Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, May 2, 2006Agenda Item - 5 |
Water Quality
Financial and Operations Update
The Water Cost Adjustment Charge (WCAC) account had a balance of $1,344,807 as of March 31, 2006.
( ) = Unfavorable * Includes Power Plant Sales, Commercial and Industrial Reclaimed Sales (A) WCAC over collection decreased potable water revenue by $48k in March '06 and $341k for year-to-date. (B) The actual YTD recycled water consumption for MPP was 362,125CCF lower or $ 512k lower in revenues. (C) The BOU has experienced reduced operating capacity due to carbon screen failures, water production problems associated with the persistent low water table and well maintenance. Thus, there was an increased need for purchased water from the Metropolitan Water District (MWD). The BOU had an average of 56% of operating capacity compared to a 75% budgeted capacity. (D) Customer deposit of $600k for fire hydrant meter dated from 2002.
Fiscal Year 2005-06 Water Fund Financial Reserve balances as of March 31, 2006 are summarized in the following table:
BOU Water Production
BOU production was at 41% of plant capacity for March. This is an average flow rate (24/7) of 3,692 gallons per minute (gpm). Production is down because of the ongoing repair of a failed carbon retention screen in one of the Vapor Phase Granular Activated Carbon (VPGAC) filters, carbon bed change-outs in two of the Liquid Phase Granular Activated Carbon filters in the last part of the month, and the continuation of a scheduled MWD maintenance shutdown. The maintenance shut down began 2/28/06 and continued for 9 days in March. The screens under repair were completed and available for service in mid-March. All water wells were available and the water table is still slightly higher than the last few years. This is a change in what has been a persistent low water problem in the aquifer. It�s not clear at this time if the higher production rates from the wells will be sustained for an indefinite period. The Well Field Performance Attainment Study is proceeding to determine the causes of long term well capacity problems in meeting the 9,000 gpm design. The upcoming VPGAC screen project will significantly improve the mechanical reliability of the plant to process and treat water at the full nameplate capacity.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Capital Projects
Legislative Update
Electric Reliability
There was one, 4 kV feeder outage in March. This outage interrupted service to 88 customers for a total of 53 minutes.
Despite the power outage in March, BWP�s overall reliability continues to be strong. As of March 31, 2006, the system-wide average is 0.3186 outages per year, compared to an industry average of 1.2 outages per year. As of March 31, 2006, the average service availability is 99.9949%, exceeding the City goal of 99.99%. The average outage length is 62.98 minutes, compared with the industry average of 80 minutes.
The following table shows the system-wide reliability statistics for Fiscal Year 2005-06 through March 31, 2006, as compared to the same time period for Fiscal Year 2004-05:
Financial and Operations Update
( ) = Unfavorable (A) Transmission revenue related to MPP scheduling system was not budgeted. YTD impact is $750k. (B) Primarily due to the MPP COD delay and forced outages in October 2005 � March 2006.
BPA settlement of $591k in July and supplemental crude oil refund of
$130k in February was not budgeted. Actual interest income is higher than budget
due to higher interest rate. Budget assumes interest rate of 2.5% APR. Actual
interest rates ranges between 4%-5.5%. YTD impact of higher interest income is
$730k. Fiscal Year 2005-06 Power Fund Financial Reserve balances as of March 31, 2006 are summarized in the following table:
Local Generation Operations Update
Unit Status
March 2006 Unit Date
Magnolia Operations Update
Workforce Safety Statistics:
Performance Information:
Actions Taken by Operating Agent:
GE has been on-site since the outage began. Costs will be determined, as the work gets closer to completion. Some costs are warranty issues with Aker-Kvaerner while others may be design issues of General Electric. Discussions with General Electric and Aker-Kvaerner are underway to resolve these costs.
Renewable Energy Procurement Update
Work continues in conjunction with the SCPPA project team on the various renewable energy proposals received to SCPPA�s Request for Proposals. All the proposals remain subject to confidentiality agreements between SCPPA and the proponents to protect the business interests of the proponents and to ensure that the terms and conditions associated with their proposals don�t fall into the hands of competitors therefore, the need remains to keep reports on progress general.
During the month of March there were numerous meetings and conference calls with project proponents. We remain optimistic that we will have at least one purchased power agreement ready for approval shortly, with deliveries expected this summer. The plan is to use that contract as the template for another purchased power agreement from the same developer for an additional project. Deliveries from this second project are currently expected to begin in mid to late 2007.
Follow-up discussions were held with the solar energy developer in order to get a better understanding of project economics and operating characteristics. The developer has agreed to prepare a detailed cost break-down of the project under different operating assumptions for review by SCPPA. A follow-up meeting will be scheduled with the developer once SCPPA and its members have had a chance to review the analysis.
As well, SCPPA continues to work on a Development Agreement between itself and members which will provide the structure and project management for SCPPA and its members to jointly develop renewable projects through SCPPA. It will also provide a mechanism for resource allocation among the participants and cost sharing for SCPPA and consultant expenses. It is expected that the development agreement will be ready for the participants to take to their respective councils in April. Energy Crisis Update
In April 2006, the City will collect $3.0 million of the $4.8 million that was outstanding for energy sales during the California Energy Crisis. The remainder of the debt ($1.8 million) will be written off as uncollectible debt. Even though $1.8 million was not collected, the energy sales resulted in a positive net cash flow.
BWP engineering staff continues to work with Siemens New Energy to implement the New Energy Scheduling software that is being used for Magnolia. OATI Web Trader is operational.
Three RTU�s have been upgraded to the 2300 Model CPU board (RSE, Capon, Winona). However persistent problems at the Flower RTU have delayed further installations until the problem is resolved.
Engineering developed a fiber optic CTS service proposal for CCI Digital to connect 2921 W. Alameda Ave. to LADWP RSE Station., and then to �The Switch�.
Engineering developed a fiber optic service proposal for DTS Digital Images to connect 2777 Ontario St. to 2550 Hollywood Way.
Engineering developed a fiber optic service proposal for Disney to connect the Disney Frank Wells Building, 500 S. Buena Vista St. to LADWP RSE Station.
Engineering developed a fiber optic service proposal for Qwest to connect Qwest, 3015 Winona Ave. to Universal Studios, 3801 Barham.
Engineering developed a fiber optic service proposal for Ascent Media to connect 2901 W. Alameda Ave. to LADWP RSE Station.
Engineering personnel released a fiber optic job for Disney to re-route the Team Disney Building, 500 S. Buena Vista St. to Disney Towers, 3900 W. Alameda Ave.
Engineering personnel released a fiber optic job for Disney to re-route the Team Disney Building, 500 S. Buena Vista St. to Disney, 620 Paula in Glendale.
Engineering personnel released a fiber optic job to connect the Olive GIS Station to the MPP Co-Locate Room to re-route the MUX and Relay system.
Engineering personnel released a fiber optic job for Disney to re-route the Team Disney Building, 500 S. Buena Vista St. to Disney Channel, 3800 W. Alameda Ave.
Engineering personnel released a fiber optic job for Technicolor to connect 250 E. Olive Ave. to 2255 Ontario St.
Engineering personnel released a fiber optic job to install all jumpers and prepare for the Memorial Day weekend fiber hub relocation at the MPP Service and Control Building.
Engineering personnel released, and BWP field personnel completed, a fiber optic job for Warner to connect Warner Building 157 to Pinnacle #2, 3300 W. Olive Ave.
Engineering personnel released, and BWP field personnel completed, a fiber optic job for Warner to connect the Warner Ranch to Pinnacle #2, 3300 W. Olive Ave.
BWP field personnel completed a fiber optic job for Modern Video Film to re-route Modern Video Film, 4411 W. Olive Ave., to 1733 Flower St.
BWP field personnel completed a fiber optic job for Nickelodeon to connect 231 W. Olive Ave to TVN, 2901 W. Alameda Ave.
BWP Facility Improvements
BWP Administration Building - Phase III Interior Remodel Plans and construction drawings received approval stamps from CDD, Fire, Police, BWP�s Electrical, Water and Telecom Sections. Final in-house review is nearly complete. (Next quarter: The set of plans will then go back to the Building Division for stamped approval and the building permit prior to a meeting with Purchasing to begin the bid process for a contractor.)
New Employee Entrance
The contractor received the Purchase Order and did a job walk. (Next quarter: The contractor will complete the new employee entrance in May.)
Magnolia Covered Parking
Bibb completed the final drawings, and BWP workers are cleaning out the area. (Next quarter: BWP workers will complete the project in June.)
Magnolia Security Wall
Staff is reviewing the drawings. (Next quarter: BWP will engage a contractor to do the work and finish the job by December 2006.)
Auxiliary Warehouse
Staff is reviewing the bid package that Bibb prepared. (Next quarter: Meet with Burbank Tournament of Roses Assoc., complete the geotechnical investigation, and award the bid. Complete by the end of September 2006.)
Communications Shop
Management approved the conceptual layout, and Bibb is preparing the detail design drawings. (Next quarter: Keep the project on schedule to start construction in August 2006 and finish construction in November 2006.)
Warehouse and Service Center
BWP managers began to refine their initial space requirements and to investigate vertical storage options for the Warehouse. With Board approval, staff has retained the SGS Group, which is finalizing the programming and space needs assessment study, and hired Kennard Design Group (KDG) of Los Angeles, which will prepare architectural drawings and bridging documents. (Next quarter: Do the geotechnical investigation. Finalize the space needs assessment for outside storage areas as well as the Warehouse. Begin preparation of detailed specifications.)
Electrical Distribution
69,000-Volt Transmission System
At the Lincoln Switching Station, field crews replaced three 69 kV circuit breakers that had inadequate fault duty post-MPP. (Next quarter: The two additional breakers with low fault duty are scheduled to be replaced by June 30, 2006 pending clearances and leaving one breaker to carry over into the next fiscal year.)
At Lincoln Switching Station, field crews installed a new station annunciator.
At Golden State, upgrade 69 kV bus differential relay for the 69 kV sectionalizing breaker. Construction is in progress and involves installing, setting and testing new relays. The work will be completed by April 30, which leaves May and June for replacing the remaining two breakers at Lincoln. (Lincoln Switching Station and Golden State Distributing Station are on the same site.)
34,500-Volt Subtransmission System
At Olive Switching Station, field crews increased capacity of Burbank-Olive #1 line and upgraded relay protection. (Next quarter: Make similar upgrades to the Burbank-Olive #2 line.)
At Olive Switching Station, field crews installed and energized a new, larger 69 kV/34.5 kV A-4 transformer bank at Olive and upgraded relay protection. They removed the old A-5 transformer bank from service, demolished the old A-5 transformer pad and began excavation for the new pad. (Next quarter: Subcontractor Miron Electric will install new power and control conduits, and the subcontractor Shaw and Sons will do the compaction and the concrete work with pouring to be completed by the middle of May. The rest of the work will be completed by the middle of June.)
In connection with the A-4 and A-5 bank replacements, BWP established and energized a temporary tie line between the Olive Switching Station and the Burbank Substation. It has maintained the reliability of the 34.5 kV network without BWP having to run Lake 1. Fuel savings are about $750,000. That tie will remain in service as long as it is needed for system reliability.
At the old Hollywood Way Distributing Station, field crews removed all 34.5kV equipment and supporting steel in preparation for the new SR-134 onramp and bridge widening near Hollywood Way and Alameda Ave.
34,500-Volt Distribution System
At the Winona Distributing Station, field crews upgraded relay and control switches for the Winona Industrial Circuit in preparation for reconfiguring the line.
Field crews completed the Warner Ranch Industrial Circuit.
12,470-Volt Distribution System
At the Golden State Distributing Station, field crews re-built all of the 12 kV circuit breakers.
Under engineering direction, field crews converted 4 kV Feeders A-3 and A-11 to 12 kV service from the new Hollywood Way Station (HW-7). As a part of this effort, four customer stations were rebuilt to 12 kV. (Next quarter: Convert the A-7 feeder area to 12 kV feeder Hollywood Way-4 which completes the transfer of three feeders from the Alameda Station to the Hollywood Way Station.).
Under engineering direction, field crews are rebuilding the A-96 and A-97 lines so that they can be energized from the Hollywood Way Station this fall. (Next quarter: Complete the rebuilding effort.)
Progress continues on rebuilding deteriorated pole lines or single pole replacements.
In addition to the above, 56 poles were set with crane company assistance in the A-96 and A-97 feeder areas in March. Crews are framing the poles and replacing conductors to prepare for the 12 kV conversion.
At the San Jose Distributing Station, field crews installed a new annunciator.
4,160-Volt Distribution System
At the Clybourn Distributing Station, field crews increased AC station power capacity and replaced the throw-over switch.
At the Flower and Naomi Distributing Stations, field crews installed new annunciators.
At the McCambridge Station, field crews replaced supervisory batteries with inverter. (Next quarter: Will have installed new main batteries.)
Secondary Voltage System and Electric Metering
Customer Transformer Stations
New business and strong residential real estate market has created a demand for new customer stations.
Field crews undergrounded its overhead lines along Frederick St. between Olive and Alameda Aves. The developer is constructing the parking structure and second office building at the corner of Alameda Ave. and Frederic St.
BWP is working with the City Attorney�s Office, Public Works Department and Community Development Department in forming Underground Utility District 1 (UUD1) to underground all overhead lines (power and communications) along Olive Ave. from the I-5 Bridge to Victory Blvd., and along Lake St. from Olive Ave. to Magnolia Blvd. BWP has been successfully working with SBC, Charter Communications, and other affected communication companies as well as affected customers. (Next quarter: Complete the remaining steps, including public hearings and seeking final Council approval, to establish UUD 1.)
BWP provided underground service to the GAC Plant and removed the overhead line near the Float Shed in the BWP Yard and along a portion of the north side of Olive Ave.
BWP has begun to remove the overhead lines immediately behind the former Buena Vista Library building. (Next quarter: Complete the undergrounding.)
BWP Engineering is working on two projects related to Caltrans. One project is the Alameda, Hollywood Way and Pass Ave. bridge widening on the SR-134, and a new on-ramp at Hollywood Way. The other project is the I-5 freeway, Empire Exchange, and San Fernando Realignment project. Staff is working with consultants and Caltrans on design work that involves a great deal of relocation of existing underground and overhead facilities.
Streetlighting System
In response to customer requests, field crews installed five lights in March (14 since July) and energized the new underground streetlight system in front of Phase 5 of M. David Paul�s Development on Empire Avenue.
Engineering is preparing drawings for the undergrounding of the streetlight system on Olive Ave. as well as for development-related projects:
In March, engineering completed the design of the new underground streetlight system on Orange Grove Ave. and relocation of the streetlight standards on First Street, to be done in conjunction with The Collection development. Engineering completed the design of the underground street lighting in front of the Resco property on Hollywood Way.
Field crews energized the Alameda Ave. portion of the new underground streetlight system next to Home Depot.
Engineering continues working with the Redevelopment Agency on the South San Fernando Blvd. street improvement project, and with the PW Traffic Signal Division on other street/traffic improvement projects. These projects include the Olive/Alameda Intersection Widening and the Empire Avenue Streetscape Project. The San Fernando Intelligent Transportation System Project is under construction.
Staff programmed the airport radios and put them on the Burbank cell and verified the operational advantages to Police. (Next quarter: Make the airport a subscriber member and seek Council approval of a formal maintenance contract.)
The Power Plant was added to the trunker.
Staff freed the brown channel, which Police can now use as a patch channel.
Staff worked with police and 20 other law enforcement agencies to provide communications support for their Operation Silent Night.
Staff worked with Police and Fire during the EOC activation in response to the hillside �Harvard Fire.� We supplied the Comm Leader (a State position) for the entire operation.
Phones and Miscellaneous
Staff changed the City�s pay phone provider from SBC to Starwest, which saves the City $3000 per month.
Staff changed the music-on-hold source from Charter to MP3 players, which saves the City $480 per month.
Staff worked with SCADA to create an emergency information line.
Staff checked the 911 database to verify information is correct for all City lines.
Staff took control of Fire cell phones which had been maintained by Fire.
Staff provided a PA system to a variety of City functions as well as BWP�s Art-in-Public Places presentation. Staff also maintained PA systems at Joslyn and the City�s public pools.
Customer Service
In May 2004, BWP created an energy-saving program called Business Bucks, designed specifically for Burbank's smaller and mid-sized businesses. Through this program, BWP provides free on-site energy surveys and supports up to $1,000 in energy-saving retrofits per participating customer. The program is fully turn-key. Interested businesses simply call our hotline to schedule a comprehensive energy survey. After the survey, a short report is issued with recommended energy-saving retrofits. BWP will pay up to $1,000 in retrofits that customers select. This successful program serves over 200 businesses annually. Fiscal Year 2005-06 energy savings from the program are projected to be nearly 500,000 kilowatt-hours annually!
Legislative Update:
Refer to the attached legislative reports.