Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Agenda Item - 3






DATE: March 14, 2006
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager

Susan M. Georgino, Community Development Director

via:  Greg Herrmann, Assistant Community Development Director/City Planner

by:   Joy R. Forbes, Deputy City Planner



600 South San Fernando Boulevard




The purpose of this report is for United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) to request approval from Council for a change to their previously approved landscaping plan.




On June 6, 2000, Council approved Planned Development (PD) #2000-2 which authorized the construction of an 18-unit independent living complex for very low income disabled adults.  When approving this ordinance, Council added a Condition of Approval that states that �[t]he applicant must receive approval from the City Council of final landscaping plans before a building permit for construction will be issued.�


On October 2, 2001, staff and the applicant�s landscape architect presented their landscaping plan which was approved by the Council.


UCP encountered some delays in project funding, but finally received their building permit and began construction over one year ago.  UCP came to staff in February stating that they are again having funding shortfalls and requested a change to their landscape plan.  Specifically, they would like to replace 13 Date Palms with King Palms.  These trees are located within the setback area along San Fernando Boulevard (eight trees) and Providencia Avenue (five trees). (Exhibit A identifies the Date Palms within the approved landscape plan)  They state that this replacement will save them over $13,000 because of the cost of Date Palms and also because they will likely have some trees donated.



















UCP is proposing to plant the trees at 14 feet, the same requirement for the Date Palms.  These trees do not grow as large as Date Palms, but are still of a large stature.  Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department staff have reviewed the request and believe the King Palms are an acceptable substitute for Date Palms.  Redevelopment Agency staff states this tree will coordinate with the street trees (Arbutus Marina, an evergreen tree with pink flowers in the fall) planned for the South San Fernando Streetscape Project.


Text Box: King Palm
Text Box: Date Palm



Staff recommends that the City Council approve the change to the landscape plan.





Exhibit A          Approved landscape plan for PD 2000-1




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