Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, March 7, 2006Agenda Item - 7 |
The purpose of this report is to update the Council on the current status of the parking and transitional issues associated with the sale of NBC�s approximately nine acre �Catalina� parcel.
Last year, NBC/Universal (NBC) sold a portion of their lot to M. David Paul. This portion of the NBC property, known as the Catalina parcel, is in the northeast corner of the property and is bounded by Parkside Avenue on the south, Bob Hope Drive on the west, Alameda Avenue on the north, and the property boundary of Providence St. Joseph Hospital on the east and consists of approximately 9.3 acres. At the Council meeting of January 10, 2006, staff was asked to provide an update on efforts to work with NBC on the parking and transitional issues associated with this sale.
Staff has requested NBC representatives to submit a plan of how they will vacate buildings, employees, and parking from the Catalina property and where replacement parking will be located. NBC has provided staff with the following information:
These items were previously discussed with Jack O�Neill, but since his retirement, staff has continued discussions with Tom Smith, with NBC, who is continuing these efforts.
Staff is pleased that NBC has expressed a desire to address parking shortfalls on their lot, especially with the sale of the Catalina property. However, this plan includes options which do not appear to meet code. The following lists the specific concerns:
When this Planned Development was approved, parking requirements were identified by treating the entire Project Site as one site. The Project Site includes the Catalina portion as well as the rest of the NBC campus. Parking was allowed anywhere on that Project Site, no matter where lot lines existed. This unique shared parking concept survives the sale of any individual parcels. The Catalina lots provided some of this shared parking for the NBC campus. Those parking spaces, approximately 454, must remain on the Catalina portion as shared parking spaces serving the main lot of NBC, or if not, those spaces must be replaced by NBC on-site. Alternatively, off-site parking is allowed but only in accordance with the Burbank Municipal Code. Should the shared parking spaces on the Catalina property be removed without providing legal replacement parking, then a zoning violation of the Planned Development and related Development Agreement, will be occurring, and the City will have no choice but to enforce its parking requirements. Due to the unusual situation of the Planned Development now involving two different owners, each owner will be individually responsible, as the parking was, as stated above, a shared parking concept, over the entire Project Site.
Staff is concerned that NBC has stated they must vacate the Catalina property by the end March, since doing so without providing legal replacement parking will result in a violation of the Planned Development Zone and the Development Agreement to which both property owners are subject.
Staff has sent a letter to NBC and M. David Paul asking them to retain all shared parking on the Catalina portion of the Project Site, or provide adequate replacement parking that meets the Burbank Municipal Code requirements. The letter also requests clarification to several issues that were discussed above, such as the actual number of parking spaces in excess of code requirement in the Pinnacle building.
Staff recommends placing this item on a future Council agenda once a response to our letter has been received identifying how NBC and M. David Paul will continue to meet parking requirements.