Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, January 10, 2006Agenda Item - 4 |
To request City Council�s approval for appropriation of additional funds in the amount of $818,309.00 for the Olive Avenue and Alameda Avenue Intersection Improvements Project and approval of contract documents and award of the construction contract for Bid Schedule No. 1174 .
Beginning with the Media District Specific Plan traffic study, and later confirmed by traffic studies for the Warner Brothers and NBC Studio Master Plans, improvements have long been identified as necessary for the Olive Avenue and Alameda Avenue intersection to continue to operate within the City�s level of service standards. Improvements to this important intersection have been identified as part of the City�s Infrastructure Blueprint, and the subject project has been included in the approved 2005/2006 Capital Improvement Program.
The proposed improvements are needed to increase capacity to maintain acceptable operations. The project consists of the following elements:
Currently, the intersection of Olive Avenue and Alameda Avenue is operating at a Level-of-Service B during the AM Peak Hour and at a Level-of-Service D during the PM Peak Hour. Given expected studio master plan build-out and other entitled development in the Media District, operation of this intersection is expected to worsen beyond Level-of-Service D within three to seven years, and will reach Level-of-Service F by 2025. Efficient operation of the intersection of Olive Avenue with Alameda Avenue is critical to maintaining adequate circulation along these major arterial corridors that serve the Media District.
The improvements included in the Olive Avenue and Alameda Avenue Intersection Improvements Project will increase intersection roadway capacity. In addition to accommodating short-term traffic needs, the Community Development Department Planning and Transportation Division staff have modeled these improvements as part of the long-range traffic analysis conducted for the Mobility Element update and have determined that these improvements will accommodate the growth predicted by the 2025 Reduced Growth Land Use Forecast approved by City Council for study as part of the General Plan update. The bid opening for Bid Schedule No. 1174 was held on November 1, 2005, and five (5) contractors submitted bids as follows:
1. Sequel Contractors Inc., Santa Fe Springs, CA $ 1,383,820.78
2. Griffith Company $ 1,470,902.00
3. Sully-Miller Contracting Co., Anaheim, CA $ 1,524,245.00
4. Olivas Valdez Inc., CA $ 1,550,670.00
5. Excel Paving, CA $ 1,734,916.00
Upon review of the bid documents, staff finds Sequel Contractors, Inc. to be the lowest responsible bidder. Staff has contacted the State of California Contractor�s State License Board and has found the license of Sequel Contractors Inc. is current, active, and in good standing. Additionally, staff contacted several references, which provided confirmation that Sequel Contractors, Inc. had satisfactorily completed their projects.
In addition to the construction contract amount, staff recommends a reserve for contingencies for this project of approximately 15 percent, or $207,600.00. The contingency of 15 percent is based on previous experience and is commensurate with the nature and condition of the project. This will allow staff to account for any incidental work and unforeseen field conditions that could be encountered during construction, and any resulting field modifications that may be necessary. Staff requests an additional $100,000.00 for construction management and inspection, and $85,000.00 for work to be done by Burbank Water and Power (BWP). Construction of this project is planned to occur between March and September 2006.
Fiscal Impact
The total for construction, construction contingency, construction management and inspection, and BWP�s efforts is $1,776,420.78. The available funds remaining after completing the design phase of the project are approximately $958,112.00. If Council approves tonight�s request, an additional $818,309.00 will be allocated from unappropriated Transportation Impact Fee revenues via Account No. 127.ND000.30004.0000.000000 to Account No. 127.CD33A.70002.0000.12701. This project is considered Categorical Exempt under CEQA Section 15301(c). Recommendation
Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the proposed resolution approving the appropriation of funds in the amount of $818,309.00, approving the contract documents and awarding a construction contract to Sequel Contractors, Inc. for Bid Schedule No. 1174, the Olive Avenue and Alameda Avenue Intersection Improvements Project.
Attachment: Exhibit A