Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, January 17, 2006Agenda Item - 3 |
To request Council approval of contract documents and award of a construction contract for Bid Schedule 1198 (BS 1198) � Burbank Landfill No. 3 Storm Damage Repair Project.
During the January 2005 storms, a large drainage pipe was damaged at the Burbank Landfill causing excessive erosion along the perimeter slopes of the site. This damage was reported to the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) as part of the City�s disaster recovery efforts.
The work described in BS 1198 includes removing the damaged pipe and replacing it with an open-channel shotcrete drainage structure. The eroded slopes and benches will be re-graded, and new down drains will be installed along adjacent slopes. This project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301(d) of the State CEQA Guidelines.
BS 1198 was advertised for bids on October 19 and October 22, 2005. Six copies of the bid were purchased from the Financial Services Department, and four potential bidders attended the mandatory pre-bid conference held on November 1, 2005. A bid opening was held on November 15, 2005, at which two bids were received in the amounts of $215,500 and $225,700, as shown on Exhibit A.
Sufficient funding for this project is available in Account No. 498.PW31B.15012.0000.15778. No refuse rate increase will be required because of this project. Staff will apply to FEMA for reimbursement once the work is completed; however, based on conversations with FEMA staff it is likely only partial reimbursement will be approved. The total amount of reimbursement is unknown at this time.
Staff recommends that the Council adopt the proposed resolution approving contract documents and awarding a construction contract for the Bid Schedule 1198 - Burbank Landfill No. 3 Storm Damage Repair Project.
Attachment: Exhibit A