City of Burbank - Council Minutes

Monday, May 1, 2006

In accordance with Section 6 of the Charter of the City of Burbank, a meeting of the Council was held in the Council Chamber of the City Hall, 275 East Olive Avenue, on the above date for the purpose of selecting a new Mayor, Vice Mayor, and to make appointments to the League of California Cities.  The meeting was called to order at 10:09 a.m. by Mr. Vander Borght, Mayor.


The invocation was given by Bob Kramer, Community Assistance Coordinator.


The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Susan Vander Borght.




Council Members Campbell, Golonski, Gordon, Ramos and Vander Borght.

Absent - - - -

Council Members None.

Also Present -

Ms. Alvord, City Manager; Mr. Barlow, City Attorney; and, Mrs. Campos, City Clerk.



Mayor Vander


Mayor Vander Borght made welcoming remarks, introduced and presented his wife Susan with a bouquet of flowers.



Presentation of

Gifts to Staff

Mayor Vander Borght expressed appreciation to the Executive Staff and presented them with gifts in the following order: Donna Anderson, City Treasurer; Margarita Campos, City Clerk; Sharon Cohen, Library Services Director; Ron Davis, Burbank Water and Power General Manager; Sue Georgino, Community Development Director; Eric Hansen, Park, Recreation and Community Services Director; Tom Hoefel, Police Chief; Tracy Pansini, Fire Chief; Judie Sarquiz, Management Services Director; Bonnie Teaford, Interim Public Works Director; Jennifer Wyatt, Information Technology Director; Mike Flad, Assistant City Manager; Dennis Barlow, City Attorney; and, Mary Alvord, City Manager.  Flowers were presented to City Council Office staff members Karen Turner, Executive Assistant and Nonna von Sonn, Management Secretary.  Mayor Vander Borght also recognized and presented a gift to Betsy Dolan, Administrative Analyst, City Manager�s Office.  He also commended the staff in the City Manager�s Office as well as the Public Information Office and recognized the new Financial Services Director, Bob Torrez.



Vice Mayor


Vice Mayor Campbell commented on Mayor Vander Borght�s term noting that he has led the City with integrity, vision and thoughtfulness.  He presented the Mayor with a Council photograph and two plaques.



City Manager

Ms. Alvord, City Manager, commented on the accomplishments of the past mayoral term, which included: the dedication of the Magnolia Power Project; raising funds for the Red Cross and framing six homes in aid of the Hurricane Katrina victims; dedication and grand opening of the Golden State and Peyton-Grismer Family Resource Centers; celebration of IKEA�s 20th year in Burbank; ground breaking for the Champion Project in Downtown Burbank; establishment of a Banner Program honoring residents in active military duty; the installation of public art pieces at the Chandler Bikeway and Burbank Water and Power; ribbon cuttings for the Home Depot store, Corner Cottage Bakery, and Porto�s Bakery and Caf�; and, launching of the BurbankBus system.  She then presented Mayor Vander Borght with the traditional Mayor�s scrapbook and other commemorative gifts.



Mayor Vander


Mayor Vander Borght expressed appreciation to his colleagues on the City Council, and presented them with gifts.




The following legislative representatives made presentations to outgoing Mayor Vander Borght:  Larry Horner, representing Congressman Sherman; Suzy Jacobs, representing State Senator Scott; and, Lissa Zanvillen, representing Assembly Member Frommer.



Mayor Vander


Mayor Vander Borght called on each of the Council Members to introduce their families and friends in the audience.



Vice Mayor


Vice Mayor Campbell introduced his parents and several friends and relatives.



Mr. Golonski

Council Member Golonski introduced his wife Barbara and son, John.



Mr. Gordon

Council Member Gordon recognized his family that was not in attendance.



Mrs. Ramos

Council Member Ramos introduced her parents and recognized her family that was not in attendance.



There was no response to the Mayor�s invitation for oral communications.





Vice Mayor Ramos stated that �now is the time prescribed by the City Charter for the reorganization of the City Council.  Motions for the selection of Mayor and Vice Mayor are needed.�




Mr. Campbell


It was moved by Mrs. Ramos, seconded by Mr. Vander Borght and carried with Dr. Gordon voting no that "Vice Mayor Campbell be appointed to succeed Mayor Vander Borght as Mayor of the City of Burbank.�



Mayor Campbell

Mayor Campbell thanked his colleagues, family, friends and the community for their support.  He noted his desire for his mayoral term to be the year of a sustainable City in spite of the many challenges.  He stated that a sustainable City is one that: strives to make the community more walkable, bikable, transit-friendly and less auto-oriented; is people oriented; strives to harness renewable resources for power over fossil fuels; does not waste water and encourages reclamation; strives for zero waste; revitalizes business corridors and City centers; enables staff to concentrate on future City service needs while protecting the character of the residential neighborhoods that make the City distinct; has safe streets; exudes tolerance; and, ensures that the children and the schools remain ahead of the curve and are well funded to meet tomorrow�s challenges.     




Mrs. Ramos

Vice Mayor

It was moved by Mr. Golonski, seconded by Dr. Gordon and carried with Mrs. Ramos and Mr. Vander Borght voting no that "Mrs. Ramos be selected as Vice Mayor of the City of Burbank.�



Vice Mayor Ramos

Vice Mayor Ramos expressed appreciation to her colleagues for their support and thanked the community for the opportunity to serve.







It was moved by Mr. Golonski, seconded by Mr. Vander Borght and carried that "Mr. Campbell be appointed to serve as the City�s Director to the Los Angeles Division of the League of California Cities and that Mrs. Ramos serve as the alternate.�



Mayor Campbell

Mayor Campbell made final comments.




There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 11:17 a.m.


                                                       Margarita Campos, CMC

                                                                   City Clerk







      Mayor of the Council

     of the City of Burbank


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