Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Agenda Item - 8






DATE: March 21, 2006
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager

Susan M. Georgino, Community Development Director

By Greg Herrmann, Assistant Community Development Director






A Co-operation Agreement was executed on October 8, 2002 between Caltrans and the City setting each party�s responsibilities for completing the Westbound SR-134 On-Ramp project at Hollywood Way.  Caltrans now proposes that an Amendment to that Agreement be executed to extend the term of the Agreement and to add additional project-related responsibilities for each party.  Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute the proposed Amendment. 




The SR-134 Ramp project involves the construction of a new on-ramp to the Westbound  SR-134 freeway from Alameda Avenue, east of Hollywood Way.  It will circle around the back side of the Burbank Water and Power (BWP) electrical substations, pass under the Hollywood Way and Alameda Avenue freeway bridges, and parallel the existing westbound on-ramp before merging with it, and eventually with the freeway mainline west of Pass Avenue.  This second on-ramp is expected to greatly relieve traffic congestion at the adjacent intersection and surrounding area. 


On October 8, 2002, Caltrans and the City executed a Co-Operation Agreement (Attachment A) stating the responsibilities of each party in completing the project.  The City agreed to realign the existing off-ramp, relocate the BWP Hollywood Way substation, and dedicate right-of-way; Caltrans agreed to fund and construct the new on-ramp, and to relinquish property to the City.   State funding problems during the prior three years have delayed Caltrans� from starting construction on the new on-ramp.  Last year, Caltrans was finally able to secure the necessary funding to begin preliminary right-of-way activities and begin final preparations for beginning construction, which is now scheduled to begin late-2006.    




The significant terms included in the proposed Amendment (Attachment B) are:  a 5-year extension of the Agreement; the City agrees to be responsible for performing environmental soil assessments on several parcels that need to be acquired by Caltrans for the project, and for designing a section of the electrical substation wall; and Caltrans agrees to widen the south side of Alameda Avenue to create an additional lane leading to the new on-ramp. 


Caltrans is requesting that the City be responsible for completing initial environmental soils investigations (�Phase I�), and subsequent testing if warranted (�Phase II�), to determine the soil conditions of several parcels of private property that Caltrans will need to acquire for temporary construction easements and permanent tie-back easements (subsurface anchors for retaining walls).  This responsibility only requires the City to fund the research and testing needed to ascertain existing soil conditions on the identified parcels, and does not include any responsibility for remediating any contaminated soil conditions that may be found within any of the private property parcels investigated; that responsibility rests entirely with Caltrans.  This soils work has already been completed at a cost to the City of $7,800.  A structural engineering consultant has also been retained to prepare the necessary designs for the new BWP electrical substation wall, and has completed that work at a cost to the City of $19,500.   


In return for the City incurring the costs of the soils investigations and substation wall design, Caltrans is proposing to fund the cost of widening the south side of Alameda Avenue between Hollywood Way and the new on-ramp.  This widening will create an additional eastbound lane that will lead directly onto the ramp, thereby facilitating a near free-flow condition of traffic entering the freeway.  The City will save approximately $60,000 by Caltrans including the street widening into their overall ramp project construction.




The approval and execution of the proposed amendment will reduce the cost of the project to the City by approximately $30,000.




Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute the proposed Amendment to the Co-operation Agreement. 






A         Original Co-operation Agreement (Executed October 8, 2002)

B          Proposed Amendment



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