Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Agenda Item - 6


Text Box:                                                                                                                    City of Burbank
Park, Recreation and
Community Services Department




DATE: March 28, 2006
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager
FROM: Eric Hansen, Park, Recreation and Community Services Director




At the March 14, 2006 City Council meeting, staff was directed to develop a banner program honoring individuals serving in the armed forces. This was the first step in what is referred to as the �one-step, two-step process�.  The purpose of this report is to propose a program to honor and recognize members of the community who are currently serving our nation in the military services.




The City of Burbank has a long tradition of honoring and recognizing men and women who have served our nation in time of war, including those who have given their lives defending our freedom.  In continuation of this long standing tradition, City Council directed staff to develop a street banner program recognizing Burbank residents serving our nation during our current engagement with the War on Terrorism.  Staff conducted a survey concerning military recognition programs sponsored by municipalities or community organizations.  Staff identified five agencies that have initiated programs.  Most agencies have implemented street banner programs in conjunction with a formal City Council presentation to the service personnel and/or their family. In addition to the name of the individual being recognized and the individual�s branch of service, some of the banners incorporate the traditional Blue Star on their graphic design.  Once the banners are placed, they remain on display until the service personnel is discharged from military duty.  At that time, the banner is taken down and presented to the individual or family.


In most communities a formal City Council recognition takes place at the start of military service with a presentation of a proclamation to the individual or family.  In some cases a Blue Star poster is also presented to the family to place in a window of the family home. This was a tradition initiated in 1917.




During the March 14, 2006 City Council meeting, staff itemized a number of program elements for discussion.

  1. Should the City initiate a banner program or poster program?  The latter has a historical basis and was commonplace during previous World Wars.

  2. If a banner program was selected, who would be the lead entity to develop the program? Could this be a collaborative effort between the City and other community groups?

  3.  Where would the banners be placed? A dedicated area would need to be selected since the banners in all the programs are displayed year round.

  4. Who would fund the program? Currently, frame posters might run $40 each after the initial art work has been completed. Banners would cost approximately $85 each. The brackets for installation are an additional $85.  There would be an additional cost to hang and maintain the banners.  As an example, if you had one hundred individuals serving in the armed forces, the cost of the program would be approximately $18,000.  It is important to note that these programs recognize everyone serving, not just those who are overseas in a combat zone.

Staff proposes that a Military Service Recognition Banner Program honoring Burbank residents be established.  The goal is to recognize our men and women in uniform serving active duty in the armed forces.  This includes those Guard and Reserve personnel activated following September 11, 2001.


The program elements would be as follows:

  1. Individuals would submit the name of service personnel on a registration form developed by City staff.  Service personnel must be a current Burbank resident, or be a Burbank resident at the time of military enlistment.

  2. Once processed, a formal City Council recognition would be scheduled prior to a City Council meeting. A banner including the individual�s name and his or her branch of military service would be hung.  The banner would remain up as long as the individual remained on active duty. Once the individual was discharged the banner would be presented to him or her.

  3. This program will be a collaborative effort between the City of Burbank, community organizations and individuals willing to provide sponsorships.  City staff will assume the lead role.  Representatives who have expressed interest (Burbank Chamber of Commerce) will assist. The cost of the banner is estimated to be $300.  Staff recommends that the City fund half of the cost, and the sponsor fund the remaining $150.  The sponsor will receive a certificate of appreciation for their support.  This offers the entire community an opportunity to participate in the program.   

  4. Staff proposes that a portion of Third Street, from Olive Avenue to Amherst, be selected as the banner placement site.  This area can accommodate up to 126 personalized banners.  In addition, banners recognizing �all our veterans� will be placed around the perimeter of McCambridge Park.     

The number of Burbank residents that would be eligible for this recognition is not known.  Our limited survey data had some municipal programs with less than ten (10) participants and others in excess of two hundred (200).  Staff will develop promotional materials utilizing such resources as Channel 6, the City�s web page, the Veteran�s Committee, press releases, and brochures.  Once the recognition program is initiated, it is anticipated that word of mouth will provide additional names.




Staff recommends that City Council authorize the use of $30,000 from the Military Pool Holding Account, account number 001.ND000.60018.1001.  The funds will be utilized to initiate the recognition program.  In addition, a revenue account will be established for the community match/sponsorship component.




Staff recommends that City Council adopt a Military Service Banner Recognition Program, and approve funding in the amount of $30,000 from the Military Pool Holding Account.