Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Agenda Item - 3


City of Burbank








Management Services Department



DATE: February 28, 2006
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager
FROM: Judie Sarquiz, Management Services Director




The purpose of this report is to request City Council adoption of the proposed resolution revising the specification for the classification of Transportation Scheduler (CTC No. 0970), as shown in the attachment.




The classification of Transportation Dispatcher was established in 1986 and was a modified version of the Intermediate Clerk specification.  Later, in 1988, the title of the classification was revised to its current title of Transportation Scheduler, but the majority of the specification remained clerical in nature.  Since 1988, both technology and the duties of the position have changed and the classification no longer needs to have a heavy clerical focus.  Today, the duties of the classification have taken on an office coordinating role and the incumbents act as a back up to the Transportation Services Drivers.  This classification is also much more involved with the public, by phone and in person, as they request transportation services.    




The nature of the Transportation Scheduler position is considerably different today than it was back in 1986 when it was established.  It is imperative that the specification be updated in order to reflect the current duties of the position.  The current duties require incumbents to have a California Class B Driver�s License since this classification is also a substitute driver in case of staff shortages and emergencies.  This new license will allow them to drive the transit vehicles.  Incumbents will also be required to obtain an American Red Cross Standard First Aid Certificate since they deal closely with the public, and specifically the elderly. Overall, these revisions will assist the department as it recruits for this position in the future.


This classification will remain subject to the Civil Service rules and the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and will not be included in the City�s Conflict of Interest Code.  The Burbank City Employees� Association (BCEA) will continue to represent this classification and the BCEA has been advised of this revision.  The Park, Recreation, and Community Services Director concurs with this recommendation.  The Civil Service Board reviewed this revision at their meeting on February 9, 2006 and recommended approval of this change to the Council.




The new salary for the classification of Transportation Scheduler will be set at $2,731 - $3,411.  This new salary represents a $101 per month salary increase due to the enhanced requirements.  There will be no fiscal impact to the department since there are enough salary savings in this year�s budget to offset the salary increase.  The recurring cost for this increase will be budgeted next fiscal year. 




Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the resolution revising the specification for the classification of Transportation Scheduler (CTC No. 0970), as shown in the attachments.



Respectfully submitted,

Judie Sarquiz

Management Services Director