Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, March 28, 2006Agenda Item - 5 |
To present City Council with an additional draft comment letter on the Draft Environmental Impact Report (Draft EIR) regarding sewer system improvements proposed by the City of Los Angeles.
On March 14, 2006, Public Works presented a draft comment letter to the City Council on Glendale-Burbank Interceptor Sewer (GBIS) - Hybrid Alignment project concerns. With the addition of some language requested by Council Members, this letter was sent to Los Angeles.
City Council is now requesting that City staff draft an additional comment letter regarding additional alignment possibilities. This draft letter is being presented to City Council tonight for additional direction.
The draft letter on additional alignment possibilities will be presented to the City Council at the March 28th Council Meeting.
Direct staff to send the Draft EIR comment letter � additional alignments to the City of Los Angeles.