Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, April 4, 2006Agenda Item - 6 |
Staff requests that the City Council adopt a resolution approving the First Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Orsa Consulting Engineers to complete utility relocation design work at the Hollywood Way, Alameda Avenue and Pass Avenue bridges needed to proceed with the construction of the SR-134 Ramp project at Hollywood Way. The original Professional Services Agreement with Orsa was for $74,900 and the cost of this additional work is $17,000. The total cost of this contract, including this change order, will be reimbursed to the City by Caltrans.
The SR-134 Ramp project involves the construction of a new on-ramp to the Westbound SR-134 freeway from Alameda Avenue east of Hollywood Way. It will circle around the back side of the Burbank Water and Power (BWP) electrical substations, pass under the Hollywood Way and Alameda Avenue bridges, and parallel the existing westbound on-ramp before merging with it, and eventually with the freeway mainline west of Pass Avenue. This second on-ramp is expected to greatly relieve traffic congestion at the adjacent intersection and within surrounding area.
On July 5, 2005, Council approved a Professional Service Agreement with Orsa Consulting Engineers in the amount of $74,900 to provide engineering design services for the underground electrical system and other utilities, crossing the Hollywood Way, Alameda Avenue and Pass Avenue bridges. Although a majority of the utility design work on the SR-134 Ramp project has been completed, further tasks have arisen that are needed to complete this project. Those tasks include an additional lighting system upgrade at Pass Avenue and Hollywood Way bridges, increased scope of work on Pass Avenue and additional coordinating meetings with Caltrans and Burbank Water and Power.
The total cost of the First Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement, that the City is required to front, to complete utility design work at the SR-134 Ramp project with Orsa Consulting Engineers is $17,000, which is currently available in the project account. All funding for the utility relocation portion of the project will be completely reimbursed by Caltrans.
Staff recommends that Council to adopt a resolution approving the First Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Orsa Consulting Engineers, Inc.