Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, March 14, 2006Agenda Item - 2 |
At the October 18, 2005, City Council meeting, Mayor Vander Borght requested that staff bring back a discussion of the potential of developing a gateway public art installation at the intersection of Burbank and Victory Boulevards and Victory Place, formerly known as �Five Points�. This item was placed on the agenda on November 22, 2005, as the first step in what is referred to as the �one-step, two-step process�. City Council directed staff to bring back a proposal for their consideration.
The City has developed numerous public art installations in conjunction with new capital projects. These would include, but are not limited to, the Police/Fire Headquarters Facility, the Stough Canyon Nature Center, the Buena Vista Library/Lincoln Park, and the McCambridge Park renovation.
The Art in Public Places Ordinance requires that a development project with a construction budget over $500,000 contribute 1% of the total project costs towards an art installation. �Development Project� is defined as any development which requires a building permit. Private developers who do not desire to install on-site art must contribute their 1% obligation to the Public Art Fund. Currently, there is approximately $583,125 in the fund.
At the November 22, 2005 Council meeting, City Council directed staff, with the assistance of an appointed Site Specific Art Committee, to initiate an artist search without the services of an art consultant.
The area of land available for an art installation is approximately one (1) acre. It is not easily accessible to pedestrian traffic, however, it is very visible to motorists. Given the appropriate size of the potential art installation and the stated desire that it should be a �gateway� project, staff recommends that City Council consider $150,000 be appropriated from the Public Art Fund. Staff also recommends that the Redevelopment Agency Board also consider that an additional $150,000 be allocated from the Golden State bond proceeds. The total appropriation for this major installation, once fully funded, would be $300,000.
To move forward, a Site Specific Art Committee would need to be appointed. Since this project will have a close relationship to the Burbank Boulevard Beautification Streetscape Project, staff would recommend that City Council consider members of the existing Oversite Committee which would include Mayor Jef Vander Borght, Vice-Mayor Todd Campbell, representatives from the City Manager�s Office, Community Development, Public Works, Parks, Recreation and Community Services, and Landscape Architect Kim Rhodes. In addition, staff recommends a representative of the Heritage Commission, the Art in Public Places Committee, and two appointees from the Burbank Boulevard business district. This is a large committee, but will afford continuity between the art installation and the beautification of the streetscape.
It is also staff�s desire to obtain City Council�s thoughts on general concepts which should be taken into consideration when selecting a proposal which would be brought back to City Council for approval. During the November 22nd meeting, City Council members expressed the desire that the piece have a relationship to our history, possibly an aviation theme, that may honor the men and women who worked in this field, and it would also include trees. It should also be noted that Mayor Vander Borght wrote a letter to Lockheed inquiring as to whether they would like to participate in the project. They have expressed interest and a desire to be kept informed.
Redevelopment Agency Assistance
It is proposed that the $300,000 cost for installation of the art piece be split between the Public Art Fund and Golden State Bond Proceeds. While the open area where the art piece is proposed to be installed is immediately adjacent to the Golden State and South San Fernando Redevelopment Project Areas, it is not actually in a Redevelopment Project Area. In order for the Redevelopment Agency to fund its share of the art piece, certain findings must be made in accordance with California Community Redevelopment Law, Section 33445. Health and Safety Code Section 33445 requires that the City Council find that: 1) the use of Agency Funds outside a Redevelopment Project Area is of benefit to the project area funding the improvement; 2) there is no other reasonable means of financing the improvements; 3) the redevelopment purpose served is identified; and 4) that funding the public improvements will assist in the elimination of one or more blighting conditions inside the project area or assist in providing affordable housing.
Section 33445 Findings
The Public Art fund has a balance of $583,125. If approved, $150,000 would be appropriated from the Public Art Fund (001.ND000.21016.0000) to the Five Points Art Installation Project (370.PR46A.70005.0000.16611). In addition, $150,000 would be appropriated from the Redevelopment Agency Merged Project Area Unappropriated Fund Balance Account 306-ND000-30004 to 306-CD22A-70005-0000-16611.
Staff recommends that City Council approve the development of a �Gateway� art project at the intersection formerly known as �Five Points,� appropriate $150,000 from the Public Art Fund (001.ND000.21016.0000) to the Five Points Art Installation project (370.PR46A.70005.0000.16611). Staff also recommends the Redevelopment Agency Board appropriate $150,000 from Golden State bond proceeds (306-ND000-30004) to the Five Points Art Installation project (306-CD22A-70005-0000-16611); and recommends that Council appoint a Site Specific Art Committee comprised of Mayor Vander Borght, Vice-Mayor Campbell, representatives from the City Manager�s Office, Community Development, Public Works, Park, Recreation and Community Services, the Heritage Commission, the Art in Public Places Committee, Landscape Architect Kim Rhodes, and two (2) Burbank Boulevard business representatives.