Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, May 2, 2006

Agenda Item - 10


                                               CITY OF BURBANK
                                  LIBRARY SERVICES DEPARTMENT



DATE: May 9, 2006
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager
FROM: Sharon L. Cohen, Library Services Director

A Resolution of the Council of the City of Burbank Supporting the Passage and Funding of Proposition 81, the California Reading and Literacy Improvement and Public Library Construction and Renovation Bond Act of 2006, and Urging All Citizens, Community Leaders, and Organizations in Burbank to Lend Their Support to the Creation of this Public Library Bond Fund.




The purpose of this report is to request City Council to support the passage and funding of Proposition 81, the California Reading and Literacy Improvement and Public Library Construction and Renovation Bond Act,  on the California June 6, 2006 ballot.




In March, 2000, California voters passed Proposition 14, a bond act to fund a grant for public library construction and renovation. That measure raised $350 million for library construction grants awarded on a competitive basis to communities for new or expanded public library facilities. This money was distributed in three rounds over a three-year period, ending in January 2004.


After passing Measure L, a local bond indebtedness measure, in February 2003 to raise the required 1/3 matching funds, Burbank Public Library applied for the maximum grant of $20 million in the second and third award cycles.   Unfortunately, while Burbank submitted a strong application, Burbank Public Library was not awarded the grant due to the tremendous need for public library construction money across the state.  Burbank remains a worthy but unfunded project, along with 56 other unfunded projects in the third round.


Proposition 81, if passed by California voters, would authorize the State of California to sell $600 million in bonds to assist local government in the construction of public libraries.  Up to half of the monies, or $300 million, will be used to fund some of those third round projects already submitted and accepted.  This includes Burbank Public Library�s application and it will not be necessary to reapply.  If Proposition 81 is passed by the voters on June 6, 2006, the City will have another opportunity to receive State funding to complete a new Central Library.  The previously passed Measure L is still applicable to this grant to meet the matching funds requirement.  Additionally, Measure L provides funding for a new Northwest Branch Library.




There is no direct fiscal impact for passing the resolution.





Staff recommends that Council approve the following: A Resolution of the Council of the City of Burbank Supporting the Passage and Funding of Proposition 81, the California Reading and Literacy Improvement and Public Library Construction and Renovation Bond Act of 2006, and Urging All Citizens, Community Leaders, and Organizations in Burbank to Lend Their Support to the Creation of this Public Library Bond Fund.






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