City of Burbank - Council Minutes

Saturday, May 6, 2006

An adjourned meeting of the Council of the City of Burbank was called to order this date at the Fire Training Center, 1845 North Ontario Street, at 9:11 a.m., by Mr. Campbell, Mayor.




Council Members Golonski, Gordon, Ramos, Vander Borght and Campbell.

Absent - - - -

Council Members None.

Also Present -

Ms. Alvord, City Manager; Mr. Barlow, City Attorney; and, Mrs. Campos, City Clerk.


Flag Salute

The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Council Member Vander Borght.





Appearing to comment were:  Don Elsmore, on the resurfacing of Buena Vista Street and the Burbank Boulevard Streetscape Project; LaVerne Thomas, on construction of sidewalks and disabled accessible ramps, especially along Alameda Avenue and requesting additional opportunity for public input prior to approvals of Development Review projects; and, Phil Berlin, on the criteria set forth in the hand-outs entitled �Our Expectations of Staff� and �How We Work Together.�



Review of


Ms. Alvord, City Manager, summarized the purpose of the meeting as an opportunity to achieve consensus on where staff should set priorities for the coming year, noting the Work Program will be established pursuant to what the Council considers the highest priorities for the community.  She also stated the agenda included a discussion about relationships, what it means to work as a team and how to work together to accomplish goals.  She added that staff had previously completed the goal setting exercise of identifying their top three goals for the community.



Expectations of





Ms. Alvord presented the handout entitled, �Our Expectations of Staff.�  She outlined the expectations as follows:  1) reports and presentations shall be made in an understandable and non-bureaucratic manner.  Style should encourage open discussion and exchange of ideas.  It is better for staff to provide too much rather than too little information on a topic, as a way to help the Council make informed decisions.  Presentations should summarize the information in the staff report, not review it verbatim.  Dr. Gordon requested that staff provide a brief one- or two-sentence description of what the item means to the public;

2) Reports and presentations shall provide an objective analysis of the issues and not be oriented to the advantage of a particular point of view.  Different alternatives or options shall be presented, as well as the discussion of the pros and cons of each;


3) There shall be a staff recommendation on each major issue and the basis for the staff recommendation shall be articulated.  The professional advice shall be given in a forthright and candid manner, even in the face of apparent opposition;


4) Staff shall enthusiastically and faithfully represent, defend and carry out the direction of the Council even when the final direction is contrary to the staff recommendation.  Dr. Gordon requested clarification on staff interpretation of Council direction and the two-step agenda process.  Staff was directed to ask for clarification and restatement of the final direction at the time the Council makes a decision to avoid confusion;


5) The Council shall be kept well-informed on what is going on and forewarned as to what potential problems or issues might exist just beyond the immediate horizon.  Discussion ensued regarding the sale of the NBC Catalina Street property and the Glendale-Burbank Interceptor Sewer Project;


6) Staff shall maintain open, cooperative, impartial and supportive of relationships with all members of the Council, regardless of any differences of opinion which might arise amongst the Council Members;


7) The City Manager, City Attorney and Executive Staff shall be readily available and responsive to all five members of the Council.  The Council Members should conduct all business with staff through the Executives and other key management individuals, and not directly with the rank-and-file employees;


8) Staff shall take direction from the Council, as a body, and not from individual Council Members.  Input from individual Council Members is appropriate, encouraged and appreciated. When Council Members provide input or ask questions, staff should not interpret those comments as �direction� and should do any appropriate follow-up through normal procedures and practices;



9) If differences or discord between the Council and the City Manager, City Attorney or Executive staff begin to appear, both the Council and staff agree to raise the discord with the whole Council.  This is a two-way street and Council-to-staff as well as staff-to-Council feedback is encouraged and appreciated; and,


10) It is the responsibility of the City Manager and key management staff to ensure that these values are faithfully implemented at all levels of the organization.



How We Work


Mayor Campbell presented the handout entitled, �How We Work Together.�  Mr. Vander Borght requested that Item No. 13 regarding giving all Council Members an opportunity to voice their opinion before publicly committing to a position at the meeting, be reworded to clarify that Council Members should clearly state their views on any given item during deliberations at meetings to enable open discussion, noting he has changed his mind on issues as a direct result of Council deliberations.  Mrs. Ramos noted that this matter was put on the list at her request during a time when she believed not enough deliberation was occurring prior to votes being taken.




Liaisons to


Task Forces/

























Ms. Alvord presented the list of Council and Agency Liaisons to Committees and Coalitions.  Discussion ensued as to whether there was a need for the Airport Subcommittee.  Ms. Alvord stated that issues regarding the Airport are brought before the entire Council.


It was moved by Mr. Golonski, seconded by Mr. Vander Borght and carried with Dr. Gordon voting no, �to eliminate the Airport Subcommittee.�


The following assignments were made to the Council and Agency Liaisons to Committees and Coalitions: Arroyo Verdugo Cities representative to Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) Regional Council,  Mr. Campbell (term expires May 2008); Arroyo Verdugo Subregion of SCAG Policy Committee, Mr. Campbell; Arroyo Verdugo Subregion of SCAG Subcommittee on Community, Economic and Housing Development, Mr. Campbell; Arroyo Verdugo Transit Corridor Committee/Mag-Lev Corridor Subcommittee,  Mr. Vander Borght and Mr. Campbell; Audit Committee, Mrs. Ramos and Mr. Vander Borght; Burbank Association of Realtors Liaison, Dr. Gordon; Burbank Boulevard Merchants Association Liaison, Mr. Vander Borght and Mr. Campbell; Burbank Priority in Education Liaison,  Mr. Golonski; Chamber of Commerce Liaison, Mr. Campbell. 


It was moved by Mr. Golonski, seconded by Mr. Vander Borght and carried, �to eliminate the Childcare Subcommittee.�


Community Services Building Committee, Mr. Vander Borght and Mr. Campbell; DeBell Clubhouse Renovation Committee, Mr. Vander Borght and Mr. Golonski; Domestic Violence Task Force, Mrs. Ramos and Mr. Golonski; Economic Alliance Liaison, Mr. Vander Borght and Mr. Campbell; Environmental Oversight Committee, Mr. Campbell and Dr. Gordon; League of California Cities - Los Angeles Division, Mr. Campbell and Mrs. Ramos (alternate); Magnolia Park Community Advisory Committee Liaisons, Mr. Vander Borght and Mrs. Ramos; Mayor�s Youth Task Force, Mr. Golonski and Mr. Campbell.


The Media Relations Committee was eliminated by consensus.


Memorial Stadium and High School Field Renovation Oversight Committee, Mr. Vander Borght and Mrs. Ramos; Old Buena Vista Library Site Committee, Mr. Golonski and Mrs. Ramos; Opportunity Site 6-B Committee, Mr. Vander Borght and Mr. Golonski; Peyton-Grismer Neighborhood Revitalization Committee, Mr. Golonski and Mr. Vander Borght.


The Providence St. Joseph Medical Center Liaison position was eliminated by consensus.


Public Information Office Advisory Committee, Mr. Golonski and Dr. Gordon; Real Estate Negotiations/Auto Dealers � Zero Site, Mr. Golonski and Mr. Vander Borght; Real Estate Negotiations/South San Fernando/Robert R. Ovrom Park, Mrs. Ramos and Mr. Golonski; Real Estate Negotiations/Center Trust/Downtown Revitalization Task Force, Mr. Golonski and Mr. Campbell; San Fernando Valley Service Sector Governance Council, Mrs. Ramos; Sister City Committee, Mr. Campbell; Site Specific Art Selection Committee for the Former Five Points Intersection, Mr. Vander Borght and Mr. Campbell; Transit Services Task Force, Mr. Vander Borght and Mr. Campbell; and, Treasurer�s Office Subcommittee, Mr. Golonski and Dr. Gordon.


The Workers Compensation Subcommittee was eliminated by consensus.



11:45 A.M.


The Council recessed at this time.  The meeting reconvened at 11:59 a.m. with all members present.



Goals and

Priorities of

Individual Council



Mayor Campbell requested that each Council Member state their individual top three goals and priorities for the coming fiscal year.  He expressed appreciation to the staff for their submission of goals, and for implementing some of the goals established by the Council during the past fiscal year.


Mayor Campbell submitted the following items:

1.  Continue to plan, develop and implement traffic congestion and neighborhood protection measures.

  1. Burbank Bus

  2. General Plan Update (enhance definition of city centers and corridors to preserve neighborhoods, promote pedestrian and bike friendly environments, improve mobility)

  3. Grade crossings/way-side horn implementation

2.  City beautification

  1. Burbank Boulevard, Magnolia Boulevard, South San Fernando Road and Olive Avenue.

  2. Pedestrian-friendly environments

  3. Art in Public Places

  4. Under-grounding of power poles

3.  Plan, develop, implement and expand sustainable measures

  1. Plan, develop and implement zero waste plan

  2. Expand reclaimed water system

  3. Plan, develop and acquire renewable power portfolio

  4. Plan, develop and implement strategies to target particulate matter pollution




Mrs. Ramos listed the following items:

1.  Fiscal Management

  1. Expand revenue base and evaluate efficiency and plan for new service delivery models

  2. Identify funding for public safety improvements, transportation and traffic improvements, and infrastructure upgrades

2.  Land Use

  1. Neighborhood Protection

  2. Parking availability in Magnolia Park, parking enforcement tools, shopping cart removal

  3. Affordable housing � focus neighborhoods, Blue Ribbon goals

  4. Green space improvements � flood control channels, near public transit stops, streetscape corners

  5. Update General Plan � principals of sustainability

3.  Community Building

  1. Enhance community well-being and connection with community services, i.e. Family Resource Centers, family youth services

  2. Enhance communication with community via website, reverse 911, E-Gov, continue outreach efforts




Dr. Gordon listed the following items:

1.  Infrastructure

  1. Be vigilant against inappropriate development which overburdens our infrastructure; assure that all projects are high quality development, adequately parked, and compatible with the existing neighborhoods

  2. Be vigilant in reducing traffic impacts while maintaining and enhancing convenient free parking citywide

  3. Improve pedestrian safety with better crosswalk lighting and signal timing

  4. Maintain current levels of service for city services, i.e., safety services, street sweeping, trash collection, forestry

2.  Budget Accountability

  1. Utilities.  Maintain rate stabilization funds and retain profits for maintenance and enhancements to Utility

  2. Development.  Review commercial Development Impact Fees and require development to pay its own way including all mitigation costs with emphasis on mitigation measures being in place prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy

3.  Airport � Protect the community by restricting Airport expansion




Mr. Golonski listed the following items:

1.  Community Building

  1. Volunteerism/citizen involvement

  2. Communication with residents

  3. Citizen survey

  4. Citywide/neighborhood celebrations and gatherings

  5. Carpooling

  6. Bike racks

2.  Infrastructure

  1. Street, alley, sidewalk maintenance

  2. Recycled water

3.  Youth

  1. Violence prevention in middle schools

  2. Counseling

  3. School/nonprofit involvement

  4. Grants

  5. Community Day School/Monterey School involvement




Mr. Vander Borght listed the following items:

1.  Reduce traffic congestion

  1. Burbank Bus

  2. Airport transit station

  3. East-West corridor specific plan

2.  Community and neighborhoods

  1. Improve 12 corners

3.  Reduce growth and development density





Following subsequent Council discussion on the above goals and there being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 1:09 p.m.



                                      Margarita Campos, CMC                   

                                                 City Clerk   







     Mayor of the Council

    of the City of Burbank


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