Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, May 9, 2006Agenda Item - 5 |
Staff requests Council approval for Change Order No. 1 of Bid Schedule No. 1191, Animal Shelter Driveway Reconstruction and Landscaping Project. BACKGROUND
Bid Schedule No. 1191 provides for the reconstruction of the driveway, installation of irrigation systems and landscaping for the Burbank Animal Shelter property located at 1150 Victory Place. The driveway project will modify the existing Animal Shelter driveway and provide new landscaping and irrigation systems along the frontage of the property at Victory Place. The existing driveway, which allows inbound and outbound traffic, will be modified to allow inbound traffic only. A separate driveway will be constructed at the north end of the property to allow northbound exiting traffic only. The project is designed to improve the ingress and egress from Victory Place at the Animal Shelter.
Environmental review of the� Animal Shelter Driveway Reconstruction and Landscaping Project� is determined to be categorically exempt according to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 (c).
Bid Schedule 1191 was advertised on June 11 and June 15, 2005 in conformance with Burbank advertising requirements. The bid opening was held on Tuesday, June 28, 2005. On July 26, 2005, City Council, awarded the construction contract of $87,955.00 to Vido Samarzich, Inc. The project includes work within the Southern California Regional Rail Authority (SCRRA) right-of-way along existing, operational railroad tracks. All work within and/or adjacent to the railroad right-of-way requires compliance of recently modified SCRRA stringent policies and guidelines for public safety along the rail system. Encroachment to the SCRRA property will be required while performing the work to the project. The contractor, Vido Samarzich, Inc., will now be required to meet and comply with the new SCRRA policies and guidelines.
Due to these recent changes to SCRRA requirements, the project experienced a delay in the start of the construction. Furthermore, additional project cost will incurred by the contractor to cover SCRRA policies and guidelines regarding training and coordination while working near the tracks on SCRRA right-of way. A total amount of $17,117.64 (19.5% increase to the original contract) was identified by Vido Samarzich, Inc. (Attachment B), to cover the additional cost for railroad Protection Policy, training, flagmen, fencing, higher cost of materials, and bonding.
The project has sufficient funding to cover the additional costs to comply with the new rail safety policies. A budget of $114,000, is currently available in the Project Account No. 534-PW33A-15022-0000-15012 (Animal Shelter Kennel/Traffic Project) to complete the project.
Staff recommends that Council adopt the proposed resolution approving the change order No. 1 in the amount of $17,117.64 for Bid Schedule 1191, Animal Shelter Driveway Reconstruction and Landscaping Project. The amount of $17,117.64 will be added to the original contract amount of $87,955.00 for a revised contract price of $105,072.64.
Attachment A � Change Order No. 1 for Bid Schedule No. 1191, Animal Shelter Driveway Reconstruction and Landscaping Project. Attachment B � Letter from Vido Samarzich, Inc. dated January 30, 2006. - Proposal and the breakdown of the Change Order No. 1