Council Agenda - City of BurbankTuesday, December 6, 2005Agenda Item - 6 |
PURPOSE: The purpose of this report is to obtain approval of the contract documents, plans and specifications for bid award of Bid Schedule No. 1203 Robert Gross Park Picnic Facility Project.
The picnic area was not upgraded as part of the other capital improvements when the City acquired this facility, and can no longer be properly repaired or maintained. Additionally, the front entry requires re-landscape and installation of park signage to identify the park.
The over-all scope of the project encompasses the demolition of the existing shade structures, the pavement, the picnic tables and barbeque area. Renovation will incorporate replacement of the shade structures, new pavement, barbeques, picnic tables and other site amenities.
The most appropriate exemption best used for this construction and renovation project is section 15301 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
The landscape architectural firm of Hirsch & Associates estimated the construction cost to be $390,000. Bids were solicited and a total of nine (9) bids were received on November 8, 2005. Bids ranged from $399,878 to a high of $685,000. The successful low bid is the contracting firm of Vido Samarzich, Inc. Funding for this project is available in this year�s budgeted capital improvement projects, Account Numbers 301.CD21A.70005.0000.13636 and 534.PR21A.70005.0000.13636.
It is therefore staff�s recommendation that the contract document plans and specifications are approved, and the lowest responsible bid from the contracting firm of Vido Samarzich Inc. be awarded Bid Schedule No. 1203 for the Robert Gross Park Picnic Facility Project.