Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, March 14, 2006Agenda Item - 10 |
Staff is requesting City Council approval of contract documents and award of a construction contract for Bid Schedule No. 1187 � CDBG Addition for Tuttle Adult Center Project.
The Tuttle Adult Center is a neighborhood facility used for senior recreation programming in activities such as games, exercise, movies, choral groups, blood pressure checks, meetings, and educational and special events as well as a daily (Monday-Friday) congregate meal program. Due to increased attendance at all of the programs, additional space is needed to accommodate the growth in the programs.
Bid Schedule No. 1187 was advertised in the Burbank Leader on October 8, 2005 and October 12, 2005. Nine (9) copies of the bid were taken out and two (2) bids were received at the bid opening ranging from $234,800 to $255,000. Upon review of the bid documents, staff finds Tek-Up Construction to be the lowest responsible bidder. Tek-Up Construction submitted the low bid of $234,800.
The engineer�s original estimate for this bid schedule was $150.000. The lowest bid exceeded the original estimate by $84,800, or 56%. The increase is attributed to the rise in construction costs.
Construction of this project is categorically exempt under Section 15301 of the Guidelines for the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
The project was initially funded with Community Development Block Grant funds. Additional funding for the project has been secured by reprogramming and reprioritizing funds from approved capital projects and by cost savings from completed projects. Sufficient funding for the project is available in Account Nos. 122.CD25A.63051.1043.00000 and 534.PR21A.15032.0000.16697.
Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the resolution approving the contract documents and award a construction contract to Tek-Up Construction for Bid Schedule No, 1187 � CDBG Addition for Tuttle Adult Center Project.