Based on the submitted applications and
recommendations from the respective schools, it is staff�s recommendation
that the Council:
1. Confirm the following students for a
one-year mid-term appointment:
Burbank High
School Annie Zakarian
John Burroughs High
School Whitney White
Monterey High
School Michael Velazquez
Jordan Middle
School Nicholas Dao
John Muir Middle
School Michelle Shirtcliff
Luther Burbank Middle
School Casey Barbello
St. Francis
Xavier Darryn Albert
St. Robert Bellarmine
Ryan Thanaratnam
2. Appoint six At-large members for a
two-year term from the following eleven At-large applicants:
Brandon Barbello
Winnie Hobbs
Dietrich Diller
Sahdey Jass
Ashleigh Diller
James Nagy
Ferguson Shannon Stone
Anthony Galvez
Veronica Zamudio
Giannina Giombini