Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, February 14, 2006Agenda Item - 4 |
The annual weed abatement program removes the nuisance created on various properties by weeds, rubbish, refuse and brush. These nuisances create a potential fire hazard and a haven for rodents and vectors.
The purpose of the Resolution of Intention is threefold:
1. To declare weeds and debris to be a public nuisance. 2. To declare the City Council�s intent to abate the nuisance. 3. To establish the date of February 28, 2006 at 6:30 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing relating to this issue.
This resolution is a necessary legal step in the execution of the 2006 Weed Abatement Program under the provisions of the State of California Government Code Title 4, Division 3, Part 2, Chapter 13, Article 2, Sections 39560 to 39588.
Attached is a list of properties within the City of Burbank, which need to be cleared of weeds, rubbish, refuse, and debris during the 2006 Weed and Debris Clearance Program. Data used in compiling this list has been developed from the official weed maps of the County of Los Angeles, which identify private property locations by parcel number.
Notices to destroy weeds will be mailed to the property owners as required by the Government Code of the State of California upon receipt of City Council approval. An affidavit of mailing will be returned to the City by the County of Los Angeles Department of Agricultural Commissioner/Weights and Measures when the mailing of notices, as provided by law, has been completed.
This resolution declares weeds and debris a public nuisance and is the first Council action necessary for the City of Burbank to carry out the annual program of abating weeds and debris on certain private properties throughout the City. The owners of the private property involved may either complete the abatement themselves or the County will do the work and recover the cost of the abatement through a property tax lien.
The County of Los Angeles cleans certain private property of weeds and debris. The County keeps track of charges and is reimbursed through the private property tax bill as a lien against the property. There is no cost impact on the City of Burbank General Fund or Redevelopment Agency�s budget for this program other than incidental administrative costs.
Staff has determined that this project is categorically exempt under Section 15301[h] of the California Environmental Quality Act.
Staff recommends that the Council approve the proposed Resolution declaring its intention to abate the nuisances created by weeds and debris and setting February 28, 2006, as the date for a hearing on objections to the program.
Exhibit A