Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, January 10, 2006Agenda Item - 3 |
PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to request City Council adoption of a proposed resolution revising the specifications and salaries for the classifications of Deputy Building Official (CTC No. 0256), Principal Plan Check Engineer (CTC No. 0683), and Senior Plan Check Engineer (CTC No. 0832), as shown in the attachments. BACKGROUND The Community Development Department�s Building Division processed 1,032 plan checks in FY 2004-05. Many of these plan checks include highly technical mechanical, electrical, plumbing, architectural, or structural elements. Of these 1,032 plan checks, only 663 of the less technical plans were reviewed by City staff. The remaining 369 plan checks, most of which included highly technical elements in the areas listed, necessitated outside review by a consultant. Historically, the Building Division has outsourced the more technical plan checks to consultants. However, the Building Division believes that by increasing the level of in-house expertise, that both efficiency and productivity will be increased. These efficiency improvements will enable the Division to internally review a large number of the plans currently being outsourced. ANALYSIS & CONCLUSION The current specifications for the classifications in the Plan Check Engineering series do not include the level of expertise in the specialized fields currently needed by the City. As such, the proposed revisions increase the level of expertise in the mechanical, electrical, plumbing, architectural, and structural fields. This in-house level of expertise will greatly reduce the need to utilize outside consultants. Outsourcing plan check work is not only costly, but it is also very time consuming and causes unnecessary delays. Bringing the needed expertise in-house, will improve customer service and reduce customer complaints. These classifications will remain subject to Civil Service Rules and the City�s Conflict of Interest Code. In addition, they will remain exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The Burbank Management Association (BMA) will continue to represent these classifications and the BMA has been advised of these revisions. The Community Development Director concurs with these recommendations. The Civil Service Board reviewed these revisions at their regular meeting on December 7, 2005. FISCAL IMPACT The new salary ranges for the Deputy Building Official, Principal Plan Check Engineer, and Senior Plan Check Engineer classifications were determined by comparing them with similar positions in Burbank�s survey cities. The new Deputy Building Official salary range will be $6,886 - $8,367. The new Principal Plan Check Engineer salary range will be $5,937 - $7,213. The new Senior Plan Check Engineer salary range will be $5,162 - $6,272. Overall, there will be an annual salary increase of $20,472 to the Division. The Building Division�s Principal Plan Check Engineer position has been vacant for several months. As such, the department will recognize a salary savings from this vacancy until the recruitment is completed and the position is filled (approximately March 2006). Therefore, this vacancy will provide more than $50,000 salary savings in this year�s budget to offset the salary increases. The recurring cost for this increase will be budgeted next fiscal year. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the resolution revising the specifications for the classifications of Deputy Building Official (CTC No. 0256), Principal Plan Check Engineer (CTC No. 0683), and Senior Plan Check Engineer (CTC No. 0832), as shown in the attachments.
Respectfully submitted, Judie Sarquiz Management Services Director