Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Agenda Item - 9


                                            CITY OF BURBANK
                                 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT



DATE: February 21, 2006
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager

Bonnie Teaford, Interim Public Works Director

By: Kenneth Johnson, Traffic Engineer





To provide Council with information on the potential for operating Chandler Boulevard as a one-way pair between Mariposa Street and Pass Avenue, and to obtain direction from Council on further study of Chandler Boulevard.




Council directed staff to investigate the potential for modifying the existing traffic operation on Chandler Boulevard from two bi-directional streets to a one-way pair operation between Mariposa Street and Pass Avenue.  In November 2005, staff prepared a memorandum outlining the steps for a complete study of the street.  The study included the following steps:


        Collect traffic demand data

        Prepare an analysis of impacts from the change

        Conduct public outreach

        Determine changeover costs

        Prepare a City Council report

        Develop a changeover plan


Staff has completed the initial elements of the study, and the public outreach component has begun with a discussion of the project with the Friends of Chandler Bikeway.  We have also collected unsolicited comments from various sources.




A significant amount of preliminary work has been completed to collect technical data needed to evaluate the potential impacts associated with a one-way operation.  The technical data include compiling an updated inventory of traffic control devices, conducting traffic counts, and  compiling accident data.  The traffic control devices on Chandler Boulevard are shown on Attachment 1.  Traffic signals are installed at major streets and all other bikeway crossings are controlled by four-way stop controls.  A number of the side streets have speed humps and Pass Avenue has a chocker.  The distance between bikeway crossings is generally about 1,300 to 1,400 feet, but the sections between Keystone Street and Mariposa Street, and California Street and Buna Vista Street are over 2,600 feet in length.


Traffic Volume � Traffic demand data were collected at about every other intersecting street with Chandler Boulevard to get a sense of how much traffic would be affected by the change in traffic operation.  The data, included in Attachment 2, shows that Chandler Boulevard carries between 4,000 and 5,000 vehicles per day over most of its length, while the minor intersecting streets carry between 300 and 600 vehicles per day.   Minor streets that cross the bikeway carry between 1,000 and 2,500 vehicles per day.


Accidents � Accident data were reviewed for a 5 � year period between January 2000 and July 2005 to identify any accident patterns along the street.  A total of 39 accidents occurred in the study period, resulting in a fairly low accident incidence on Chandler Boulevard.  The locations with the most accidents were Victory Boulevard (6), Buena Vista Street (6), and California Street (5).  The accident tally included 31 intersection accidents and 8 non-intersection accidents.  At least 25 percent of all intersection accidents were caused by wrong way drivers.  Right angle intersection accidents also accounted for about 25 percent of the total, and one pedestrian accident was recorded at Keystone Street.


Trip Characteristics � One-way streets tend to increase trip length and travel, but the one-way operation also tends to reduce stopped delay because of more efficient operation of traffic controls.  Travel time, travel distance and delay were estimated for Chandler Boulevard based on the volume of traffic on the side streets, the distance between bikeway crossings and the estimated volume of traffic diverted to other routes.


The one-way operation is expected to increase travel distance by local residents by about 4,000 miles per day, or about 1.2 million miles per year.  Total time traveled is estimated to increase by about 50,000 hours per year, but total travel delay is expected to decrease because of increased efficiency of the traffic signals by about 700 hours per day, or 210,000 hours per year. 


Other changes in trip characteristics will include diversion of traffic to other nearby major streets by local residents.  It is also likely that Chandler Boulevard will become a more attractive route for through trips since delay at the traffic signals will be decreased.  Travel speeds are not expected to change significantly.


Public Input � The public input component of the project is just beginning. Some indication of public reaction was garnered from the news media, telephone calls, and e-mails.  The issue was also discussed at a recent meeting of the Friends of Chandler Bikeway.  Although some expressions of support were offered, the public sentiment was overwhelmingly against the change to a one-way operation.  About 80 percent of persons expressing an opinion were against the change.




This operations study has had no fiscal impact.




Staff requests further direction from City Council on the scope and content of the Chandler Boulevard operations study.





Figure 1 � Chandler Boulevard Traffic controls

Figure 2 � Existing Traffic Demand




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