Council Agenda - City of Burbank

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Agenda Item - 13


                                              CITY OF BURBANK
                                   PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT



DATE: January 10, 2006
TO: Mary J. Alvord, City Manager

Bonnie Teaford, Interim Public Works Director

By:  Kenneth Johnson, Traffic Engineer





To provide City Council with preliminary information on the evaluation of a one-way pair operation on Chandler Boulevard between Mariposa Street and Pass Avenue, and to obtain City Council direction for the study process.




Mayor Jef Vander Borght requested information about the potential for modifying the traffic operation on Chandler Boulevard to one-way traffic flow on each side of the bike path.  In November 2005, staff prepared a memorandum that delineated the study process; including information collection, public outreach, and project evaluation for changing the Chandler Boulevard traffic pattern.  The following six steps were identified:

  • Collect traffic demand data

  • Prepare an analysis of impacts from the change

  • Conduct public outreach

  • Determine changeover costs

  • Prepare a City Council report

  • Develop a changeover plan

This memorandum outlines the progress of the evaluation for a Chandler Boulevard one-way operation.




A study of one-way operation on Chandler Boulevard was initially discussed at a City Council meeting in March 2005, and a study process and schedule was outlined in a memorandum to the City Manager in November 2005.  To date, a significant amount of initial work has been completed.  Traffic volume data collection is largely complete, and the analysis of existing traffic operations is underway.  The Transportation Commission and the Friends of Chandler Bikeway have given initial thoughts on potential issues associated with the one-way operation, and these issues are described below.  Staff has prepared an address listing of properties along Chandler Boulevard and its cross streets between Burbank Boulevard and Magnolia Boulevard for the public outreach component of the project.


Scope of Public Input


Public outreach is a large part of the Chandler Boulevard one-way study.  In addition to deliberation by City Council, the following groups will be requested to comment on the potential traffic modifications to Chandler Boulevard:

        The neighborhood surrounding Chandler Boulevard

        Friends of Chandler Bikeway

        Transportation Commission

        Traffic and Transportation Committee

Study Issues


A list of operations issues was developed to guide staff in the development of a comprehensive plan to change the traffic flow to a one-way pair operation.  The following issues were identified:

  • Existing traffic facilities on and near Chandler Boulevard � Traffic controls and traffic calming features will impact how the new operation functions.  These existing features are shown in Attachment 1.  The existing speed humps and chokers are of particular interest in future traffic operations near Chandler Boulevard.

  • Changes in travel distance and time � One-way pair operation inherently results in an increase in travel parameters.  The amount of increase will impact acceptance by the surrounding neighborhood

  • Traffic speeds on Chandler Boulevard � Current traffic speeds tend to be higher than desirable on certain sections of Chandler Boulevard.  The more efficient operation of the one-way pair may affect these travel speeds.

  • Change in travel patterns in the neighborhood � The one-way operation on Chandler Boulevard will change the directionality and volume of traffic on intersecting streets, particularly California Street, Keystone Street, and Pass Avenue.

  • Travel in alleys parallel to Chandler Boulevard � Alley usage may increase in an effort to circumvent the one-way operation.  The increased traffic is detrimental to garage access.

  • Design of the end transitions � Approaches to the one-way operation at Mariposa Street and Pass Avenue will be required.

  • Access to Edison School �Pick-up and drop-off operations at Edison School may be impacted by the revised operation of Chandler Boulevard.

  • Improved traffic signal operation � The Chandler Boulevard one-way operation will enable significant improvements to the traffic signal operation at Hollywood Way and at Buena Vista Street.

  • Potential for additional bikeway crossings � Additional crossings of the bikeway may help reduce increased travel distance and time.

  • Changeover implementation costs



The proposed operations study phase will have no fiscal impact, as existing City staff will be able to complete the work in-house.




Staff requests that City Council provide further direction on the scope, content, and schedule of the Chandler Boulevard Operations Study.




Attachments:     Figure 1 � Chandler Boulevard Traffic controls

Figure 2 � Existing Traffic Demand





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