Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, February 7, 2006Agenda Item - 7 |
Pursuant to the provisions of Section 28 of the City Charter, the purpose of this report is to present the results of the Special Election held on Tuesday, January 24, 2006 to the Council for approval.
Following the resignation of Council Member Murphy on August 30, 2005, the Council adopted Resolution No. 27,062 on September 13, 2005, declaring Ms. Murphy�s seat vacant and Ordinance No. 3682 on September 27, 2005, ordering that a Special Municipal Election be held on January 24, 2006 for the purpose of filling the vacancy with a term expiring on April 30, 2009. Subsequent to the close of the Nomination Period on October 28, 2005, the following candidates, in ballot order, qualified for the ballot: Vahe Hovanessian; Bill Wiggins; Amy Lawrence; David Gordon; and, Michael Dontanville.
Notice of the Election was given, precincts established, election officers appointed and the supplies furnished. Of the 46,847 eligible Burbank registered voters, a total of 11,399 votes were cast, received and canvassed as required by law. The votes cast represent a 24.3 percent voter turnout rate.
The canvass of the Election was completed on Friday, January 27, 2006 with the official results posted on the same day. The five-day protest period expires on Wednesday, February 1, 2006 at 5:00 p.m. No protests were received as of the printing of the agenda.
A summary of the votes cast in each precinct as well as the absentee votes for each of the candidates is attached to the resolution as Exhibit A. The summary indicates the following results:
David Gordon received the majority of the votes cast for the vacancy of Member of the City Council and as such is duly elected to office for the unexpired term ending April 30, 2009.
It is staff�s recommendation that the Council accept the returns as submitted by the City Clerk and officially declare the results of the Special Election held on January 24, 2006.
Respectfully submitted, Margarita Campos, CMC City Clerk