration by the Park and Recreation Board. The City Clerk shall submit all other nominations to the City Planner who shall set the application for consideration by the Planning Board, unless the City Planner determines that the nomination should be considered by another board, in which case the City Planner shall submit the nomination to the Secretary of that board.


(b) Upon receipt of the report and recommendation of the appropriate board, the City Clerk shall set the matter for City Council consideration.

[Added by Ord. No. 3306, eff. 9/25/92.]


Sec. 2-1804. Criteria.

(a) The reviewing body may recommend or approve the dedication, naming or renaming of a public facility for an individual where the reviewing body finds (1) the individual has made a significant contribution to Burbank, the State of California, the United States or the world, in any area including, but not limited to health, education, civic involvement, housing, public service, employment, or the arts; and (2) such contribution has contributed to the general well-being of society. The individual, whether living or dead, need not be or have been a resident of Burbank, the State of California or the United States.


(b) The decision is purely within the reviewing body's discretion. Even if the board and/or Council makes the findings detailed in (a) of this section, the board and/or Council may choose not to recommend or approve the proposed dedication, naming or renaming of a public facility. The Council's decision is final and not subject to review.

[Added by Ord. No. 3306, eff. 9/25/92.]


Sec. 2-1805. Additional Council Procedure.

In lieu of the procedures contained in Section 2-1802 through Section 2-1804 of this Code, the Council may elect to dedicate, name or rename any public facility pursuant to the provisions of this Section. When the Council finds that the circumstances so warrant, the Council may, upon making a motion suspending the naming procedures contained in Section 2-1802 through Section 2-1804, dedicate, name or rename any public facility or may establish any alternate procedure deemed appropriate by the Council for the dedication, naming or renaming of a public facility. The Council�s decision regarding the dedication, naming or renaming of a public facility is final and not subject to review.

[Added by Ord. No. 3509, eff. 2/20/99.]




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