Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, March 28, 2006Agenda Item - 10 |
At the March 7, 2006 Council meeting, Mayor Vander Borght requested that staff bring back options for reducing the length of Council meetings as the first step in the one step-two step agenda process. The purpose of this report is to receive Council direction regarding whether or not the Council wishes to consider this item in more detail at an upcoming Council meeting.
The City Council has considered various options for reducing the length of Council meetings over the last ten years. The following is a brief summary of the actions taken by the Council:
The City Council could implement any number or combination of several options for reducing the length of Council meetings. At the direction of the Council, staff will bring back additional information on any of the following options or any options suggested by the Council:
Some agenda items that are brought forth as informational items could be placed on the agenda before the meeting as study sessions or could be considered on another night during a special meeting. For example, in the past, the departments� budget presentations have been scheduled for special meetings separate from the usual Tuesday Council meeting (usually on several Thursday evenings). In recent years, staff has scheduled these presentations during the regular business portion of the Council meetings so that the public can participate without having to attend a separate meeting; however, these presentations could be scheduled as study sessions before the regular Tuesday meeting, or on a separate night as a special meeting.
While staff currently makes an effort to manage the length of the agendas by scheduling and reviewing them in advance, it is not always possible to control when urgent items need to be placed on the Council agenda immediately. Staff will continue to make a concerted effort to manage the agenda and schedule items in such a way as to keep the meetings to a reasonable length.
Fiscal Impact
There is no fiscal impact associated with this report.
Staff recommends that the Council provide direction regarding whether or not the Council wishes to further consider any options for reducing the length of Council meetings. Staff will return with additional information on the requested options at the direction of the Council.