Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, March 14, 2006Agenda Item - 7 |
To request approval from the Burbank City Council to approve staff�s recommendation to sign Agreement No. 66639 with the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California (MWD).
The MWD provides funding for water conservation items to its member agencies. MWD has also hired a company called Honeywell DMC to act as the liaison between business customers and member agencies. This is a nod to the fact that most member agencies have very small conservation staffs and may be unable to provide water conservation rebates and services directly to their customers. Through information provided by both Honeywell DMC and the member agencies, business customers contact Honeywell directly to receive program information and rebates. The MWD pays Honeywell a processing fee for their services as well as the customer rebate.
The water-efficient devices and associated incentives that MWD provides are shown below:
I n the past, the MWD signed annual funding agreements with its agencies. This has proved to be a time-consuming exercise and the MWD has elected to streamline the process with ten-year Agreements entered into with its member agencies. This Agreement would be in effect until December 31, 2015. As needed, MWD would issue Addendums to identify any changes to incentive amounts or items included in the Agreement.
This agreement is certainly advantageous to BWP. In addition to providing funding for incentives to Burbank businesses that install water-saving equipment, the program is completely turn-key for the utility. Staffing is essentially provided by MWD through its arrangement with Honeywell DMC.
Staff requests that the Burbank City Council approve staff�s recommendation to enter into Agreement No. 66639 between the City of Burbank and the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California.