Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, January 31, 2006Agenda Item - 6 |
This report summarizes information contained in the Downtown Parking Management Implementation Plan prepared by Kimley-Horn and Associates in 2005. The plan describes the parking planning efforts to date, makes recommendations for parking improvements, and proposes an implementation schedule for completing the downtown parking program. Staff requests Council feedback on the recommendations included in the report.
Parking meters were installed in Downtown Burbank in the early 1950s; and by 1960, almost 1,100 parking meters were in place on downtown streets and in off-street lots. Meter fees of between $0.02 and $0.05 per hour raised about $65,000 per year, which were used exclusively for the purchase, regulation, and maintenance of public parking. All parking meters were removed in 1977 after a six month experimental elimination of parking fees.
Downtown parking issues moved to the forefront again in the late 1990s when Downtown Burbank began to flourish and parking demand intensified. The first of a series of parking studies was completed in 1999 by Parsons, Brinckerhoff, Quade & Douglas, Inc. (PBQ&D). This study offered a number of recommendations, including the formation of a downtown parking advisory committee to study parking issues and recommend actions to Council.
Council formed the Downtown Parking Management Committee (DPMC) in 1999 with an initial eight (8) members, and later twelve (12) members from the downtown area, to give staff guidance on parking matters and to advise Council on parking in the downtown area as illustrated in Attachment 1. The initial PBQ&D parking study was updated and expanded several times to assist the DPMC in the development of a coherent downtown parking management plan to improve the existing dysfunctional parking system.
In September 2004, staff presented Council a detailed discussion of current downtown parking issues. The primary issues are as follows:
Based on the information presented in 2004, Council authorized staff to proceed in the development of a parking management plan for the downtown area. Staff worked closely with the DPMC throughout program development to insure that the input of local merchants and business owners was included. Kimley-Horn and Associates was hired to develop a complete parking management plan, provide preliminary cost estimates to implement the plan, and to develop an implementation schedule.
The Downtown Parking Management Implementation Plan was presented to the Traffic and Transportation Committee on November 10, 2005, to the DPMC on November 17, 2005, and to the Downtown Property Based Improvement District (PBID) on January 23, 2006. All three groups indicated their support of the plan and recommended taking it to Council for consideration.
The Downtown Parking Management Implementation Plan incorporates the overall parking management goals and considers the best practices of other cities, applying them to improve Burbank�s current management operations. It discusses the staffing level required to develop and operate an effective parking management program and discusses parking enforcement enhancements. Parking control equipment and technology options are identified. Current and projected financial information and the potential costs and revenues of the program are presented.
To develop the plan, the first step was to clearly identify the parking management goals for the downtown area. These goals were modified and clarified through discussions with the DPMC, resulting in the following:
The parking management plan defines a series of parking policies and actions for each aspect of the parking plan to guide the implementation programming of the above goals. The policies are detailed in the plan and summarized below:
General Use Parking
Valet Parking
Employee Parking
Juror Parking
Parking Expansion
The goal setting effort coupled with proven practices of other similar communities with parking management programs enabled the development of a recommended parking management program for Burbank. The following summarizes the proposed parking system in Downtown Burbank:
Implementation Schedule
Implementation of the parking management plan is organized into four phases: Planning, Development, Implementation, and Operations. The proposed schedule is shown in Attachment 2. The schedule anticipates considerable Council involvement and establishes target dates for Council action concurrent with each phase. The initial Planning phase is complete with the Council actions of this meeting.
The Development phase will define specifics to implement the parking plan. During this phase, the Burbank Municipal Code will be revised to include metered and valet parking. Staff will refine the program budgets to establish and sustain the program, hire needed staff, select the enforcement system, and develop parking control equipment Plans Specifications & Estimates. We will also begin the public outreach which will continue throughout project implementation.
The Implementation phase will consist of acquisition and installation of parking system infrastructure, and the establishment of the parking enforcement program. Council will be involved in the selection of equipment and the enforcement system.
The final Operations phase of the implementation will involve the initial testing, debugging and start-up of the program. The public outreach program will reach culmination with the program operation.
The proposed parking management program is expected to cost about $2.6 million annually to operate over the next five years, including $3.6 million of amortized initial capital costs. Annual management and enforcement staff is estimated to cost $1.1 million, operation and maintenance cost are about $800,000, and amortized capital costs are about $300,000. As shown in Attachment 3, expected annual revenues are about $3.36 million based on a fee of $1.00 per hour on-street and $2.00 per hour off-street with the first two (2) off-street hours free.
Staff is requesting Council feedback on the Downtown Parking Management Implementation Plan.
Attachment 1 � Downtown Burbank Public Parking Diagram Attachment 2 � Proposed Downtown Burbank Parking Implementation Schedule Attachment 3 � Downtown Parking Financial Summary Attachment 4 - Downtown Parking Management Implementation Plan