Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, April 25, 2006Agenda Item - 6 |
Staff is requesting City Council acceptance of the monies donated by the public to the Civic Pride Committee's Plant-a-Tree project.
The Burbank Civic Pride Committee conducts the annual Plant-a-Tree program by soliciting donations from the public and donating the money collected towards the purchase of ornamental trees to be planted throughout Burbank's parks. Civic Pride Committee members have worked with staff from the Public Information Office and the Park, Recreation and Community Services Department throughout this project. This year they successfully raised $5,460. This money will be used to offset the purchase of ornamental trees to be planted at Lincoln Park. A ceremony was held on March 30 at Lincoln Park to recognize the donors and present them with certificates.
To utilize monies generated by this mechanism and already deposited with the Treasurer, the Budget needs to be amended by appropriations in the amount of the donated $5,460 from Account No. 001.PR000.51150.1000, Urban Reforestation to Account No. 001.PR26A.62365, Urban Reforestation. This is at the request of the Park, Recreation and Community Services Department.
Staff is recommending that the City Council adopt a resolution amending the FY 2005-2006 Budget by appropriating the Civic Pride Committee's donation in the amount of $5,460.