Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Agenda Item - 7


                                              CITY OF BURBANK
                                  PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT



DATE: January 10, 2006
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager

Bonnie Teaford, Interim Public Works Director

By: Kreigh Hampel, Recycling Coordinator






Staff is requesting approval of an agreement between the cities of Burbank and Glendale to allow continued use of the Glendale household hazardous waste (HHW) facility, known as the Environmental Management Center (EMC), by Burbank residents through June 30, 2008.




City of Burbank residents began dropping off their HHW at the Glendale EMC in April 2000 at a cost to the City of $50 per vehicle.  The Glendale EMC is open four Wednesday mornings and one Saturday per month.  Each vehicle may drop off up to 15 gallons or 125 pounds of HHW. 


This cooperative relationship began with a year 2000 grant from the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB) and grew from an average of 70 Burbank vehicles per month to a peak average of 90 vehicles per month in 2001.  Increased use of the EMC resulted in the City�s annual financial commitment increasing from $20,000 per year in 2000 to $45,000 per year in 2001, 2002, and 2003.  Since 2004, however, when the Sun Valley SAFE Collection Center opened, Burbank residential use of the EMC has dropped significantly.  In calendar year 2004, some 417 Burbank residents, or less than half the number of residents in 2003, took HHW to the Glendale EMC, at a cost of $20,850.  The cost for the year 2005 is estimated at just under $20,000, based on the number of vehicles that have used the Glendale EMC in the past 11 months.     


Staff will manage expenses with Glendale by continuing to promote the SAFE Collection Center located at 11025 Randall Street in Sun Valley, as a primary HHW drop-off location.  Staff also promotes the annual Burbank and Glendale Los Angeles County HHW roundups on a Saturday in September and March respectively.  During the month of September, when the County HHW roundup occurs in Burbank, residents� use of the EMC usually reduces slightly.   




The use of the Glendale EMC has declined in the last two years mainly because the SAFE Center, which is approximately seven miles from Burbank and is open every Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.  SAFE is funded through landfill charges at all Los Angeles County landfills.  There is no per vehicle cost to the Burbank residents, nor to the City of Burbank for residential use of the SAFE Center. 


Even though staff will actively continue to promote the SAFE Center, we believe it is appropriate to renew our contractual relationship with Glendale because of the strong residential need for HHW disposal and the limited ability of some residents to use the SAFE Center.  Recycle Center staff estimates that it receives more disposal/recycling questions and inquiries about HHW than any other material.  Neither the CIWMB nor the Recycle Center sees a declining need for HHW disposal sites; however, staff will continue to promote the SAFE Center as a primary HHW drop off location.




Assuming that approximately 35 Burbank residents will use the Glendale EMC each month, staff budgeted $25,000 for its annual use.  Staff continues to encourage the use of the Sun Valley SAFE Center (and County HHW roundups) and anticipates that this funding level will be sufficient for the next few years.     




Staff recommends that the City Council adopt a resolution approving the HHW agreement with Glendale.






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